@Frank Apisa,
Quote:I'm actually hoping she doesn't.
If Hillary doesn't run, the chances of the Republicans taking the White House seems more of a possibility. I am not a hardline Hillary fan -- she started her political life as a Republican who worked for Richard Nixon. When she married Bill she changed parties. I don't hold "changing" or switching parties against her, but it gives me an invaluable appreciation of the Hillary persona. She was for invading Iraq, an Unnecessary war; America lost 4,500 military -- Hillary is a hardliner and is for Wall Street. She and her husband Bill are wealthier by over 100 million dollars. Yet, she, in my humble opinion, is nowhere as coldly calculating as the Republicans and because she appear to represents mainstreet America more so than the Republicans, she has more than the edge of beating the latter in 2016.
Elizabeth Warren has said she would not run. Yet, there is movement to draft Warren. If she were to decide to run, she would probably brighten the hopes of many who hold a personal disdain for Hillary. At this late date, with all the big money being sworn to Clinton, I do not believe chances of a Warren candidacy are very bright.
In the finality, I will vote for Hillary if there is no other viable candidate running. I just want to record that Hillary is not my first choice, but there simply are no others with the sure-footedness of Clinton of winning in 2016.