@Frank Apisa,
In Game of Thrones Littlefinger tells a whore that all the men know why they are in the brothel, they know that they are engaged in fee for service, that what goes on is not real. He tells her that her job is to be so convincing at faking passion that he forgets this, to make sure that he walks away thinking that his dick produced all of that passion from her. This talent is what marks a top shelf whore.
Same thing with politicians. But Hillary cant do this for most people, she is not that good at this game, all many/most of us see is a lying scheming politician. And she is going to be president the D bosses think? No way no how, unless the R's are even more stupid, which is possible. The fact that she has never accomplished much of anything, that her last run at the chair imploded and that she got beat convincingly by a nobody who can talk good and had a more popular color of skin should have been a clue. Apparently not.