1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Tue 11 Nov, 2014 08:57 pm
No one is banning the use of the word in the general population--people are free to use the word. Hawkeye has used the word at A2K, and continues to use the word, as this recent example shows
And I am looking for the word to stop playing on the guilt of people who never had anything to do with anything bad that may or may not have ever happened to the niggers.

The issue, which Hawkeye has considerably distorted, is really whether young black men, on sports teams, should be banned from using it, during practice, or on the field, or in locker rooms, mainly because it offends older blacks and they don't want to hear the word, or hear young black men describing themselves, or referring to their black peers, with that offensive word.

But, thanks for posting that link, now Hawkeye can come up with even more slurs with which to insult various groups.

Why don't you go over to Hawkeye's "Is Nigger An OK Word To Use?" thread and post your dumb comments on ethnic/racial slurs and offensive terms over there, where they more appropriately belong.
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Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 07:04 am
Ok, so I'm working 3 jobs now and haven't been checking in here because I'm busy.

You're asking me an honest question firefly, so I'll give you my honest opinion. But I'll give it here because that's where the question was posed.

I really wish I had never mentioned my race, because it's irrelevant to almost every point I've been trying to make during my time on A2K. I've noticed some topics here about race (such as the Michael Brown shooting), but have purposely decided not to comment. That being said, I can't take the information that I've shared back. And so you all know that I'm a black man. I realize that colors what I have to say. This was a misjudgement on my part, because now when I speak, you are imagining a black man saying it, and that indeed "colors" what I'm trying to say. When there really is no "color" to my message at all. I'm a man before I'm a black man. Most every point I've tried to make here on A2K is that men are human beings with intrinsic value/human worth. All men deserve the same human rights as women do. If I'm going to be pigeonholed as something, I prefer to be known as a man who values his fellow men (no matter what their race, sexual orientation, etc, etc.)

3) I believe that the black victim story has lost all of its credibility during my lifetime, we should move on, and so should our language

So I would disagree (in part) with hawkeye here. Speaking as an African American, I have been subject to quite a bit of prejudice during my lifetime. So no, I don't think black victimhood has lost ALL it's credibility. However, I DO think that as a black man, when I speak out about disadvantages that I face, they are taken much more seriously than a man in my exact same social position who might happen to be white. And that's why I regret disclosing my race. I want my words to speak for themself without some perceived "victimhood" attached to them. Because I don't consider myself to be a victim.

I think if anything, what hawkeye is "guilty" of here is choosing the "wrong" words. And as far as I see, that is not significant enough for me to even raise an eyebrow to it (I'm only explaining this to you to try give you some personal understanding as best I can.) People sometimes may not find the perfect words to say, but you have to look more at the MESSAGE they're putting forth rather than the manner in which they do so.

And see that's the thing about gynocentrism and specifically the female indoctrination of language, and politically correct social behavior. (Now bear in mind I'm making a generalization here OMG!!! I'm fully aware that not ALL females fit this model, but just because there are exceptions to a given rule, does not discredit the rule as a whole. ANY scientist who collects data, makes "generalizations" based on the data available to him/her in order to form hypotheses.) Females appear (for the most part) to be concerned more with HOW things are said rather than WHAT is being said. That is to say that they are more concerned with using specific language to try to not offend people rather than being concerned with saying something MEANINGFUL. This has a lot to do with the different ways that men and women consume information (both verbal and nonverbal). And because women are, and ALWAYS have been the limiting factor in human reproduction (along with a laundry list of other reasons that I'm not going to list here simply because they would take up too much space), society is GYNOCENTRIC (i.e. it caters to women's best interests above men's, including valuing female life above male life.) So because of this, society has it's arm twisted to comply with this "pretty" manner of speaking about things rather than being allowed to be frank/direct, even if that means using non-politically correct language to get **** done.

I don't give a flying **** if hawkeye uses the word Nigger or not. I have yet to get the impression that hawkeye is racist AT ALL. Context matters. And even if the context were to be racist/bigoted, I don't feel I have the right to tell someone they aren't allowed to use certain words. because the minute I do that, I give up my own personal freedom to criticise that racism/bigotry through my own free speech.

Hawkeye states:

My opinion is that words should never be banned

Words/language SHOULD NOT be censored. When you start down that path, it becomes open season on free speech, and a free exchange of ideas. I enjoy being able to say whatever I choose. If people don't like what I'm saying, well then they can choose not to pay attention to me. Just like I already know not to take people who say bigoted things seriously. Because I don't hold hate in my own personal heart, and therefore I recognize that stuff as nonsense. But I don't want my ability to criticize those hateful messages to be taken away, and that's why I believe that those idiots have a right to say whatever they choose to.

The truth is that straight men (probably even more so white, straight men) are the current "niggers" of the world. When they face problems, they're just crying "Male Tears". They are blamed and scapegoated for everything under the sun. They are viewed as the 'villains' in almost every narrative being sold to the public. They are the boogie men who are all rapists, and who are holding everyone else down with their "privilege". It's socially acceptable to slur and openly hate them.

Even though I have far less social safety nets available to me than women do, I'm aware that in the context of a cultural narrative I have more empathy available to me for the struggles that I face in terms of how society views me than a white man in my exact same socio-economic situation.
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 07:25 am
My post was up for less than 20 mins and it gets voted down into the negatives. Hahahahaha! Laughing

How many of you voting that way actually read it all the way through and REALLY thought about what I'm saying?

Y'all can suck my black cock Very Happy
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 11:25 am
Y'all can suck my black cock

All give Izzy the pleasant of that task............... Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 10:01 pm
The showing of men as would be rapists at best go on with not only phony surveys but now phony youtube videos.

It was kind of funny to have this information below come out in the middle of a live cable show with a panel who was up to that point enjoying taking all the men in the video and men in general to task for being sexual predators when it come to poor drunk women.



NOVEMBER 12--The viral video claiming to show a series of men plotting to take advantage of a drunk Los Angeles woman was staged by the clip’s creators, who fed lines to the purported predators, dupes who thought they were appearing in a student film, The Smoking Gun has learned.

The video, “Drunk Girl In Public,” is described as a “social experiment” by creator Stephen Zhang, 20, who apparently sought to ride the coattails of the 35 milllion-view Hollaback! video showing a woman being peppered with catcalls as she walked across New York City.

Zhang’s video, shot on Hollywood Boulevard, has been viewed nearly 4.5 million times since it was uploaded to YouTube on November 8.

The clip stars actress Jennifer Box, 24, who teeters on high heels while drinking from a paper bag. The clip portrays the tipsy Box as prey being stalked by the men she encounters.

When one of the men seen in the clip complained bitterly about his portrayal as a wannabe rapist, one of the video’s creators sent a private Facebook message advising him to, “Just go with it dude, you are in our team now and we will take care of you.”

The men shown in the video--each of whom is seen trying to lure Box (seen above) to their residence or vehicle--were recruited by Zhang and sidekick Seth Leach, who, days before the video was shot, wrote on his Facebook page that he was, “Shooting some videos in LA all day Thursday and need a good actress. If you live in Los Angeles or have a friend who does and is an actress, tag them/hit me up!”

According to two sources familiar with the clip’s production, the men in the video were approached on the street to take part in a “comedic, hidden camera” video. One source, who said he declined an invitation to be in the video, told TSG that he was told the production was a “student video.” He added that the film crew did not ask for participants to sign releases or any other “paperwork.”

One of the supposed sleazeballs in the video--an African-American man wearing a green shirt--is a street musician named "Ashtray" who plays buckets on Hollywood Boulevard. A shaggy-haired man wearing sunglasses in the video drives a Hollywood tour bus.

Another man seen at the end of the video tells Box, “You’re in no shape to be walking around like this,” and offers to take her to his place, where he has “more beer.” The man, Mike “Mokii” Koshak, works as a sales rep for LA Epic, a firm that arranges nightclub crawls. Stationed in Hollywood, Koshak tries to sell tickets to tourists and other customers.

Koshak’s boss, LA Epic owner Christine Peters, told TSG that “Mokii was taken advantage of” when asked to “say a couple of lines for a comedy sketch.” Peters said, “They made it seem like he was trying to take the girl home.” Since the name of Peters’s company can be seen on Koshak’s t-shirt and hat, Peters said she was upset the firm had been “dragged into it,” since “we don’t condone such behavior.”

In a Facebook post, Koshak (pictured at right) assured friends that the video “was all staged and all of the people in it were acting,” adding that the clip “does not portray myself or any of the other people in it correctly.” He noted that, “it's a false ass portrayal and I was lied to about what the video even was. Faulty ass ****.”

In response to those protestations, Leach, 22, sent Koshak a private Facebook message acknowledging that the video was staged. “The important thing to consider," Leach wrote, "is that this video is going to get you well known and have a future with us and our company."

After promisisng Koshak a night of free drinks, Leach said, “We are going to be huge and you are apart of it. Just go with it dude, you are in our team now and we will take care of you.”

In a Facebook post yesterday crowing about the viral success of “Drunk Girl In Public,” Leach (seen at left) wrote that the clip was “on the homepage of pretty much every news and media website you can think of.” He then told of “heading out to LA again tomorrow and creating some more viral videos for your viewing and learning pleasure!”

He closed the message by noting, “We are the dream team!,” and tagging the Facebook pages of Zhang, Box, and soundman Chris Olmedo.

Viral Video, Los Angeles, Hoax, Drunk, YouTube, California
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 11:02 pm
this goes under the heading "sell people what the want to buy". I find it very sad that people want to be told stories about how badly men suck.
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2014 11:54 pm
Well, in this case, it was a male selling the story.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 12:10 am
Thanks for your reply, nononono.

I think the language people choose to use is part of their message. When a white guy refers to "the niggers" he's sending a message about how he regards that group.

I don't see this as a free speech issue, he's free to use the term. I see it more as racism disguised as a free speech issue.

Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 12:44 am
firefly wrote:

Well, in this case, it was a male selling the story.

Biden going on stage a crying to sell the fable that 1/5 women at university are raped would be probably the most notorious example of this.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:03 am
He said they were sexually assaulted, which means more than just "rape".

It's a much truer story than the fiction you try to peddle that the sex laws are all out to ensnare poor helpless men, apparently too dumb to tell the difference between a "Yes" and a "No".

Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:18 am
Have you ever listened to one of these doozies? He goes on and on about how men do women wrong, about how men dont stop other men from doing women wrong, but what about women doing wrong? Not a peep. I have seen no evidence in real life that women are any less aggressive in their relationships then men are, if we are going to deal with intimate boundary violations then we need to get women in on the fix, in some way other than them whining to the state every time a sexual encounter leaves them feeling anything other than splendid so that the state can tear apart a guys life to see if he in not pure.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:45 am
The "fix" is for people to express and respect consent boundaries.

That's why "Yes means Yes" is a step in the right direction. Ask her first if a type of sexual contact is wanted, then abide by what she says, and she must do the same with him.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 01:55 am
I am all for sluts asking for what they want and screaming passionate yesses as I **** them but immersing the state and its criminal code into my erotic life main accomplishment is removing my freedom and replacing it with state mandates.

**** that. This government is already way too big for its breeches.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 02:47 am
As long as your sluts aren't screaming, "No!", you won't find yourself involved with the state's criminal code. Wink

Let me know when you have something new to whine about. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:35 am
firefly wrote:

Well, in this case, it was a male selling the story.

Biden going on stage a crying to sell the fable that 1/5 women at university are raped would be probably the most notorious example of this.

Hawkeye so Firefly is trying to claimed that it matter the sex of those trying to sell the story of men as a class being evil sexual predators or not for their own benefits?

There was a few black slaveholders in the south and that does not change the wrongness of slavery.

In France there was more then a few Frenchmen who joined the Nazis Party and who aided the hurting down of Jews during WW2 in their own country.

I wonder if Firefly think if having a woman help holding down another woman for her boyfriend to rape her would change the nature of the crime or not?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 03:45 pm
Bill said
The showing of men as would be rapists at best go on with not only phony surveys but now phony youtube videos.

But while alcohol-assisted sexual assault is a real problem, the vast majority of rapes are committed by acquaintances of the victim, not dudes who hang out on Hollywood Boulevard looking for prey. Videos like this one promote the myth that rapists take the form of strangers walking down a busy, well-lit street—not the victim's friends, colleagues, spouses, or ex-boyfriends.


The much bigger story, which of course is not talked about because it would violate taboo to so, is that this hoax video is propaganda for the politically motivated lie spread by the feminists that "MEN SUCK!".
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 04:13 pm
Hawkeye what I find very interesting is that there is a damn good chance that the most powerful person in the world will shortly be a woman US president and women are now being give commands of such things as carrier battle groups but on the other hand they are such children that they are not responsible for their own actions under the voluntary influence of alcohol or drugs when it come to sexual relationships.

If a couple are both under the influence it is the male duty somehow to be sure that she can grant valid concern with no standard in place to judge by.

After all males are sexual predators and women are victims in waiting.

Oh it is very non-PC to suggest that if a woman is unhappy with the outcome of her sexual relationships when she drink that the solution in the future is to reduce or not drink at all when there is a chance of sexual interactions.
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 04:16 pm
Hawkeye what I find very interesting is that there is a damn good chance that the most powerful person in the world will shortly be a woman US president and women are now being give commands of such things as carrier battle groups but on the other hand they are such children that they are not responsible for their own actions under the voluntary influence of alcohol or drugs when it come to sexual relationships.

Hum, you know what that sounds a lot like ......." Corporations are responsible for profits and their owners should get them but not responsible for losses, those the taxpayers (actually our kids and grandkids) pay for". This is what power buys when the political system is corrupt and the citizens are stupid.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 04:57 pm
When these falsified depictions are taken seriously and given a mainstream audience, only to be revealed as fake, they offer ammunition to anyone seeking to deny rape culture itself as a myth propagated by “social justice warriors.” A quick look at the #gamergate hashtag on Twitter, or the Men’s Rights Activists forum on Reddit, reveals that the hoax is already being used to try to shut down the very real work that activists are doing to end sexual assault...

Because a male student filmmaker decides to make a dramatized brief video that may not depict an actual sexual harassment scenario, or even a very realistic one, does not change the fact that sexual assaults of very real intoxicated women do occur, although more often by someone known to them, because such victims are vulnerable to being over powered by a person with predatory tendencies. Sexual assaults are a reality, and alcohol is the most widely used date rape drug.

And, in fact, rape deniers, like you and BillRM, have jumped on this film to use it as ammunition to engage in such denials or to whine about how it depicts men. In fact, it depicts men in no less a flattering light than it depicts women. Most men are not predators any more than most women stagger through the streets, extremely drunk, while drinking from a bottle concealed in a bag.

The much bigger story, which of course is not talked about because it would violate taboo to so, is that this hoax video is propaganda for the politically motivated lie spread by the feminists that "MEN SUCK!".

No, that's your usual paranoia about your murky feminist conspiracy theories. The reason most people aren't talking about that allegedly "much bigger story" is because most people aren't paranoid, and they are more connected to reality than you are. There is no reason to believe that a male student filmmaker was trying to do anything other than create a video which he hoped would go viral, with no thought of sending any sincere politically motivated messages.

You're the one who spreads lies, like all feminists believe "MEN SUCK!"--which is as just an untrue and inaccurate a statement as saying that all men rape or are potential rapists. You're so paranoid, you see feminist conspiracies everywhere, all plotting against men, all disparaging men--even in the work of male student filmmakers who show a drunken female behaving in public in a way most feminists would likely find a very derogatory portrayal of women.

How's your supply of tin foil holding up?


Reply Thu 13 Nov, 2014 05:44 pm
although more often by someone known to them, because such victims are vulnerable to being over powered by a person with predatory tendencies.

and yet over and over again that claim runs into problems in reality, when the people who know the accused male say without or almost without exception "I have never seen in him any reason to suspect that he is a sexual predator, and I think I know him pretty well.". This all boils down to problems directly caused by the claim made by feminsts that sex crimes are all about violence, not at all about passion. Sexual trespass or no tresspass but hurt feelings on the part of the female often are hugely about passion. The truth does not conform to the story that the politics of the feminists demands. The current fix is to shout down anyone who questions the feminists story, to call us rape deniers, undetected rapists, and misogynists " DONT EXAMINE THEIR CLAIMS, THEY ARE SICK SICK SICK!". For example:


This will stop working when enough people know enough good guys who have been fucked over for life by the feminist/state cooperative, usually by way of the criminal code.,

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