I live in KY, there is probably no way Hillary would win in my state. But I admit, I am struggling with the whole Hillary Clinton potential presidential run. The reason is kind of shallow as I already explained dealing with 2008.
I took a look at her record and for the most part, I agreed with a lot of them. Like Obama, I think she may have evolved since on the civil unions vs. gay marriage issue? I would wish she was not so much a policitian and Pro Israel. It is not that I want a candidate who is anti-Israel, but one who actually sees both sides points of views. I have been disappointed in Obama regarding the Palestinians as well. However, now he is saying they will weigh options of the UN/Palestinian state thing. I know that won't make it official, but it is a step.
I personally was not impressed with how she handled the whole Benghazi episode and think her flip attitude was not her best moment. On the Iraqi vote, for me, that was not or is not now a deciding factor though it may have been for some. Except a few lone democrats, they all felt and voted the same way. It was popular so to speak to be "Patriotic" and ready to go to war at the time and not seen as weak on war. It is a shame the disaster of Iraq and lives lost on all sides turned the tide on that prevailing attitude, I think we as a whole country got shook up after 9/11 and Iraq knocked some sense back into us. (Just my rambling thoughts)
I don't think Clinton just voted to swing votes, if I thought that, there is no way I could vote for her. I think she honestly believed in what she was saying voted accordingly. She was wrong, but so were a lot of other democrats.