Bill Cosby accused of Rape - say it ain't so

Wed 15 Jul, 2015 01:28 pm
As you know I tend to make it a policy not to comment on the specifics of cases where there might still be, if not criminal, then civil issues involved,” Obama said. “I’ll say this: If you give a woman—or a man for that matter—without his or her knowledge, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that’s rape. And I think this country, any civilized country should have no tolerance for rape.”

Civilized countries can apparently tolerate, though, a man accused of dozens of rapes maintaining that civilized country’s highest civilian honor.


More proof of how far Slate has fallen from the ideals that it was founded on. Civilized countries follow the constitutions that are in place, in this case meaning that a man is guilty only if proven to be so beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, or he admits it, not because a certain number of people claim that he is. That is what Obama should have said, would have said if he were a halfway decent president.
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Wed 15 Jul, 2015 04:07 pm
Are you forgetting the light sentence that Polanski was expecting to get and was originally programed to get for having sex with a 13 year old after giving her ludes and alcohol?

Do you read? Her attorney arranged a plea bargain claiming to protect Geimer from a trial as the prosecution were hell bent on claiming she was mature for 13. Are you forgetting he fled to avoid any sentence. Are you forgetting that being again someone of good talent, a film maker that "some" of the higher up within France initially stood by him, not having a care in the world what happened to a 13 year old child.

Isn't it simular that he spoke to her Mother and claimed according to Geimer's testimony to have asked her if he could photograph her as part of his work for a Vogue magazine and that her mother was a television actress and model. Sounds familiar to me. Go for the Models they want to further their career why wouldn't they want their child to follow suit.

As for your claim that people wanted him to walk. You are talking only and mainly about those in the Industry that "loved his work" I can see how your mind ticks. You value people's work but not women.

Public opinion polls in France consistently show between 65% and 75% of the population want to see him extradited to the United States


An opinion poll showed that more than 75% of Poles would not like to see Polanski escape another trial

Arnold Schwarzenegger
I think that he is a very respected person and I am a big admirer of his work. But, nevertheless, I think he should be treated like everyone else. It doesn't matter if you are a big-time movie actor or a big-time movie director or producer." Schwarzenegger added: "And one should look into all of the allegations, not only his allegations, but the allegations about his case. Was there something done wrong? You know, was injustice done in the case

And as for the people that signed the petition calling for Polanski's release. Amongst them? Woody Allen Smile Yes, I see.

You are continually applying 2015 standards to 1970's acts, which is unjust. Drugged sex was not considered a crime in most cases

Rape still was.

Drugs in the 60's 70's was predominately LSD and marijuana.

It's well documented that the pharmaceutical companies have been in it for money for centuries handing out drugs to women for menstrual problems, anxiety, anything they as women, go in and complain about pain wise. And, that women appear to react better than men with these drugs, that being that it hits them harder. A drug for this a drug for that. Money making machine.

No wonder people like Cosby and Polanski and any other "person" that has obtained drugs over the counter (that easy) and slipped them into alcohol without the knowledge of these "girls" and women knew the affects and knew about them. Especially in America.

QUAALUDES in the 70's - the disco biscuit. Says it all.

Prescribed as a sedative and to treat insomnia, the little white pills became prized recreational drugs once people found out they both lowered inhibition and increased physical sensitivity. By the mid-70s around four million Quaalude prescriptions were written each year

Easily accessible, written without a blink of the eye. Known to lower inhibitions. Known to increase physical sensitivity.. Perfect drug as they were in abundance, handed out willy nilly. Cosby could have back then even stated they were hers and she took them, he never handed them out.

Let's not forget Big Shot with a good reputation and one of being American's Daddy, who the heck would believe some inspiring actress or screen writer. And again, let's not forget the 17 year olds that weren't even yet a woman.

49-Year-Old Bill Cosby Drugged And Raped 17-Year-Old High School Girl

And let's not forget the 15 year old and the other 17 year old.

It looks to me that what got Cosby is that after he got older he missed the 60's and 70's, and he tried to recreate the fun with other drugs and after the nations views on rape had changed. I dont however buy the story that he was out to hurt women, and given that he went almost his whole life not getting jammed up with his kinky desires I doubt that women were very much hurt.

Your stance is based on " people did drugs in the 60's and 70's" . Yes, LSD, marijuana.

Nothing you have written stands. As I've pointed out above.

A thief isn't out to hurt anyone, he wants the prize if someone gets in his way, then he'll act.

A person drugging someone for sex is out for sex, not to murder them but if they realise then he's going to threaten (in this case as he believes he's powerful) .

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" ...

Don't be ridiculous to believe that he didn't think he was hurting anyone. He was taking from a 15 year old a 17 year old and then upwards what he wanted but without consent and for the most part with luring through parents with false promises when under age. Maybe in his minds eye sex is sex. Maybe "definitely" in your minds eye, sex is sex. No big deal it doesn't hurt anyone.

Well Hawkeye tell that to the women and men out there that have been raped.

The one thing that scars a person for live, is something that is taken away from them.

Your motto is toughen up sunshine.

I'm only hoping that as many of them as possible did exactly that and have enjoyed their marriages and lives until this presented itself again to remind them of what they have been trying to leave in the back of their minds so that they can live.

He will be stripped of everything, his ego will be still there. He will prey on those like Polanski's followers, those that can only see the good he's done. But that ain't going to stop him going to hell now alive or later.

Wed 15 Jul, 2015 04:57 pm
A person drugging someone for sex is out for sex,

A person who brings a drug to a meeting and who offers it to another is not drugging anyone. Much like a guy who drinks with a girl is not incapacitating her so that he can rape her. The person who puts the substance into their body is responsible for it being there, and also usually for the predictable consequences of it being there.

By the way at the 20 second mark you can listen to Rachel Maddow say that that in 1981 the DEA said that ludes were the second most abused drug in America. Any argument that tons of people were not on ludes for a lot of years is simple ignorance of the facts.

I never took them, but I certainly knew a fair number of people who used them regularly. This was in a conservative midwestern town. It sounds like the celebrity/party crowd used them a lot.
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 05:22 pm
How old are your daughters?

It would be their responsibility if a 49 year old guy put a drug in a drink and offered it (just the drink as they don't know what else is in there) because they are what, nervous this u-bute well known highly acclaimed "Father figure" of a man who is like Daddy just trying to help. Hell he was Daddy. AT 15 years of age?



It sounds like the celebrity/party crowd used them a lot.

And then come celebrities took it to a new level. Hide and seek. Discrete, un-known, hide it, do it, then I can DO IT.

Wed 15 Jul, 2015 05:30 pm
Why do you keep harping on "he used power to attract sex" when it is well known that many if not most females are attracted to power? Unless we are stupid we use what we have, doing so is not a character flaw. I have never accepted the feminists position that sex between people of unequal power is an abuser/victim dynamic by definition.
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 05:50 pm

Why do you keep harping on "he used power to attract sex"

I'm not.
He didn't.

He had a wife and a mistress of 4 years and that is all he had. If he was able to attract sex, he would have had a score of mistresses, he didn't.

Instead he had 47 girls/women that he raped or had perform what ever he desired and used his power to silence them.

when it is well known that many if not most females are attracted to power?

Women are attracted to smarts. They are attracted to charisma, bad boys when younger even. That does not equate to power.

"Some women" are materialistic and only go for power. That does not equate to many let alone most.

I don't think you have the "power" to dictate what a woman wants, given you aren't one.

I have never accepted the feminists position that sex between people of unequal power is an abuser/victim dynamic by definition.

I've never read a feminist state that rather the abuse of power and let's face it boys have always taken what they have wanted with promises of love. There it's up to the girl to realise that's what he is doing. Somewhere along the line the "nice guys" apologise to them or realise. Not all.

After all. The cave men started it. (inserts what a joke)
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 06:11 pm
Instead he had 47 girls/women that he raped

If you were to factually optimize that thought it would read "47 females have come forwards to claim that Cosby either transgressed upon them or was at least creepy". With as many females as he fucked or tried to I dont know if that is a high number or not. And leaving lots of women with bad feelings pretty certainly makes him a cad, as to whether he is a criminal or not IDK.
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 06:17 pm
I accept that, as I've also stated "or taken what he wanted from them in other sexual ways".

Creepy is really an understatement as it was calculated. Creepy to me is when someone does something "creepy" as he's well not all together there perhaps. Cosby in my opinion is all together there.

It was interesting to read what the drug actually does. I am sure he tried it himself perhaps was even addicted himself to drugs. Who knows.

I'm sorry we have to just differ.

Again you just feel it's ok for someone to drug a girl and then he's just a cad.

He was 49 and less and older. NOT an 18 or so year old boy that thought it was fun.

It was calculated and that makes him a criminal. (In my opinion)
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 10:12 pm
It was calculated and that makes him a criminal. (In my opinion)

I'd also posit that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, so he actually never considered his actions to be criminal.
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 10:41 pm
Builder wrote:

It was calculated and that makes him a criminal. (In my opinion)

I'd also posit that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, so he actually never considered his actions to be criminal.

With as many lawyers as this guy has kept employed during his life I find that possibility to be remote. In fact I would expect that he has had conversations with lawyers as to exactly how far he could go without being in trouble. And I also bet that sometime in the early 90's he got told that the state was increasingly going after sex fiends and that he better cut it out, and mostly did. But a man has needs you know, he could not help himself. And the wife was not interested herself but told him to go have fun but dont be stupid.
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 10:53 pm
This is highly possible Builder.

0 Replies
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 10:57 pm
With as many lawyers as this guy has kept employed during his life I find that possibility to be remote. In fact I would expect that he has had conversations with lawyers as to exactly how far he could go without being in trouble.

That, is called, calculated!

And I also bet that sometime in the early 90's he got told that the state was increasingly going after sex fiends and that he better cut it out, and mostly did. But a man has needs you know, he could not help himself. And the wife was not interested herself but told him to go have fun but dont be stupid.

A man has needs? So he just takes. No, Hawkeye. He tends to himself, he sleeps with his wife (he is married), he has an affair, he hires a prostitute, he goes on line and pretends to be someone else and gets his rocks off.

Apparently..........His wife had enough and told him no more. Perhaps he was concerned of his bank balance. She certainly did not state " have fun" .

Seriously, you should see someone with those thought patterns of yours.

0 Replies
Wed 15 Jul, 2015 11:08 pm
And I also bet that sometime in the early 90's he got told that the state was increasingly going after sex fiends and that he better cut it out, and mostly did. But a man has needs you know, he could not help himself.

So there's your admission that you know he's as guilty as sin, but you're jealous that you didn't get a cut of his action.

And BTW, I'm a man, and I know that it's not just a crime, but morally reprehensible to take advantage of a comatose person, no matter what they decided to imbibe previously.
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 01:11 am
it's not just a crime, but morally reprehensible to take advantage of a comatose person, no matter what they decided to imbibe previously.

Yes, and victims of crimes owe it to us to report crimes in a timely manor. If Cosby is this great evil person and got away with it in the limelight for 5 decades then we the collective have been thoroughly fucked over by a lot of irresponsible women.

I tend to think that we were not, that Cosby is a cad who rubbed women the wrong way and now they are swarming to take their revenge by telling gross exaggerations.

Either way we know the women have done us wrong. Cosby maybe maybe not.
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 01:51 am
Either way we know the women have done us wrong.

Jeebus. Butthurt award of the year winner, Hawk.

Like a lot of NPD sufferers, you've not an iota of a clue just how much pain and suffering you've caused to the people in your life.

I'm not one to wish anyone bad things, but I've known enough NPD sufferers to know that they (you) are beyond psyche help.
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 03:10 am
Builder wrote:

Either way we know the women have done us wrong.

Jeebus. Butthurt award of the year winner, Hawk.

Like a lot of NPD sufferers, you've not an iota of a clue just how much pain and suffering you've caused to the people in your life.

I'm not one to wish anyone bad things, but I've known enough NPD sufferers to know that they (you) are beyond psyche help.

And you hope the Taro cards are running true today..... Drunk
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 03:21 am
These were the 60's , 70's .

You've already pointed out drugs were ripe and women were willing.

It's already been pointed out to you, that the pharmaceutical companies also had free rain to prescribe and sell as many drugs as they wanted, over the counter in those days, a pill for this, a pill for that, she complains give her a pill.

This would have been advertised immensely "money making machine" and I am sure some "guys" took note as well and checked out what their benefits to "them" would be after all for quite some time, girls were going out and leaving their drinks on the bar only to find out after coming back they weren't well, couldn't walk and so, the rapes continued.

So with all of this in mind, it makes perfect sense that no women would report such a thing in a timely manor "if" they believed that they would not be believed. Hell, they still don't because they are lead to believe from people like you that they should have known better, should not have gone out, should not have had a drink, should not have been naïve, it's their fault.

You fail though to admit that in the Cosby instance, someone "did" ignore that he was famous and did take matters into their own hands only to find out that she was ignored.

You fail to admit it took 30 years for anyone to believe her.

You fail to admit he had money and was able to squash things "quietly" and give a payout.

You fail to admit at that point in time 30 years ago other women "then" came forward.

You continue to try to back track on your stance and I suspect try to confuse people.

"They did report the crime in the timely manor" and you are well aware of this.

Women were fucked over by people like him that assumed that he could get away with it for life, like Rolf Harris, like your film writer, like all egotistic people that think that they are Gods.

Like you? Wink
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 03:37 am
You fail to admit it took 30 years for anyone to believe her.

WHo is her? You cant mean Dickinson, as late as 2002 she was saying Cosby never touched her.
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 03:40 am
And you hope.....

You really are butthurt, Hawk.

It wouldn't be a bad thing for you to wake up with fifty cents under your pillow, and a very sore sphincter.

Not that your brain would change.

You're amongst the incurable in the mental stakes.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Jul, 2015 03:54 am
If you have to ask? Then you know nothing about this case.

Andrea Constand.

We are all busy Hawkeye but if you don't know who in 2005 please read up.

Right now on TV here in Aussie land they are talking about, guess who?

As I type.

Excuse me whilst I watch.
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