parados wrote:So they were about to introduce and pass legislation that wasn't authored and didn't exist?
Introduce, yes. Pass, I suspect so.
parados wrote:Do you know how the legislative process works? You can't vote on something until it is on the calendar. It isn't on the calendar for a vote until it has gone through committee. It can't go through committee until it is on the committee calendar. It can't be on the committee calendar until it has been assigned to the committee. It can't be assigned to the committee unless it has been introduced. It can't be introduced until it is written. Since they hadn't written anything it wasn't about to be introduced.
It was about to be introduced.
parados wrote:It certainly wasn't about to be passed.
I suspect they would have gotten it passed relatively quickly. We'll never know though.
parados wrote:You are talking nonsense, oralloy.
I'm merely pointing out facts.
parados wrote:You are claiming something that didn't exist was going to magically appear if only Obama hadn't made it disappear.
No magic. It would have been introduced just like any other legislation.
Incidentally I don't think Mr. Obama intentionally blocked the moderates. I think he was under a lot of pressure to act unilaterally and didn't realize that he was undercutting the very legislation that he wanted.
That's why I think it might be possible for him to rebuild those burnt bridges if the courts do ultimately strike down his executive orders.
parados wrote:It's fantasy to argue they were about to introduce legislation let alone pass it.
They were about to introduce it. I think it would have passed fairly easily. There are a lot of Republican leaders who want it to pass so they can be done with the issue.