Hi Lvilleqt
I am also in an unhappy marriage. This sent me to an online chatting site, where I met a man also in the same situation (both in our 40's with older children). We emailed daily, spoke on the phone, and skype and fell in love. We lived on opposite sides of the globe, but managed to meet up after a year. We got along fantastically, and our relationship lasted another 5 months. After a few misunderstandings, he said he was taking a 6 week break from writing to me, as he had some issues with work and his wife. I never heard from him again, so after 2 months I emailed him, to see how he was and if he had sorted things out. He admitted he was avoiding me, as he didn't know what to say to me. His wife was pregnant, and although he was shocked at first, he was now excited about it and didn't want to write to me anymore. He said he would always love me, but some thins are not meant to be. I thoroughly understand where he is coming from, but what hurts so much is that I traveled across the world for him, we shared so much for nearly two years, and I seriously don't think he ever intended to tell me, if I didn't email him. I am trying to believe that what we had was real, but how can someone say they love you and just cut you off like you were never a part of their lives. We were always never going to be together in the normal way, we are both culturally and religiously different, but I thought we had something special and long lasting. Now I think I was played. It is now three weeks since the email, and I am trying to forget, but I can't. I really need help to get over him. I have a full life, work, study, but the minute I'm alone, the tears come.