Bill Cosby accused of Rape - say it ain't so

Tue 2 Dec, 2014 03:54 am
You really don't get irony do you?
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Tue 2 Dec, 2014 04:08 am
Latest development.

US comedian Bill Cosby has resigned from the board of trustees of Temple University in Philadelphia amid ongoing allegations of sexual assault.

Tue 2 Dec, 2014 02:03 pm

Bill Cosby ‘used daughter as a scapegoat’ by leaking drug addiction details to kill sex scandal

Now a report has emerged that Cosby used his own daughter Erinn’s struggles with drugs and alcohol to stave off an expose about his sexual exploits by The National Enquirer magazine in 1989.

Page Six in New York claims the story about Cosby’s alleged “swinging with Sammy Davis Jr. and some showgirls in Las Vegas” was considered a threat.

Desperate to divert attention, he passed the publication explicit details about then 23-year-old’s Erinn’s battle.

“My editor told me that daddy Cosby was the source. He ratted out his flesh and blood,” a source told Page Six.

Errin was sent to therapy and she wrote her father that she had developed a $200-a-day cocaine habit. Cosby offered to pay for rehab but she wasn’t welcome back in the house until she kicked the habit.

‘You think you’re not a good parent because you don’t answer the call. But you can’t let the kid use you,’ Cosby told Lawrence Christon, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times.

To some, ‘the interview provided an unsettling glimpse at the judgmental, sometimes pitiless side of Cosby’s personality’.


Hot to trot: : Cosby was wild about the Bunnies at the Playboy Mansion. He and Hefner were best buds

Cosby had to go on the road to build that nest egg back up and that meant commuting to New York and Los Angeles for work -- putting him right back in the Devil’s playground of swingers and Playboy bunnies. His West Coast playboy lifestyle would catch up with him when he redialed Shawn Berkes phone number for another rendez-vous in Vegas.

Decades later, she [Camille] would confess to the pain that her husband’s "selfish" behavior caused her in their LA years, as he indulged a roving eye’, writes Whitaker.

It was at the Playboy Mansion in 1977 when Cosby’s hot temper flared and he sucker-punched comedian Tommy Smothers in the back of his head.

‘Tommy had chided Cosby for not coming out against the Vietnam War and taking a more public stance on civil rights issues’. Cosby approached Tommy while he was talking with Hugh Hefner.

Tommy complimented Cosby on his show saying ‘It was a really good effort’, which sounded condescending to Cosby, who refused to respond. Tommy then said, ‘Well, f*** you’! and walked off.

Cosby was so furious that he couldn't control himself. He slipped around Hefner and punched Smothers in the head from behind, so hard that the smaller comedian fell to the ground.

‘C’mon, I’ll kick your ass’! he shouted at Smothers’…Hef separated the two men and it was the talk of the town by morning.

Cosby’s violent temper had erupted on the set of The Cosby Show at the end of the first season. Frustrated during rehearsal, Cosby directed his anger at a cameraman he thought was slacking off. ‘Cosby grabbed the technician and looked as if he was going to take a swing at him until Ahmad Rashad, who was dating [Cosby’s TV wife,] Phylicia Ayers-Allen and was visiting the set, stepped into restrain him’


A temper. Paranoia and ego, of himself. Kids had to be perfect as not to reflect on him perhaps. Womaniser until 40..

Yep a real character.

Tue 2 Dec, 2014 02:13 pm
When it comes to the kids Camille is right there with Bill wanting to go to tough love. In fact some claim that she is the primary driver. When it comes to the daughter one family friend is quoted as saying "Camille froze her out". .
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 03:08 pm
Camille: Self-definition. To be loved and to have people to love. To be joyful. I'm beginning to find the joy again since our son died. I like to be joyful. What also sustains me is feeling that I am achieving something in my work. To see my daughters turn out to be okay sustains me, because I feel that that is my mothering and Bill's fathering.

Oprah: You mentioned that raising children was one of your most difficult jobs. How do you raise five children to respect their individuality? How do you raise responsible, thoughtful, kind, generous, smart children?

Camille: With five different children, you have five different ways to parent. You're not always successful, no matter what you do, because nothing is definite about how your children will turn out. Sometimes they take a wrong turn, and you have to rein them in. But in terms of environment, we moved to a rural area, and I put them in public schools. I didn't put them in private schools until they were in high school. I wanted them to be in an environment that was diverse culturally, ethnically, religiously, and this town provided that.

The children were clear that Bill and I had rules, and that doesn't mean they didn't break them sometimes, but there were rules. And if you disobeyed the rules, there would be ramifications. And we always let them know, "This home is our home, this is our money, these are our material things—not yours. You haven't earned them yet. We're giving you a gift to be raised in this environment. You have to prepare to forge your own way in the world."

Oprah: Isn't teaching children that lesson difficult? At least when they have an environment in which they don't have a lot of the things they desire, their focus is getting to that point.

Camille: I teach by example. I don't expect my children to be like me, but to have my same sense of morals and values. They are clear when I am displeased. I tell them, "I don't care what your peers are doing; you cannot do that. I don't care how much money your father and I have; you cannot have that." I am very clear, and Bill is, too. We are together on this.

Camille: I don't belong to a formal religion, but I am spiritual. I believe there is a spiritual force that cannot be defined in terms of how it looks. I don't believe that it is a he or a she or just an it. I think it is a combination of the above. It is arrogant for humans to create the image of a spiritual force in the image of a human, and especially a male. And until women put more pressure on the major religions to change the pronouns, we will always have a difficult time establishing our rightful place in society.

Oprah: What you said earlier about feeling pain was powerful, because the way to real happiness is through your feelings. You can't get there unless you are willing to excavate your feelings.

Camille: Absolutely. Feelings are important. I think a lot of people are afraid to be in touch with their feelings. That's why they do all kinds of busy stuff. They continuously gratify themselves with other stuff so they are not dealing with feelings. They have noise around them all the time—loud music and TV. Yet the only way to know who you are and to project that is to deal with your feelings. And if you have baggage to purge, then you have to go to those you have hurt and say to them "I'm sorry." That's difficult for people who stuff their feelings. All of us have done something to hurt somebody.

Oprah: Who has been your Sheba, Camille?

Camille: I have a couple of Shebas. My mom, very much so. She is a fighter, and she is never afraid to jump out there and protest and give her time, no matter how busy she is. Another Sheba is a friend of the family, Dr. Dorothy Height, who is 88 now. Not because she is the head of the National Council of Negro Women, but because she was right in there with all those men who led the civil rights movement. When women were asked to provide services and do the footwork, Dorothy said, "No.... You're not going to take all the credit. I'm going to be right there with you, as a woman." She didn't take a secondary role to a man then or now. I like that spirit in her, that tenacity.

Oprah: Is there anything internally—emotional or spiritual—that makes you fearful about being all that you can be?

Camille: Nothing.

Oprah: Nothing that holds you back?

Camille: Not at this stage. The only thing that can hold me back is myself.

Read more: http://www.oprah.com/omagazine/Oprah-Interviews-Camille-Cosby#ixzz3KmA0q5R7

If you read the Interview. She sounded like a grounded, person to me that taught respect, love and to get things in life yourself..

Tough love isn't a bad thing, their daughter is quite successful in her own right now. If their parenting was that bad, no amount of Therapy would have helped, when she got out she would have gone back to the Cocaine. She didn't.

Tue 2 Dec, 2014 03:33 pm
I dont think we know how this relationship works except to know that Camille is deeply involved in what bill does professionally and with the kids. However these attempts to paint bill as an all around asshole dont work, one that is not how most people have perceived him over 77 years, and he has been around 77 so of course he has had some blow ups and done some things wrong. We all have. These smear peices look like just that.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 04:16 pm
We know that at least for awhile Camille ran the family finances...Bill was broke mostly because of a crooked financial manager and Bills free spending ways. Camille took over and took away Bills credit cards. He had some cash, and his team had a credit card, but once he burned the cash Bill did not spend anything without Camilles approval.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 04:40 pm
Yes we know this, he entered a venture that went bust so what's that got to do with the fact that Bill Cosby is accused of rape 19 times, or sexual abuse, or making women give head jobs whilst he drugged them, or helping him masturbate ...

Like I said, she appears to be a grounded woman, spiritual, caring and loving.

Lucky him.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 04:42 pm
"Bill hates women" is not a dog that will hunt.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 04:50 pm

I agree it appears that he has absolutely no respect for women, however, again, most were kids, 17-19. He had 4 girls. He seems to according to Carmilla have a very passionate and loving relationship and idolizes her, she does have several degrees.

Yet he hates women? Idolises her? What do you mean is not a dog that will hunt. He took what he wanted, he had a mistress for 4 years she knew about that, he told her, she forgave him.. Probably didn't hunt her, but he hunted out all the other girls that he drugged.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 05:44 pm
I agree it appears that he has absolutely no respect for women,

We dont agree because I dont see any evidence that he has no respect for women, the evidence goes mostly the other way. He has (had) a kink for sadomasochistic sex, which was about the needs of his soul, it was not about women. It is really sad that he did not get that itch scratched legally/consensually, and it is too bad that women did not bring this to our attention in a timely manner so that he could be punished, but dont trot out the feminists script that he must hate women unless you at the same time bring some evidence. Bill Cosby is a real person, and he must be evaluated in reality and on the evidence, not in the fantasy world that the feminists keep trying to sell us.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:07 pm
We dont agree because I dont see any evidence that he has no respect for women, the evidence goes mostly the other way. He has (had) a kink for sadomasochistic sex, which was about the needs of his soul, it was not about women. It is really sad that he did not get that itch scratched legally/consensually, and it is too bad that women did not bring this to our attention in a timely manner so that he could be punished, but dont trot out the feminists script that he must hate women unless you at the same time bring some evidence. Bill Cosby is a real person, and he must be evaluated in reality and on the evidence, not in the fantasy world that the feminists keep trying to sell us.

I just said it "appears" that he respects his wife. Did he respect his daughter? He threw her into the media spotlight when she was in trouble, with drug abuse to save himself. That is no respect what so ever. He "pretended" to suggest he would be a mentor to 17-19 year old girls, girls...not women, then he threw them to the wolves "himself"... by drugging them and taking what he wanted from them. Is that respect for women?

He had no respect for any of them, he took what he wanted. If his wife was holistic she probably didn't like the thought of masturbation, nor oral sex, so that gives him the right to date rape?

So he sought out the innocent, vulnerable aspiring actresses, writers, same age as his "wife when he met her" and took what he couldn't get from his wife... If that be the case. So he respected a couple of women, probably his Mother Anna and his wife, what they were "good girls", she was a virgin when she met him, she wouldn't perform sexual fantasies of his.

The rest of the women were there for the taking, trash, rubbish, to be used but via date rape.

Except his mistress of 4 years, yes he had a fetish, yes, he even drugged her even though she would do those things if he wanted her to.

She was legal. She was consensual. So this is a greedy guy that had it, could have it, but wasn't good enough. He had to have more and more and more, they had to be young, inspiring actresses/writers, he had to take away their soul, to feed his.

They were trash.

Only his hand picked 19 year old wife, was worthy. Because she was a virgin when they met.

Any other woman was trash and for the taking.

I'm not a feminist get over yourself.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:09 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

the same way Jesse Jackson is king of all the black people?

Jesse Jackson has been irrelevant for a decade. He got more so a couple of years back when his kid turned out to be an incompetent lying thieving bastard. Pops absolutely gets some of the blame.

Izzy, hawk think Jesse Jackson used to be king of the rainbow coalition. (Pssst, there actually is an Empress of Feminists, my security clearance is not high enough to be read in, however I'm reasonably sure it isn't Brittany Spears, don't tell the other guys)
0 Replies
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:29 pm
his wife, what they were "good girls", .......... she wouldn't perform sexual fantasies of his.

says who? You seem to have a source that I have not found, all I find are claims that they are close and have gotten even closer over time. What they do in bed I have no idea.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:37 pm
You poor bastard, you really do think there is a moving orgy and you're the only slub who doesn't know where it is. Tsk, tsk tsk
0 Replies
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 06:39 pm
He has (had) a kink for sadomasochistic sex, which was about the needs of his soul, it was not about women.

How do you know he was into "sadomasochistic sex"? Sounds like you're talking about yourself not Cosby.

He was interested in sex with young women who were completely powerless and passive--they were passed out cold. That allowed him to satisfy himself without having to consider them at all, and they'd have no memory of what went on. He had no regard, or respect, for these women.

I don't think he really showed much respect for his wife either, but she apparently chose to deal with what she called his "selfish" behavior by relocating to Massachusetts where she wouldn't have to be constantly made aware of what he was doing in L.A. or Vegas, She worked out an arrangement that worked for her, or that satisfied her.
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 07:21 pm
He was interested in sex with young women who were completely powerless and passive--they were passed out cold

Have you ever heard of "breath play"? Exactly the same idea, and a huge areas of interest in BDSM. It absolutely should be consensual, but sometimes it is not.

but she apparently chose to deal with what she called his "selfish" behavior by relocating to Massachusetts where she wouldn't have to be constantly made aware of what he was doing in L.A. or Vegas
She was also speaking of his spending habits, but what I see indicates that she thought he had grown out of it. It is hard to say though with as private as they are, they would certainly agree to lie to the public about things they consider none of the public's business. By most accounts Camille is more rigid on privacy than Bill is, which probably accounts for her living in seclusion most of the time.

Asked by Oprah Winfrey in 2010 how the couple had weathered the storm of the entertainer's infidelity, Camille Cosby admitted she had known about her husband's affair with Upshaw 'back in the Seventies'.

Camille told how she had asked her husband to take a DNA test to be certain he was not the father of Jackson - saying if he had not, 'Autumn Jackson and her cohorts could continue with their story.'

Discussing a time when the Cosbys had focused on 'selfish needs', Camille said: 'We were both young. We had to go through a lot. It's difficult to learn to live with somebody, to be unselfish and to be responsible for your behavior - and even to think how you hurt others if you do certain things.

'You go through a transition, if you are committed to each other. You cleanse yourself of all of that baggage, and you look at each other and determine whether the relationship is worth salvaging, whether you really love each other and want to be together.

'Then you realize, 'Wait a minute. I might have been doing this because I just didn't want to think about how this would affect the other person or to allow myself to love someone with emotional intimacy'.

- See more at: http://www.georgianewsday.com/news/regional/284046-bill-cosby-the-mistress-he-dumped-and-the-awkward-dinner-with-her-mother.html#sthash.eKqg3o5T.dpuf
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 07:37 pm
"oh, that tramp Bill had back 25 years ago?? Ya, I knew all about it at the time, we're cool. NEXT!"
0 Replies
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 08:16 pm
Have you ever heard of "breath play"? Exactly the same idea, and a huge areas of interest in BDSM. It absolutely should be consensual, but sometimes it is not.

Yes, I'm aware of it. I once worked with someone who went to jail for murder because he killed a partner that way.
he world of BDSM is a diverse one. One area of it is known as “breath-play.”
Breath-play involves the restriction of oxygen to increase erotic play or to intensify an orgasm or sexual experience.
This can either be achieved through solo-play (autoerotic asphyxiation) or through partner play, in which the submissive is the one who’s airflow is restricted.

There is no reason under the sun that Cosby would have done that with these young women who were passed out cold--he had no interest in heightening their sexual experience or orgasm. In fact, whatever drugs he gave them might have interfered with their sexual arousal.

His only interest was in having these women limp, passive, and unable to respond, so he could use them to satisfy himself without having to bother with them at all. He wasn't, at all, interested in having an active sex partner, or in having to satisfy a partner, he just wanted to use these women.

There is no evidence he was into sadomasochism--you're projecting your own fantasies onto him.

Maybe he suffered from premature ejaculation, and, if the women were out cold, they wouldn't be aware of that either.

The man is a womanizer, and a serial rapist, I'm sure he's got a lot of problems regarding women and sex.

0 Replies
Tue 2 Dec, 2014 08:37 pm
Soooooooooo, in your sick realm of festering humanoids, consensual is best but....if not, hey, a boy has to have a party now and then. Hawk, you may not have given this a ton of thought (hahahahahahahahaha), but people who can only perform if their 'partner' is in a coma, are less than a millimeter away from necrophilia. Your kin must be plenty proud of big daddy Hawk.

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