Democratic Support For Hillary Clinton Drops 15 Points, Poll Shows
by unapologeticliberal777Follow for unapologeticliberal777
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In a stunning shift, in a new poll released on March 19, 2015, Democratic support for Hillary Clinton's anticipated presidential campaign is tanking amid growing controversy over her use of personal email when secretary of state, but most Democrats are for now sticking by their party's presumed candidate.
Support for Clinton has dropped a full 15 percentage points since mid-February among Democrats, with as few as 45 percent saying they would support her in the last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll.
Even Democrats who said they were not personally swayed one way or another by the email flap said that Clinton could fare worse because of it, if and when she launches her presidential campaign, a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.
The online poll of 2,128 adults from March 10 to March 17 revealed that Americans, including two-thirds of Democrats, said they were aware of the controversy surrounding Clinton's decision to use her personal email rather than a government account, along with a personal server, when she was the top U.S. diplomat from 2009 to 2013.
More than a third of Democrats and 44 percent of political independents agreed that the email issue has hurt the former secretary of state politically.
"I admire the fact that she has been so strong on a lot of different things, she stands up for what she believes in, but I do think the emails will hurt her, unfortunately," said Patricia Peacock, 49, of Lewiston, Maine, who took part in the survey.
Clinton has tried to tamp down accusations that she used her personal email account to keep her records from public review, which would support an old political narrative that Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, are secretive and seek to play by a different set of rules.
The poll found that 46 percent of Democrats agreed there should be an independent review of all Clinton's emails to ensure she turned over everything that is work related. And 41 percent of Democrats said they supported the Republican-controlled congressional committee's effort to require Clinton to testify about the emails, the Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.
The poll found that half of Democrats said they thought Clinton was composed during the March 10 press conference, but 14 percent found her evasive and 17 percent said she avoided answering questions directly.
Survey respondent Tom Trevathan, 74, a retired math professor from Arkansas, said he was "less than happy" with Clinton's performance at the news conference.
"It reminds me of a history she has had not responding thoroughly to inquiries," Trevathan said. "If she would be more open about the situation, and show more leadership in saying what she did and why, I think it would be better."
The way Clinton has handled the issue of her emails is exactly why everyone in the party should question whether she can handle being the nominee. David Axelrod was on MSNBC for a week begging her to get out in front of the situation but it took her a week to do so. It's the 2008 campaign all over again.
The House is now going to subpoena her server and is pushing to have a third party look at every single email she deleted, all 50,000. Do you see the train wreck coming? I do - deleted emails about Benghazi and a whole host of other issues that she "accidently" deleted that will erupt in the fall of 2016.
The email issue, rightly or wrongly, is having a huge impact, clearly amongst even Democratic voters. It's time some other candidates jump in the nominating process because clearly Clinton is having issues again running her campaign.