Bill Cosby accused of Rape - say it ain't so

Wed 10 Dec, 2014 10:56 pm
Tell them to get educated. I know, I know, it's not your strong suit. Try anyway, give it a try, everything doesn't have revolve around your mighty sword. Well actually nothing revolves around you're mighty sword. Ignore all the bright women who have tried to help you, pick your favorite fantasy spinner, then hide under your bed while you avoid any responsibility for your avoidance. Let me make this as gender neutral as possible, but you know what folks, I'm addressing a hot mess, some cretins need to believe that you cannot perpetrate a sex crime against a female form, because they think God created women for men's amusement. That's a big mistake, but they will either heed my advice or languish until they learn to think for themselves
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Thu 11 Dec, 2014 06:47 am
(Repeating this because it needs to be said.)

How many people openly proclaim themselves to be Bill Cosby fans right now? How many media outlets are defending him? Now I haven't made my mind up on the Cosby issue yet, but what most people are forgetting is that these are accusations. There has been no evidence presented yet. Even the language the media uses to talk about the issue is presented in such a way as if he's already guilty.

And as a side note I would ask why, if these women were so afraid to come forward because of Cosby's "power", and because these assaults have supposedly been going on for decades; why didn't any of these women speak out about this back in the 60's? Cosby wasn't very powerful back then, and he was a black man in 1960's America to boot! If he truly is a serial predator and this behavior goes that far back, why didn't these women call him out then? A black man with little power in the 60's being called a rapist? His career would have been dead in the water in it's infancy.

But back to my point. Cosby's name has been ruined. He had all these projects in the works and the network brass pulled the plug in the wake of the accusations. And that's part of the effect of false rape accusations (if these accusations are false, and I'm not saying they are); loss of money, loss of work, damage to a man's livelihood, his legacy.

When someone goes to the media before they go to the police with sexual assault allegations, there's a very good chance those allegations are false.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 01:23 pm
What do you think a reporters job is? Each click makes someone money, each story read by 1 person makes someone money. But, they aren't making things up, they are reporting allegations made by 19-20 girls. Would it be different if only one or maybe two girls came forth? I thinks so.

We are well aware of the system. Innocent until proven guilty. One would hope that if you were to write all that you just did, that you bothered to read the posts here from beginning to end. Then you would know Cosby's defence. Not, " I'm not guilty" rather, pfttttt time has lapsed you can't touch me. You'd read for the most part there was no penetration. Hard to prove rape then when there is no semen, even if they wanted to do something. You did read sexual assault as well as rape where Crosby is concerned didn't you?

Why didn't any of these women speak out about this back in the 60's? Cosby wasn't very powerful back then

Could it be that some of them were assaulted or raped in the 70's!!

Or, that he was powerful in the 60's.
As a stand-up performer, he got his start at the hungry i in San Francisco, then landed a starring role in the 1960s show I Spy. He was a performer on the children's television series The Electric Company during its first two seasons, and created the educational cartoon comedy series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, about a group of young friends growing up in the city. Cosby also acted in films.

He was also Hugh Hefner's "best" friend back then, spending a couple of nights every week at his mansion.

What about cheating do you agree with that or disagree? What about the mistress he had there that he visited two - three nights a week right before his wife was about to have his baby son, or the other mistress he had for 4 years.

I don't know how old you are, but are you being serious? Rape was pushed under the carpet in those days, you'd talk, people would say "poor thing" have a chat maybe with the said person and that would be it. Women knew that and then, there's power, off which you claim he didn't have.

A black man with little power in the 60's being called a rapist? His career would have been dead in the water in it's infancy.

Hollywood big shots such as Cosby — who was already a star after making TV history as the first African-American to star in a major drama on 'I Spy' — had no difficulty getting invitations to the mansion, says Barbi

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2867139/It-candy-store-men-Playmate-Barbi-Benton-Hugh-Hefner-s-ex-squeeze-reveals-married-Bill-Cosby-regular-Playboy-Mansion-party-boy-steady-bunny-girlfriend.html#ixzz3LcPhVLrS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

When someone goes to the media before they go to the police with sexual assault allegations, there's a very good chance those allegations are false.

You do realise that he was reported, a Court Case even was had, she was paid out in the end and it got little headlines because it was "1" person, so you know who knows.. You do know at that time, there were several girls that also slowly came forward but the whole thing got swept away, because Cosby paid for it to go away... 10 years ago.

You do realise that one of the girls in the Hugh Hefner mansion committed suicide claiming to be abused by people there, "such as Cosby" and couldn't take it anymore, leaving a note.

You do study up on things don't you nononono before deciding that everyone is out to get him?

What's more upsetting is that you are upset that he's getting such a raw deal because of accusations.

Yet, no where did you show any concern, compassion, feelings, anything for the two black women he raped, let alone the white women.

It's not as black and white.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 01:46 pm

Now let me explain this: I was a top model during the 70s, a period when drugs flowed at parties and photo shoots like bottled water at a health spa. I’d had my fun and experimented with my fair share of mood enhancers. I knew by the second sip of the drink Cosby had given me that I’d been drugged—and drugged good

As I felt my body go completely limp, my brain switched into automatic-survival mode. That meant making sure Cosby understood that I knew exactly what was happening at that very moment.

“You are a ************ aren’t you?”

That’s the exact question I yelled at him as he stood there holding me, expecting me to bend to his will. I rapidly called him several more “motherfuckers.” By the fifth, I could tell that I was really pissing him off. At one point he dropped his hands from my waist and just stood there looking at me like I’d lost my mind.

What happened next is somewhat cloudy for me because the drug was in fuller play by that time. I recall his seething anger at my tirade and then him grabbing me by my left arm hard and yanking all 110 pounds of me down a bunch of stairs as my high heels clicked and clacked on every step. I feared my neck was going to break with the force he was using to pull me down those stairs.

It was still late afternoon and the sun hadn’t completely gone down yet. When we reached the front door, he pulled me outside of the brownstone and then, with his hand still tightly clenched around my arm, stood in the middle of the street waving down taxis.

When one stopped, Cosby opened the door, shoved me into it and slammed the door behind me without ever saying a word. I somehow managed to tell the driver my address and before blacking out, I looked at the cabbie and asked, as if he knew: “Did I really just call Bill Cosby ‘a ************’?”

I sat in there still stunned by what happened the night before, confused and devastated by the idea that someone I admired so much had tried to take advantage of me, and used drugs to do so. Had I done something to encourage his actions?

In reality, I knew I’d done nothing to encourage Cosby but my mind kept turning with question after question.

It took a few days for the drug to completely wear off and soon I had to get back to work. I headed to California for an acting audition. Not long after arriving, I decided I needed to confront Cosby for my own sanity’s sake. I thought if I just called him, he would come clean and explain why he’d done what he had.

I dialed the private number he’d given me expecting to hear his voice on the other end. But he didn’t answer. His wife did. A little shocked, I quickly identified myself to her in the most respectful way possible and then asked to speak to Bill. Camille politely informed me that it was very late, 11:00 P.M. and that they were both in bed together.

I apologized for the late call and explained that I was in Los Angeles and had forgotten about the three-hour time difference. I added that I would call back tomorrow.

I didn’t call back the next day or any other day after that. At a certain moment it became clear that I would be fighting a losing battle with a powerful man so callous he not only drugged me, but he also gave me the number to the bedroom he shared with his wife. How could I fight someone that boldly arrogant and out of touch? In the end, just like the other women, I had too much to lose to go after Bill Cosby. I had a career that would no doubt take a huge hit if I went public with my story and I certainly couldn’t afford that after my costly divorce and on going court fees.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 01:52 pm
Cosby out of touch?? If the allegations are correct cosby was a master rapist, not only because he was able to victimize the same woman twice and lots of women, but do it and not get caught for decades.

Give credit where credit is due.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 01:53 pm
I bet his victims are full of admiration.
0 Replies
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 02:25 pm
That's how "she" saw it. What she meant by that is anyone's guess but I'm guessing it's got to do with her shock that he gave out his "house" number whereby his wife answered the phone.

Credit? For friggen what? You want to give him credit for being a "master rapist". Heaven fall on me for a minute please.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 02:29 pm
Recognize or some version of it would probably be a better word. We need to be able to see master perpetrators of evil, denying that they do it well is a lie.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 02:36 pm
Thanks for the explanation.

A thief steals once and gets away with it and so steals again, then again, then goes for something bigger and eventually gets caught.

Cosby's belief of "power" and let's face it the first black man to grace the screen as he did in I spy, took him to such a powerful level where he used good as well, gave him the belief that he was invincible. Perhaps also with Hefner's Mansion un-touchable with claims that it wasn't a brothel persay, gave him more power or belief of.

When you talk good and evil, it's interesting how that "power" in itself plays out, from starting off with good, still adding good and creating pure evil, hidden in a guise.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 03:07 pm
It looks like cosby started around 1962, and did not really get caught till 2014. That would make him great at it.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 11:20 pm
Well this can't be good, Beverly Johnson, a former super model in the 1970', and who was also the first African American woman to appear on the cover of Vogue in 1974, came out in Vanity Fair with her story of being drugged in 1984 while with Cosby to read for a small part in the Cosby show. She was looking for crossover jobs and was invited for an audition. I think Found Soul or Firefly printed a portion of her interview. Johnson has nothing to gain by revealing this story, frankly it could be detrimental. If you get a chance, read the article.
Thu 11 Dec, 2014 11:32 pm
On the other hand she claims to remember everything, and while she thinks Cosby was planing on raping her even though he never said that or put a hand on her he did not in fact rape her. This is not the first claim that a verbal no got Cosby to stop.
Fri 12 Dec, 2014 12:13 am
I read it differently. What's your point, he drugged her so she would stick around for a pajama party when Camille and the girls got home? What excuse have you fabricated for him now? And by the way, do YOU know people who drug folks without consent so they can stuff a pile of cash in their car for a "BIG SURPRISE", or is there a more mundane reason for drugging unsuspecting people in your family room. Personally, I can't think of any reason a person could justify drugging a guest in their home, wait for them to wake up and yell, wow, you really guzzled that Mickey Finn. And then avoid jail time.

Fri 12 Dec, 2014 12:27 am
Oh, and as much as I hate to be a nag, drugging a person without consent is considered assault.
Fri 12 Dec, 2014 12:28 am
glitterbag wrote:

Oh, and as much as I hate to be a nag, drugging a person without consent I a considered assault.

But not sexual assault, which we all know because the feminists tell us so is a lot worse. And I dont care if that was the plan, he did not do it. We should only criminalize actions, not plans that are never carried out.

Did you even once wish that someone got hit by a bus or got pushed off a cliff or that you cut off their dick and handed it too them? I bet you have. Do you want to be in jail for those thoughts?
Fri 12 Dec, 2014 12:40 am
hawkeye10 wrote:

glitterbag wrote:

Oh, and as much as I hate to be a nag, drugging a person without consent I a considered assault.

But not sexual assault, which we all know because the feminists tell us so is a lot worse.

So, mon idiot, sexual assault because the feminists tell us so is a lot worse? Well skippy, it depends. If your assault only involves drugging women, men, children and they don't die, it's an assault.

Drugging or not drugging then performing a sexual assault really is worse. That's not my definition, the laws against rape have existed a long time. And a century or so ago, a woman's father, brother, or husband might just go vigilante. Now if you get convicted, you become a known sexual offender and must register. Yeah, I know it sucks, but it beats getting a bullet in the brain by somebody's fuming father.
Fri 12 Dec, 2014 12:54 am
Drugging or not drugging then performing a sexual assault really is worse.

Irrelevant, as no one claims that that a sexual assault happened here.

Why the diversion? Is there some reason why you dont want to talk about criminalizing thoughts?
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Fri 12 Dec, 2014 03:00 am
It looks like cosby started around 1962, and did not really get caught till 2014. That would make him great at it.

I'm not sure when he was "accused" of starting it, he married Camilla in 1964, is 1962 when he became famous? Do y0u have a link to that/

He got caught in 2005 Hawk... He paid her off.

I've noted some photos of his wife, shaved later in life, recent maybe, suggesting Cancer, wouldn't surprise me, stress does that to a person.

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Fri 12 Dec, 2014 03:01 am
On the other hand she claims to remember everything, and while she thinks Cosby was planing on raping her even though he never said that or put a hand on her he did not in fact rape her. This is not the first claim that a verbal no got Cosby to stop.

Call someone loud a "************" excuse me, 5 times and he'll guide you hard to the door and put you in a taxi. That's why he didn't rape her... Read.
0 Replies
Fri 12 Dec, 2014 03:05 am
And I dont care if that was the plan, he did not do it.

Smile He wanted to lucky her she escaped. Just like those who "try" to find a way to get out of what is going to happen to them, think quick do something and it works.

Lucky for her. Nothing wrong with her telling her story, she's not asking for money, she's not asking for anything, she's telling her story.

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