Ray Rice:Discussing domestic violence

Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:00 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Even my father knew about Ray Rice's history of the wife's abuse.

Interesting claim now back up that claim with any news stories that he had a past as being a woman abuser not a wife abuser as far as I know he just enter his first marriage with his very very long term girlfriend so he could not be a wife abuser without a wife..........

One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:06 pm
When I said "of the wife's abuse", I was referring to anything that lead up to it and reflected his actions in the past.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:22 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
What actions in the past for one thing he had a clear criminal record that is why he go the deal he did concerning the assault.

So give a link to any news story that have old girlfriends or friends or neighbors or whatever in them showing/claiming that he have any past history of abusing women.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:33 pm
Ray Rice was doing this before for about a month? It's something people already knew about, but kept it quiet... until the video came out.

Then they could not deny it.

This violence does not just "surface". It's a deeply rooted issue that is creating physiological stress throughout Ray's body, causing him to reach high blood pressure, which causes him to go off. Carrying someone out like a rag doll like that is evidence that this is not the first time... Not even remotely so. He's been doing this so much, that he's become desensitized to his own lash outs.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:35 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Ray Rice was doing this before for about a month? It's something people already knew about, but kept it quiet... until the video came out.

People knew it what people knew it?????????????????

Come on give a link to anyone who knew him that have claimed he had a history of abuse.

Just one person a friend of the family, a former girlfriend or anyone else that knew him.

A statement by you that people knew does not cut it.

One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:43 pm
I don't do sources, it's a Pandora's Box. Do your own research, or wait for someone to come in to do it for us, because I do not pander to bias and information that can apply to anything when you cherry-pick it.

I'm telling you what I heard my father say, and what was based on what Chris Rock said. I am also aware that a man that violent does not just suddenly become that violent - his violence has been with him for a very long time. Nobody with a consciousness would punch their mate twice, see that their unconscious, and instead of feeling bad and moving her with love he found again, he moved her like a rag doll - the man has zero disposition towards her.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 10:47 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
You are full of it as there is no reason at all not to assume until and if someone anyone come forward with other information that this was not a one time event and not a pattern of any kind.

People knew by itself is complete bullshit.

footnote I will need to watch the video again as I did not see a double punch you are claiming.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 11:17 pm
I am not full of it, as I told you what I know, and do not claim to know any more than what I heard along with the assessment I established over this course of time. I am welcoming all information, as it is not a consensus by all means, but it would be a fool's move to assume that this man just recently became this violent, when he showed everyone how comfortable he was at moving her body around like a rag doll. That is the sight of an experienced animal. I don't need to know sources, to know human psychology; to know what makes people tick and how those ticks emerge from the conscious personalities we thought we knew and loved.
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 11:24 pm
@One Eyed Mind,
Sorry there is not a reason in this world to assume that this was not just a momentary lost of self control and the very fact that no one have come forward to stated that he had a history of abused lean weight to that opinion.

You can dream up anything you care to but unless you can post one link to anyone that claimed he had been violence toward women in his past, a statement that people knew is worthless.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Fri 12 Sep, 2014 11:38 pm
Bill, there is every reason to suspect it's the case. Business men get their asses covered. Restaurants will lie to you about infestations to protect their image. Kids go to school with lice, not telling their friends or anyone else in school. Diseases being transferred during sex because of deceitful partners. So why wouldn't this guy, who is making not only himself money, but the people that runs the whole sport operation a lot of $$$? I wonder, Bill. There has been many cases of people getting their asses covered because they were an important asset to someone's big business. Only a fool would convince themselves that everything is hunky dory.

Are you not familiar with the Catch 22 of life? It's when someone cannot get help, without being punished for it. People will always do the easiest option, and that is to lie to remove all blame and responsibility with a three-letter word.

Many things go on behind close doors. I don't accuse people just because of that fact. But the way people behave naturally in what is otherwise an immoral and inhumane circumstance, it doesn't take much to see people for who they really are with or without evidence, just like psycho-analysts can create 100% accurate psycho-profiles of serial killers.

Bill, people cannot hide inside, as much as you'd like to believe. Psychology is a very powerful tool. Learn it; Live it. Body language - belief systems - what they wear - how they decorate their house - everything tells a man's story.
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 01:28 am
@One Eyed Mind,
Sorry but once more in my opinion if the man was an ongoing woman abuser with all the attention now on him someone would had gone public
by now.

I know it is a firm PC position that any man who had been found to had hit a woman is an ongoing abuser of women in general but in this case given that not a single person had come forward to tell stories of him having been an abuser I do not think that the PC position is correct here.
One Eyed Mind
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 01:37 am
It's speculation, but that doesn't change the fact that even assuming for a second that corporations won't cover their money makers' asses, makes you a fool.

It happens - more than you'd care to admit.

The fact of the matter is, Ray's officials aren't saying anything like "wow, I cannot believe he was doing this this whole time", no, they already knew he was, hence why they aren't saying anything along the lines of "how come I didn't know of this until now?!". Use your brain, Bill. One need not evidence, when they have a brain that can create evidence as long as you know what you're doing. The signs are there, you just have to find them with your brain.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:17 am
Because the NFL maintains a stance that is "family friendly," it cannot afford to have its players involved in violent and criminal activity. As far as the policy is concerned I haven't read it, but any policy that punishes players for not acting like they don't have any damn sense.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:41 am
@One Eyed Mind,
Have you ever been angry once? I have.

I was 13 in the 9th grade and I recall a young black girl from philly who thought she was tough. She used to bully guys with her tough talk and threats. Most guys walk away cause you know we all believed the "women are weaker" bullshit. Until one fateful day while going home on the school bus she was asked a question of whether she can fight. She ranted on how she could (and I quote) "whoop any bitch ass nigga on this bus."

All it took to set her off was me saying "yeah right...."

So the whole time while going to the drop off point she ranted how she was going to "**** me up" blah blah blah. As soon as we got to the drop off point I swear it seemed like the whole bus exited. I did the right thing and walked away. A few insults here and there but I walked away. She was so intent to "**** me up" she passed up her house.

She punched me twice in the back of my head as I was walking away...

I took my backpack off turned around walked up to her gave her two shots to the chin, dropped her, picked up my backpack and walked home. I learned the next day i broke her jaw. She spent the next 4 weeks drinking puree food. Only thing that saved me was 20 students saw her assault me first as I was walking away.

18 years later I don't regret it. My mother said don't put your hands on people and growing up in the inner city especially Compton women challenge and fight men all the time. This is why none of you understand. You guys think its ok if a woman assaults you. This is how women operate gender privilege, cause a lot of women know a man wont hit back.

Out here if you let a woman beat you up, you're considered a punk, but since none of you lived in "the hood" you couldn't possibly understand.
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 10:48 am
Typical white person's response.....

Claiming I use self pity. No I rose above my experiences by having a Masters degree. I rose above it by going out there and getting a job and getting a condo. Yeah I struggled but I bust my ass so I could say in the end I did it. When I walked at my Masters commencement, I knew affirmative action didn't help me, whites didn't help me, blacks didn't help me, the government didn't help me, I did it on my own. So bitch kiss my ass and miss me on the nonsense.
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:39 am
Buttermilk wrote:
Have you ever been angry once? I have.

I was 13 in the 9th grade and I recall a young black girl from philly who thought she was tough. She used to bully guys with her tough talk and threats. Most guys walk away cause you know we all believed the "women are weaker" bullshit. Until one fateful day while going home on the school bus she was asked a question of whether she can fight. She ranted on how she could (and I quote) "whoop any bitch ass nigga on this bus."

All it took to set her off was me saying "yeah right...."

So the whole time while going to the drop off point she ranted
how she was going to "**** me up" blah blah blah. As soon as we got
to the drop off point I swear it seemed like the whole bus exited.
I did the right thing and walked away. A few insults here and there
but I walked away. She was so intent to "**** me up" she passed up her house.

She punched me twice in the back of my head as I was walking away...

I took my backpack off turned around walked up to her gave her two [2??] shots to the chin,
dropped her, picked up my backpack and walked home. I learned the next day i broke her jaw.
She spent the next 4 weeks drinking puree food.
I don t see anything rong with that, Buttermilk.
I don t think u were out of line.

Did that modify her conduct ?

Buttermilk wrote:
Only thing that saved me was 20 students saw her assault me first as I was walking away.

18 years later I don't regret it. My mother said don't put your hands on people and growing up in the inner city especially Compton women challenge and fight men all the time. This is why none of you understand.
You guys think its ok if a woman assaults you. This is how women operate gender privilege, cause
a lot of women know a man wont hit back.
Because its impact is so light
that its like a joke, like being attacked by a butterfly. It tickles.

Buttermilk wrote:
Out here if you let a woman beat you up, you're considered a punk,
but since none of you lived in "the hood" you couldn't possibly understand.
Yea. I imagine that 's true.

Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:44 am
Buttermilk wrote:

Typical white person's response.....

Claiming I use self pity.
Is that a complete sentence, Master's degree person??

Buttermilk wrote:
No I rose above my experiences by having a Masters degree. . . .
So bitch kiss my ass and miss me on the nonsense.
Did thay teach u that in English class ??
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 12:43 pm
Wow, another self made man. It's more than sad to listen to you piss and moan about how the world conspires against you. You labor under the impression that 'white' people are immune from living in lousy neighborhoods, maybe white folks are given some sort of divine protection from adversity. You need to stop stewing in your own juices. You are on your way to become a bitter old man. Bitter is not a quality that propels you to success. Maybe you kid yourself into thinking people warm to the torchered soul or wounded bird persona. Maybe your street cred is you escaped the street, but you do know how to clock a bitch. I don't know what your deal is, I don't care. I don't want to live in Compton, I am not equipped to solve Comptons problems. You want more respect? respect yourself first, stop dwelling on slights, real or imagined.

Hopefully as you gain some life experience, you can better assess your blessings. You are frittering away your potential by glorifying negative events. Here's a news flash, you are not the only young man who was ever challenged by a young women,nor attacked by a young disturbed female. I'm not going to quarterback your reaction, I can't, I wasn't there. Your story did remind me of my first day at a new high school, it was an eye-opening experience. I attended the largest high school in the county, it was over crowded and drew students from a wildly diverse population. I got on the bus and the campus erupted, students were yelling, and in the middle of this hubbub, 2 girls were fighting, one girl had her blouse ripped off, and they were pulling each others hair. And back then, were wore our hair in convoluted ways. I found it frightening and embarrassing. Later I was told the girl who started it was named Bertha Keen, and she had a frightening reputation. I learned very quickly that you stayed the hell away from Bertha. Ten years later, she shot and killed a bouncer in front of Sweeny's in Baltimore. He asked for her ID, she reached in her purse and just shot him. It took awhile for the police to find her, she was convicted and sentenced to time in a Maryland prison. Bertha escaped twice but was caught and returned. The third time she has successfully eluded capture. She was even profiled on America's Most Wanted. If Bertha is still alive, she's about 3 years older than me. OK, not exactly a Compton story, but it hardened my resolve to avoid destructive people.

But we all choose different paths, you still want to express yourself using thuggish language, be my guest. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I've heard language like that before. You want to start each sentence with Bitch, so what. Maybe you will be one of those who is so talented people overlook their shortcomings. In the meantime, you don't come off as tough, just sorry ass.
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 01:09 pm
Of course it did, like any bully she felt reality. She picked on the wrong kid. She realized that she like any other bully, she can't do that. Ironically we're friends on facebook. We've never talked about it and we've since moved on.
Reply Sat 13 Sep, 2014 01:11 pm
Sorry my degree is in Cognitive Brain Science and my sentence structure was me responding to her as I would do on the street not as if I'm writing a thesis counsellor.
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