Germlat , I'm a real pain ! I don't except an answer , but possibly you read it.
I want to revice one last point regarding aging, because wondering about , that I hung up to appearance of ones.
Ought to have other amenities .
In your opinion to get aging does mean to have going to relinguish claim to aestetic , ?Right?
You said you meet now higher quality male than before. Do have good looking males less quality , like my mum always said - a beatiful dish is worthless without content ?
Or do demands change in one's mind by itself , without circumastances or going dwarfed oneself ?
Other way , do I like AC/DC, flowers , specific meals at 35 about
, but at 50 I'm going lose all that taste ?
My parents' taste of meals, flowers, nice landscapes,nice pictures etc.was lasting by their dead .
The only one did change their taste .The taste of music. At their teenage time they liked "The Flippers, Rock&Roll, E.Presley "etc.
At 50 about they began to listen to operas ( just a bit ) and appalling folk (Schlager,Volksmusik) ,where that idiots do sway to the music sitting around and wearing garb.Spookey !
If I would change my taste of music to such music like my parents I would go to a psychiatry and move in a circle , sing in same time whole day !
I musn't lose my personality .
I don't want to change my taste for the same things , looks I which I prefer now.
Cropped hair? Why not bald and sparing shampoo , than using a duster ?
Women with cropped hair and less feminin outfit who seem genderless lost their personality, having one"s fling.Certainly some male do too.
Every centuries have always changed to new trends. But never there was any generation such much femals who given up their feminin look.
Nowadays they mutated to an androgynous individuals and given up her female gender.
An aftermath could be their spouses cheat them , because no spouse want have an androgynously , scary creature in the bedroom.Mostly they didn't marry such.
Loads male agree !
A genderless individual deserve being cheating.,as she kept from spouse her having one's fling after wedding.
Surely that's their own business , but that can't be a reason to all eilderly humans to conceal one's gender and to offer other preferences instead.
What could be a an advantage ? To get all help for free just because out of good looking , even it is shallow ?
Other way . As I had a puncture a crowd of men came up to wearing suits, white shirts and were insisted to help me. Moving out and male offered help.Never I had to pay for it.
Do you mean if my personality , my wisdom, my way of caring, my quality of ever you want, with a genderless look would sitting in that car with puncture , do you think I would get noticed ?
Even if I would say "I"m smart, have experiences , a charmed character, would you help me please?
I would get help , but I have to pay for it.
It's easier on and cheaper to be younger and a feninin female.
Therefore other preferences don't offset it.
Now I won't dwelling longer about that.