Buttermilk wrote:
No fear doesn't have to be an issue to chin check a female
Oh, so there other equally other great reasons? By the way, you don't know what my life experience has been. I can tell you I learned very early not to argue with a drunk. I learned that when I was married to my first husband. I also learned about gun shots, also while married to my first husband. I'll give you this, kids in the inner city and lily white suburbia have much more thrown at them than I did growing up. By virtue of being much older than your cocky ass self, I had the good luck to be raised in a neighborhood where drugs were non-existent, adults didn't get drunk every night and terrorize their families. And you were expected to go to school, do your homework and not sass your mother.
So forgive me for being born during a time and place you simply can't comprehend and somehow thinks adds up to pampered. History simply means my mother and father grew up during the depression, my Dad spent 6 years in the Army, enlisting prior to the war breaking out. My fathers childhood reads like a Charles Dickens novel, but the Army showed him a different way, exposure to wonderful and horrific situations. When his generation came home after the war, they took advantage of the GI bill for education and VA backed loans to buy homes. They raised their children in hopes they would have a better life.
You are also right that I don't know anything about Compton, girls getting into fights was something that just didn't happen. If you truly have the background you claim, it's no wonder you are so angry, crude and self-pitying. I'm happy I didn't have that experience, and I'm also happy I have a grown son and husband who both gasped when they saw the Ray Rice video. Maybe that's your reality, guns, vulgarity, having no trouble seeing women get punched for being pushy. It's also the aspiration of many young wanna be thugs. Sounds like heaven to me.
If you have become desensitized to such violence and even understand it, mores the pity. I can only hope younger generations will aspire to something more than getting tats, street cred, and violence.
I raised my children, they have jobs and don't beat their wives. But holy ****, that's what everybody should be doing, that's practically the bottom of the barrel starting point for a successful life. So, you raise your children in a way you think they can have a good life and take care of themselves. Well, if you ever willing to pull that stick out of your butt, and get rid of that chip on your shoulder, maybe you will be successful.
Raise your expectations, don't revel in how hard it was for you or other children growing up in a violent era. That's something you are supposed to rise above, not have dewey eyed memories of, oh well my childhood was much tougher than yours. That's not aspiring to achieve, that's self-pity and envy of anyone you 'suspect' might have had it easier than you. You have two choices, try to improve your circumstances OR blame everyone else for your dismal choices. Just own it, grow up and be responsible for Christ's sake?