Well Coldjoint, you and I are unquestionably on different sides of this issue. And that is fine. I don't want to get into a yelling match with you.
On this thread I am more interested in the political strategy. I think the Republicans are caught in a very difficult position. This will hurt them politically (and I plan to enjoy the thrashing about).
You are going to see the top Republicans trying to get the angry White conservative Republicans to calm down and, more importantly, to keep them from saying anything stupid. The angry White people aren't going to be too happy with the Republican leadership..
The conversation between Republican leaders (who would like the party to remain politically viable in 2016 and beyond) and the angry white conservative (who is worried about what they see as an invasion of brown-skinned people) is going to be fun to watch. There is nothing better than watching your opposition fight among themselves.
Since I am not part of this conversation... I am going out for popcorn.