@Frank Apisa,
a Ralph Nader style campaign. To run a professional one both money and career Politician Marketing staff are required, and increasingly heavy pressure is applied to not send money too or go work for campaigns that have not been signed off on by the major party stakeholders. Hillary has been able to over the last three years convince enough of the party elite that the D's best chance is with her, and she made it clear that she does not want to get pulled to the left during a primary so that she needs to put all of that energy in repositioning herself months later so that she can try the beat the R candidate. She also thinks it is her turn, and she is not going to get screwed by an opportunistic up and comer, so she she be given the nomination (by dismissing the voters, by running her unopposed).The word has been given that no one is to challenge her, and anyone who does or who helps those who do will down the road be punished for their disobedience. The thing that Americans refuse to learn is that after Gingrich/Delay/Armey showed how it is done the party elite have increasingly been turning the screws on those under them.
Think about it....20 years ago would it ever have crossed your mind that one of the parties might offer voter only one candidate, on par with what is done in dictatorships?
Quote:Your position on this is absurd.
More likely you are living in your fantasy world. Clueless.