Wow, another self made man. It's more than sad to listen to you piss and moan about how the world conspires against you. You labor under the impression that 'white' people are immune from living in lousy neighborhoods, maybe white folks are given some sort of divine protection from adversity. You need to stop stewing in your own juices. You are on your way to become a bitter old man. Bitter is not a quality that propels you to success. Maybe you kid yourself into thinking people warm to the torchered soul or wounded bird persona. Maybe your street cred is you escaped the street, but you do know how to clock a bitch. I don't know what your deal is, I don't care. I don't want to live in Compton, I am not equipped to solve Comptons problems. You want more respect? respect yourself first, stop dwelling on slights, real or imagined.
Hopefully as you gain some life experience, you can better assess your blessings. You are frittering away your potential by glorifying negative events. Here's a news flash, you are not the only young man who was ever challenged by a young women,nor attacked by a young disturbed female. I'm not going to quarterback your reaction, I can't, I wasn't there. Your story did remind me of my first day at a new high school, it was an eye-opening experience. I attended the largest high school in the county, it was over crowded and drew students from a wildly diverse population. I got on the bus and the campus erupted, students were yelling, and in the middle of this hubbub, 2 girls were fighting, one girl had her blouse ripped off, and they were pulling each others hair. And back then, were wore our hair in convoluted ways. I found it frightening and embarrassing. Later I was told the girl who started it was named Bertha Keen, and she had a frightening reputation. I learned very quickly that you stayed the hell away from Bertha. Ten years later, she shot and killed a bouncer in front of Sweeny's in Baltimore. He asked for her ID, she reached in her purse and just shot him. It took awhile for the police to find her, she was convicted and sentenced to time in a Maryland prison. Bertha escaped twice but was caught and returned. The third time she has successfully eluded capture. She was even profiled on America's Most Wanted. If Bertha is still alive, she's about 3 years older than me. OK, not exactly a Compton story, but it hardened my resolve to avoid destructive people.
But we all choose different paths, you still want to express yourself using thuggish language, be my guest. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I've heard language like that before. You want to start each sentence with Bitch, so what. Maybe you will be one of those who is so talented people overlook their shortcomings. In the meantime, you don't come off as tough, just sorry ass.