Well I started at home with that silly game..was that pong? like the most boring tennis youve ever played?
My Dad owned a pool hall though...so this is scary...Tank I think it was called...just a tank going around a battlefield where you blew stuff up...then it was Space Invaders, then Asteroids...after that Dad sold the place and I had to go in search of stuff...yep! Pizza place for Ms. Pac Man <moment of pride...Junior, a few stages in>, bowling alley for Tempest, Donkey Kong, Galaga and Centipede.
The big night out was to the Arcade though...all the good ones...most of the list there that k posted.
I loved Star Wars...and there was another Star one...only one arcade in the area had it...it was like asteroids but in color with double ships...verra kewl...still havent been able to find that one