@bobsal u1553115,
Hillary is center left.
Surely you jest, Bobsal. Hillary began her career in politics as a conservative. She then volunteered to campaign for Republican candidate Barry Goldwater in the U.S. presidential election of 1964. Hillary Rodham's early political development was shaped most by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anticommunist), who introduced her to Goldwater's "The Conscience of a Conservative."
Quote:She's definitely left of Bill, but she backed a lot of Bush's crap to keep herself seen as engaged in conditions on the ground as an effective Senator and not be seen as running for higher office the whole time.
Politically, Hillary Clinton is to the right of Bill (she's conservative by nature) and became a Democrat when she married her husband who subsequently became Democratic Governor of Arkansas. Hillary Clinton is above average when it comes to personal determination and everything she has done has been to further her political aspirations.
At 67 and a multimillionaire, most women in such a position would be content to enjoy their wealth, grandchild, and just enjoy the good life. Hillary Clinton has always appeared to be in a hurry as this is very much a part of who she is. I believe she will make a good president and will have two terms unless there are health problems to contend with as she advances in age. I think she will work hard for the American people. Despite Hillary's seemingly excessive ambition, fundamentally, I believe her to be a good person. And she is heads above any of the Republican clowns running for president of the US.