@Lustig Andrei,
Quote: If this results in some civilian casualties, the fault is not Israel's but, rather, of those cowardly terrorists who even use their own people -- including children and pregnant women -- as suicide bombers. Let's put the blame where it belongs.
Lustig Andrei, personally I like and admire you. I'm disappointed in your recent post which states Israel is not at fault. Even after these exchanges with you, I will still like you, not merely because of your head of white hair which reminds me much of my late grandfather, but up until recently you appeared to my mind at least the fount of much wisdom......never speaking too much but usually right on target.
Hamas is firing rockets into Israel because the Zionist nation is occupying their territory and Gaza it is said by one who knows is "the largest open prison" with IDF troops surrounding said area..... the people of Gaza are unable to move freely or get medicine and or food easily. Can you imagine the crippling psychological damage being done to generations of Palestinians? Still Israel continues to build its settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem for those vengeful wild-eyed settlers using American taxpayer dollars.
In your post you say "If this results in some civilian casualties, the fault is not Israel's"!! Surely you cannot be serious! There are over 1000 Palestinians dead and you say it's not Israel's fault? Pray tell whose fault is it if not the Israelis?! Did you expect these human being to accept their condition imposed on them by Israel and roll over?! Hamas is sending rockets into Israel which basically fall harmlessly on the ground and or are stopped by the Iron Domes supplied by the US, Israel's toady. The other day children were playing on the beach in Gaza and the IDF targeted and killed them. The destruction done to the people's homes with the rising toll of Palestinians killed daily is monstrously cruel....amounting to war crimes by the Zionist nation. Israel has the super weapons, the tanks, the air power and the defenseless Palestinians have stone age tools, i.e. rocks to throw and they simply have no where to hide from Israelis' attacks. If they hide in a school or in a hospital, Israel targets that with the pretext Hamas is hiding weapons there, even when the IDF see there are hundreds of people there. But supposing weapons were hidden in these places, that is no reason to take out hundreds of lives which cannot be restored! For God's sake, where is Israel' humanity?!?! The number of wounded Palestinians is staggering. Two airstrikes which hit the compound of Gaza City's main hospital and a nearby park killed ten children and wounded 46 on Monday.
My goodness, Israel is treating the Palestinians the same way the Nazis treated European Jews.....there just are no ovens yet! There was one war in the area where Israel actually used a chemical weapon, white phosphorus on the Palestinians.
The total Palestinian death toll rose to 1,058 on Sunday after 147 bodies were recovered from ruined buildings the previous day, while another 1,516 have been injured, added Unicef.
YES, Israel is responsible, like who else? The rocket that hit another hospital yesterday was said by Israel to be sent by Hamas. Now I call that BS number 1! Hamas' rockets are sent towards Israel not directed at Gaza. Many Americans call Netanyahu BullShitter number 1! Every time the Zionist PM opens his mouth one thinks of a partisan propagandist.