Does pinball machine count? If it does, I played with those darn things back in the early fifties. It was a gambling machine - nickel a game to try and get back more. Ended up losing more than winning. Taught me a good lesson though; I don't gamble much any more, even when we go to Reno or Vegas.
cicerone imposter wrote:Taught me a good lesson though; I don't gamble much any more, even when we go to Reno or Vegas.

And they don't HAVE casinos in Antarctica!!
When in Antartica, casinos will be the furthest from my mind.
The first game I ever played was on the Atari, when I was 3 or so. I really got into Frogger, and it was my first game I ever played.
First game...
Then Atari and Intellivision.
Earthworm jim, boooooyeeeaah
The main virtue of Pong was that you didn't really have to know how to read in order to play it, which was fortunate because I was playing it way before I knew how to read. Pretty much as soon as I learned how to sit upright.
This subject totally needs a poll, you know, how many people remember playing Pong before anything else
Icy-i remember playing that for hours.
I remember Combat with the tanks.
we gave my games to my grandmother for the atari...
she beat every last game within 6 months. and she totally kicked our collective asses in the process
got her a game boy, she totally beat tetris as well.
I miss grandma.
don't remember probably packman, since it was so long ago.
My first video game - pacman. A fellow in the landarch program showed it at a party at his house in the early eighties. We all got sucked right in. He dropped the landarch thing and now has an international firm dealing with locks/security, his hobby.
Anyway, my claim to fame is that I was shunned by the super mario people, too weird. My own small landscape architecture practice was in a room in a tiltup building in what is booked as Marina del Rey but is really in Mar Vista, that is on Redwood Avenue in west los angeles. (Real Estate naming takes precedence over postal zone in LA, which figures...)
Lots of editing/cgi going on in that neighborhood.
A pal did a lot of the editing of for some famous folk, just across the hall. Anyway, I used to be a senior project manager in a firm that was upstairs in that building, only that firm disbanded, thus my own 'firm' downstairs. (The people in the near-closet next to me started a wallclimbing business, and did very well...)
One day I got some mail for the folks in our old "suite", name was super mario, and I bounded upstairs to deliver it. Gads, shutdown and paranoiaville.
Which reminds me of the time the alarm went off and I was there working in the building alone on a sunday night, and ...
and nothing. Nobody came, no cops, nothing.
Freaked me out, but no problemo.
When that happened a year or two earlier to a photographer friend in a building in Santa Monica, cops came in with guns out. So, I was relieved in the later situation. I just left.
I had the old atari game with Pong on it first. But the first game I think I played at an arcade was Space Invaders.
I also remember absolutely being totally addicted to Defender for a while. That game kicked ass!
super mario world and super mario all stars, ALL ON SNES
ahh, the classics, those were the golden days.
Those are the classics?
The first console game I can remember playing was super mario bros after my parents got me an nes. But on computer I used to use a IIgs and some other old crap. Real old stuff.
well, didn't most games take off around the SNES/NES era?
if you go to
EmuAsylum you'll see that in the roms section, NES makes up 8000+ roms, SNES makes up 6000+ roms, while the older consoles held much less.
i don't see that many people with atari 2600s and the like, but i know there are many with NES/SNES, and i consider the games on those 2 popular consoles to be classics, because i though classic means an established model and something of a well known type (i.e. classic mistake, classic architecture).
Hey! Can anybody help me find my absolute favorite PC game? It's called "Wolfpack"; put out by Broderbund. I'd love to buy a copy.
the first game I played was mario.
Wow, this seems to be an old thread with lots of history... but as it's been revived, I'd like to chime in: my first game ever was "Bonzo", and I played it on a VC 20 which only a small number of people will remember :-) Was the predecessor of the Commodore 64... And we had the game on a datasette, a cassette recorder type thingie for a computer :-)
Mine would have to be, Mario for the regualar nintendo, I was fortunate enough to be born when nintendo came out!
OMG we are telling our age... Pong on the Atari. Around 1975.