Senior night...I had no idea you were that old, aimeemarie. Maybe he just needs Viagra.
"I don't wanna be a player no more...I'm not a playa' I just crush alot."
I was in love with a fellow who turned out to be gay, and he still ranks as one of my best lovers of all time, and that is no aspersion to the others. That was back in 1971, when it was a major major deal to come out of the closet, professionally and in the service. He went to a psychiatrist to understand himself .. (he told me later). The only clue for me was some commitment difficulties, and trust me, those were very common in the early seventies with people of whatever sexual orientation.
As has been discussed on a2k before, people aren't always one way or another, in somekind of box.
My friend did find a male mate, and he too had had a serious relationship with a female, had been married for several years.
well we have a thing called senior night during senior week at my college because we graduate saturday and tonight is drinkin' night to celebrate the end of finals.
SO help on this one GR called me last night while I was working and I haven't spoken to him since thursday... he has never called me at work... he said he just called to see how I was doing.
that is a dilemma in it self... ummm.. Kicky I think I will come see you because I don't like the dating scene here... WILL YOU BE MY DATE FRIEND?
C'mon kicky, we all eagerly await your response to aimeemarie.
Ummm...bad call here aimee. Kicky's not into love BEFORE sex. Oh ...DATE FRIEND!....You mean asexual date.
cav, are you trying to encourage me??? I can be a bad girl when I want to, thats where all the use of the words poop and bum come from my bad girl side..

Are you trying to corrupt our sweet, innocent kicky?
Your last post reminded me of a Mae West Quote. Hmmmm?

Let's see. I think it goes, "When I'm good, I'm
very good. When I'm bad,I'm
better. Lalalalala!
good ole' may. well I ahve this image that all of my friends and family call me cute. I WANT TO BE THE BAD GIRL! I want to be the sexy one...
trust me it doesn't work...
poo poo pee pee! when I get mad I call people poop heads... I just have that kindergarden teacher look and feel to me!
I'm thinking that kicky needs a woman who can call him a poop head....I'll bet he'd get all melty and strange.
oh bot.... that is funny cav.
I think you have to be brave, and set the fellow down not letting him leave until he tells you what is up. He might not be mature enough to understand that he's being insensitive by not explaining what's going on. You are confused, and that sort of confusion ('am I pretty?'...'am I lousy in bed?'...'is he really gay?', etc) makes a relationship not only bloody hard work, but a bit less worthwhile too.
Well said Mountie,
And I might add, don't question your worth from your epidermal beauty. Don't fall for that Cosmo crap. From what I've discovered about you you're a dynamite 22 year old ...savvy and brave.
to get back to the original question I would have to answer the wet warm part......
aimeemarie123 wrote:ummm.. Kicky I think I will come see you because I don't like the dating scene here... WILL YOU BE MY DATE FRIEND?
I will, my sweet angel. I will.
P.S. Date Friend means good fun sex without any commitment, right?
One of my other favorite parts is the loud moans, the screaming and the dirty talking. I love when a girl yells "F--- me harder!"
AM, in case you haven't seen a picture of Kicky, or if he's sent you a false one of his male model cousin...I thought I'd let you see the real Kicky.
I have to say, he's got a GREAT personality.