Where is their data, what is their methodology, and where is their published work? Oh, they don't have any of that, and they only have claims while they haven't actually done any science. Look, appealing to conspiracy theories about science to try and give your non-academic citation credulity is laughable. However, even within that which you quoted, we can already find pseudoscience :
Quote:When does the connection of parent and child begin? Is it at birth, or is it some time during pregnancy, when the first fluttery kicks announce the baby's presence? Does it begin at the moment of conception - or perhaps even earlier?
First of all, any kicking generally begins with reflexes, and later when the brain actually develops connections to the nervous system to which connect to the legs and feet. And even then, any conscious kicking isn't till those higher order brain functions develop. Next, kicking isn't a form of communication, there is no language involved and not transmission of meaningful information. Furthermore, your citation doesn't define what a "connection to parent" even means. So far the above speaks of physical connection and awareness, not some talking fetus telepathically communicating with the mother in her dreams.
Quote:"My dreams about my daughter started about one year before we conceived her.
Magical talking fetus before conception.. Yeahhhh....., I think it's safe to say this woman is selling bullshit.
Quote:That night, I had a dream that seemed to last all night long. I was talking to a little girl in the dream. We were just light and carefree and chatting about anything and everything. I woke up remembering the dream vividly and feeling great.
Yeah, and I had a dream of owning a kitten and how it would play and communicate with me, love me, and so forth.. Wow, the cat I found must have been her! /s ... Sheesh, I even had a dream that I was a space ranger to, and even reoccurring dreams about things I've really wanted. I'm sorry, but this argument through made up testimonials is severely lacking in credulity. All it shows at best is that someone can dream about something they want, especially if it is something they really and deeply want. As in that which they are emotionally invested into wanting.. This reminds me of vivid dreams such as the guy who suffered a deep water blackout and then supposedly experienced leaving Earth, flying through space, and meeting aliens.. Well, that was just a dream too and didn't really happen either.
Essentially, you let me know when they get published in an accredited journal, when they do the science, and when they can survive peer review. You let me know when they can present a magical communicating fetus missing it's atoms, and by what data connection they are using. Especially when cognitive information is in the format of ion and photon based information, this in which biological systems such as the brain use to communicate.
Basically, you're asking us to believe in magic through appeals to ignorance and emotion. I'm left wanting to be impressed.
Oh, and I checked out the source citation from the journal of psychology, and not to my surprise it was quote mined. Hence it doesn't actually say what you're trying to imply, or what the loon of that website was trying to imply what-so-ever.
Prenatal development of consciousness is likely as the brain develops. Especially after 27 weeks. The only thing the paper establishes is that sensory information in the womb become a part of a fetuses conscious self. But sadly the paper references sources of woo as well such as those that claim superphenomenal sources, a fancy word for injecting supernatural woo.. What's worse, is that this paper has not inspired any further research into it's claims. It's also not in an accredited journal, it is rather a journal in where if you pay a fee, you can get pretty much anything published. It also states a claim that this is somehow beyond physics even though we know that consciousness is most likely a state of matter..., this being since we discovered that energy and information are two sides of the same coin, and that we are physically effected by time particle dilation... Yes, consciousness is physical, and likely electromagnetic phenomenon:
We understand it well enough that we can now start developing ion based transistors and processors to which can directly communicate with biological systems such as the brain. Even the color you see is Ion / photon (electromagnetic) waves and frequencies. That's right, your visual conscious state is electromagnetic sensory information. We can take it away, and even give it back in certain cases such as 3D printing you a new retina.