In this World, people do good.
In this World, people do bad.
Let's look at this shall we?
Cosby got famous by his wit. A wit that he learnt to use to hide behind as an awkward teenager which made people laugh and as a result he continued as a Comedian.
That awarded him even more laughs and so History shows us a famous Comedian.
His ego now being so high, that and marrying a 19 year old in his 30's, boosting that ego even higher, awarded him to use his funds to, well, boost his ego even higher. Cosby the Saint.
Clever really.
Because, Cosby the Saint, I mean what woman being drugged and raped or drugged and forced to give a blow job is going be believed by the World that this Saintly man did this. Might as well put baby in the corner.
And, that is what those women did.
Until one day, someone decided to "again" stand for her rights after all no one believed her 30 years ago and that Saint fell and is falling further to the extent that he never did any good. Like everything Cosby did, it was to hide behind something, only this time the bastard got caught out in all of those lies..
The hit on his ego, I'd be watching him in jail.. All he lived for was ego.
The end.