Islam Can Not be Trusted wth Historical Treasure

Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 09:51 pm
The argument that the Koran does not promote violence goes nowhere, because when Islam's leaders promote killing in the religions houses of worship then Islam is promoting killing.

Oh? So when killings and other evil deeds is being promoted in some Christian houses of worship then Christianity and the bible is promoting killings?
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 09:57 pm
BillRM wrote:

The argument that the Koran does not promote violence goes nowhere, because when Islam's leaders promote killing in the religions houses of worship then Islam is promoting killing.

Oh? So when killings and other evil deeds is being promoted in some Christian houses of worship then Christianity and the bible is promoting killings?

right, which runs parallel to my argument that until and unless women disown the feminists all women are partly responsible for the bad things they do, because the feminists claim to be speaking for all women. Muslims must publicly state that those who preach violence do not speak for their religion, that they are criminals wrapping themselves in religious garb.
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:03 pm
Muslims must publicly state that those who preach violence do not speak for their religion,

Oh so you are of the opinion that Muslims and Muslims leaders had not indeed stated that the actions of ISIS and such is not cover by their religion?

You get all your news from Fox?



n Reality, Top Muslim Leaders And Groups -- Like The Organization of Islamic Cooperation -- Have Condemned The Islamic State

The Organization Of Islamic Cooperation: The Islamic State Has "Nothing To Do With Islam," Has Committed Crimes "That Cannot Be Tolerated." As the Vatican's internal news source reported, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 countries around the world, condemned the Islamic State's persecution of of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq, saying the "forced deportation under the threat of execution" is a "crime that cannot be tolerated." According to the Vatican:

The Secretary General also distanced Islam from the actions of the militant group known as ISIS, saying they 'have nothing to do with Islam and its principles that call for justice, kindness, fairness, freedom of faith and coexistence.' [Vatican Radio, 7/25/14]

Al-Azhar: Islamic State Is Corrupt And "A Danger To Islam." Lebanese paper The Daily Star reported that Al-Azhar's Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam, Egypt's highest religious authority, denounced the Islamic State as a threat to Islam and said that the group both violates Sharia law and humanitarian law: "[They] give an opportunity for those who seek to harm us, to destroy us and interfere in our affairs with the [pretext of a] call to fight terrorism." [The Daily Star, 8/13/14]

Arab League: "Strongly Denounced" The "Crimes Against Humanity" Carried Out By The Islamic State. On August 11, Nabil al-Arabi, the Arab League Chief, denounced acts committed by the Islamic State in Iraq as "crimes against humanity," demanding that they be brought to justice. According to Al Arabiya News, he said in a statement that he "strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorist (ISIS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis." [Al Arabiya News, 8/11/14]

Turkey's Top Cleric: Islamic State's Threats Are "Hugely Damaging," "Truly Awful." Turkey's highest ranking cleric, Mehmet Gormez, decried the Islamic State's declaration of a "caliphate" and argued that the statements were damaging to the Muslim community, according to Reuters:

"Such declarations have no legitimacy whatsoever," Mehmet Gormez, head of the Religious Affairs Directorate, the highest religious authority in Turkey, which, although a majority Muslim country, has been a secular state since the 1920s.

"Since the caliphate was abolished ... there have been movements that think they can pull together the Muslim world by re-establishing a caliphate, but they have nothing to do with reality, whether from a political or legal perspective."

Gormez said death threats against non-Muslims made by the group, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), were hugely damaging.

"The statement made against Christians is truly awful. Islamic scholars need to focus on this (because) an inability to peacefully sustain other faiths and cultures heralds the collapse of a civilization," he told Reuters in an interview. [Reuters, 7/22/14]

CAIR Repeatedly Condemned The Islamic State As "Un-Islamic And Morally Repugnant." In a July 7 statement, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the terrorist group "un-Islamic and morally repugnant," noted that the Islamic State's "human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented," and called on other Muslim community leaders to speak out against the violence. CAIR reiterated the condemnation of the Islamic State as "both un-Islamic and morally repugnant" on August 11, and on August 21, CAIR once again condemned the group, calling the killing of American journalist James Foley "gruesome and barbaric":

We strongly condemn this gruesome and barbaric killing as a violation of Islamic beliefs and of universally-accepted international norms mandating the protection of prisoners and journalists during conflicts.

The Geneva Conventions, the Quran - Islam's revealed text - and the traditions (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad all require that prisoners not be harmed in any way. There can be no excuse or justification for such criminal and bloodthirsty actions.

We also call on those holding Steven Sotloff and other prisoners to immediately release them unharmed so they may return to their loved ones. [Council on American-Islamic Relations, 7/7/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/11/14; Council on American-Islamic Relations, 8/20/14]

The Muslim Council Of Great Britain: "Violence Has No Place In Religion." The Muslim Council of Great Britain condemned the Islamic State's actions and expressed that they do not represent Sunni Muslims, according to The Independent. Shuja Shafi, a member of the council also said: "Violence has no place in religion, violence has no religion. It is prohibited for people to present themselves for destruction." [The Independent, 7/11/14]

The Islamic Society of North America: The Islamic State's Actions "Are To Be Denounced And Are In No Way Representative Of What Islam Actually Teaches. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) released a statement denouncing the Islamic State "for its attacks on Iraq's religious minorities and the destruction of their places of worship." ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid said, "ISIS actions against religious minorities in Iraq violate the Quranic teaching, 'Let there be no compulsion in religion' (Surat al-Baqara 2:256)," adding, "Their actions are to be denounced and are in no way representative of what Islam actually teaches." [The Islamic Society of North America, 8/9/14]

100 Sunni And Shiite U.K. Imams: The Islamic State Is An "Illegitimate, Vicious Group." As the Huffington Post reported, 100 Sunni and Shiite Imams from the U.K. came together to produce a video denouncing the Islamic State, releasing a statement that they wanted to "come together to emphasise the importance of unity in the UK and to decree ISIS as an illegitimate, vicious group who do not represent Islam in any way."

0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:17 pm
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:31 pm
Lip service for idiots.
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:39 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 10:41 pm
Lip service for idiots.

Well I agree that there are idiots on this thread.
Reply Sat 28 Feb, 2015 11:06 pm
Well I agree that there are idiots on this thread.

Read this and maybe you can get past that.


Politically and culturally, this is the critical difference between the Quran and the Bible. There are notions of covenant in the Quran but they are utterly without nuance, monolithic, and locked in time. The Quranic concept of covenant is stunted and forever bound to the primitive culture and time in which it was devised. The Israelites were instructed to utterly destroy their enemies who occupied the promised land, to kill men, women, and children; to utterly destroy cultures, even down to their livestock. However, the Bible is crystal clear for any serious reader, these commands were delivered exclusively to the descendants of Abraham and for a specific purpose, with a limited objective, and because of a distinct relationship with God, His justice, and His plan of redemption.

The Quran knows no such limitations but authorizes barbarities in perpetuity, with a universal objective, and as a primary means of propagating Muhammad’s view of a global, theocratic Islamic kingdom. The sword becomes just another means to an end in the hands of the capricious and power mad. When interpreted through the prism of the hadith, and even within the context of the Quran itself, passages such as “And wage war on all of the idolaters as they are waging war on all of you. And know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him).” Juz 10:36, and “Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, then making fast of bonds…” Juz 26:4 A propensity to violence is not Quranic heresy but sanctioned orthodoxy.

Christ has something very different to say about the nature of His kingdom in this New Covenant age: “Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 18:36 Christ’s kingdom is not political, but spiritual, and the advancement of Christ’s kingdom is to be accomplished by “the foolishness of preaching.” I Corinthians 1:21. The Crusades and the inquisition were aberrations, departures from the clear teaching of Christ and were and are universally condemned by the Church. We live during the flowering of God’s redemptive plan, under the New Covenant’s outpouring of grace. Liberalism’s attempt to besmirch the doctrines of Christ with the creation of Mohammad is nothing short of grotesque blasphemy. It is the deepest calumny to fabricate a moral equivalency between two diametrically opposed theologies; the success of which depends exclusively on the ignorance and gullibility of an uneducated populace.

Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 12:04 am
Sorry but the bible and the Koran are on equal footing in allowing people looking to find excused for murders and other evil deeds justifications, no matter how must double talk is being used to try to state otherwise.

History for at least the last thousands years had proven that beyond question.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 12:57 pm

We are dealing with the present. Again you deny reality with empty useless words.
Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 01:44 pm
coldjoint wrote:
We are dealing with the present. Again you deny reality with empty useless words.
Oh. Shocked And why did you post that townhall article? It reports about some fairies which are said to have happened 2,000 years ago.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 02:33 pm
We are dealing with the present

We or at least I am dealing with the fact that history had shown that the Koran and Islam is not a bit difference as far as misused is concern then the Bible and Christianity.

Just because for this short moment in history there is more groups misusing the Koran then the Bible is kind of beside the point as there is no reason to think it could not be the other way around tomorrow.
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 03:49 pm
Just because for this short moment in history

Short for these people.
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2015.02.27 (Mainok, Nigeria) - Islamist gunmen walk into a market and shoot fourteen traders to death.
2015.02.27 (Nangarhar, Afghanistan) - Two children are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.26 (Jos, Nigeria) - A dozen students are among seventeen innocents shredded by Islamist bombers at a bus station.
2015.02.26 (Zaourararm, Niger) - Two villagers on a horse-driven car are taken out by Boko Haram bombers.
2015.02.26 (Biu, Nigeria) - Nineteen people, including several women, are reduced to pulp by a suicide bomber at a market.
2015.02.26 (Cairo, Egypt) - A person bleeds to death outside a pizzeria following a Religion of Peace bomb blast.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.

How about the short time it will take to kill these bastards and call Islam on its doctrine and the inhumanity of it and its prophet.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2015 03:52 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Oh. Shocked And why did you post that townhall article? It reports about some fairies which are said to have happened 2,000 years ago.

Because I can, Wally.http://www.alien-earth.com/images/smileys/headbang.gif
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 06:44 pm


Why does ISIS target other Muslims most?
ISIS has a very narrow definition of who is a real Muslim and who is an apostate. Foremost, a Muslim must practice Sunni Islam in its eyes.

The group is quick to practice "takfir," which amounts to the excommunication of a Muslim, for things as seemingly petty as shaving off one's beard or voting in an election. ISIS is quick to kill anyone it condemns, because it wants to create a fanatically pure caliphate with only the strictest devotees, Wood wrote.

ISIS has executed 125 of its own members for doing things that broke with its strict take on Islam, the Syrian Observatory said.
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 08:39 pm

Why does ISIS target other Muslims most?

You are saying nothing new. How do you suppose we stop these people besides killing them?
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 09:11 pm
You are saying nothing new. How do you suppose we stop these people besides killing them?

I have no problem at all with killing ISIS members and such I do have a problem with people like you trying to turn this into a religion war against one third of the human race when Muslims are more victims of such groups then non-Muslims.
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 09:16 pm
third of the human race

You would think someone in that third would see that Islam is a cancer and needs to be reformed. And amass enough of that third to do it.

Until then Muslims should expect to be killed and hopefully profiled in free countries. Also remember Bill this is a reality.
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 10:00 pm
would see that Islam is a cancer

No more and no less then Christianity or any of he other major world religions.

As an atheist it is my opinion that the world would be a far better place without all the religion nonsense however Islam is no worst or not better in that regard then any of the other faiths.

In fact, I sometimes wonder if you are an agent of ISIS as they would like nothing better then a large scale religion war of the kind you are trying to promote on this website.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2015 10:05 pm
Until then Muslims should expect to be killed and hopefully profiled in free countries.

By the way how can any country be free who would killed or even profiled people only for their faiths?

Seems that you would fit into an ISIS based society far better then any Western one.

LOL why do you not come clean and admit that you are an agent of ISIS?


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