Despite shunning sex, I try not to consider the camaraderie between Gus, KC and Scoates...
dròm_et_rêve wrote:As for Aimee; I think that he is not making moves either because
a) He likes kissing.
b) He thinks that things are too early.
c) He respects you, and thinks that you don't want sex yet,
Or all three. It has nothing to do with your being naked at all; I can tell. He's just less direct, which-- I feel-- is a good thing. (How do you rate him despite his not giving you sex, by the way :-I?)
<nods> When I was young, I was much the same, never really knowing what to do. I grew out of it though when tons of chicks started calling me gay.

Maybe he just needs a bit of a push, that's what I'm getting at here.
dròm_et_rêve wrote:My thoughts precisely. So, why should the sex be the justification of staying with, or leaving, a partner? There seems to be more people who get tired of their partner due to sex rather than due to their intimacy; and, weirdly, more people stay with their partners due to sex, rather than personality and compatibility; it's strange.
sex is an appetite like any other, requiring satisfaction for the animal to function properly; and it is only a part (but important non the less, as it is the only appetite at the discretion of the partner) of a healthy relationship.
he is a known player... so you would think he would like having sex. well he likes me... he has told me I am the nicest and most understanding girl he has ever met... he likes the fact that I am not clingy... I don't care if he doesn't call me for a few days. I don't bitch at him for not calling every day, I am even learning to like his dog...
he said I am the perfect girl... maybe he just wants to be friends?
Maybe he doesn't want you to turn into one of his "conquests" and wants something more than that. It's possible.
It is possible indeed. Such is the power of woman....being able to change a man without doing anything at all, well, maybe some things....but not the annoying things. I might wait this one out a little, aimeemarie.
no heterosexual male, when attracted, 'just wants to be friends'!
BoGoWo wrote:no heterosexual male, when attracted, 'just wants to be friends'!

This is a fact. Like I said, wait it out, you'll know if he's gay soon enough (I hope). He's not into Broadway and fishnets is he?
BoGoWo wrote:no heterosexual male, when attracted, 'just wants to be friends'!

But, I think it's possible that a guy could really want more than just a boff, and in that case, he might want to wait a little bit before getting all hot n heavy.
Or maybe he's screwing someone else.
Lawyer's addendum: cavfancier in no way meant to misrepresent heterosexual transvestites.
maybe, I guess I have to wait and see... I just don't want an I told you so from brandon... ( he is a mutual friend that I met GR through, he said "be careful GR is a player... i don't want toy to get hurt.")
I don't know GR is just, I think afraid of commitment!... but I don't want a really serious comitted relationship... I told him that I am happy with a casual relationship... I just got out of a deeply committed relationship...POOP I am confused.
aimeemarie123 wrote:POOP I am confused.
I love it when you talk dirty.
KC's probably right. Nevertheless-the-less, watch out about reputation, Aimee... reputation is the surfacing of prejudice, disguised as fact. I remember that, on publishing a very limited-edition of a thesis on feminism two and a half years ago, which gently slated Martin Amis for his one-sided presentation of women. He, by turns,found out, and his giant ego was insulted. He wrote a ridiculous 'free article' about my work and I, which said that I:
a) Wanted the extinction of the male race
b) Was twisted
and that reputation stuck, despite none of the papers liking Amis. What I'm trying to say is that people project images that are not essentially true.
And I wanted to say something else, which I have forgotten... something about Platonic relations. I'll come back and post later.
I would say that time will tell aimeemarie. The fact that you are confused about the situation indicates some interest perhaps beyond the casual? Otherwise, you wouldn't be talking about it. Give him a chance, you never know. If it is casual for you, and he isn't living up to that, no gain, no loss.
cavfancier wrote:Lawyer's addendum: cavfancier in no way meant to misrepresent heterosexual transvestites.
they do a perfectly good job of misrepresenting themselves!
Martin Amis is something I can't post here without the vulgarity filter going beserk.
BoGoWo wrote:cavfancier wrote:Lawyer's addendum: cavfancier in no way meant to misrepresent heterosexual transvestites.
they do a perfectly good job of misrepresenting themselves!

Lawyers or heterosexual transvestites?
you know the first time i went to his house he left the t.v. on for the dog... I walked in and poof barbra was on t.v.... I have been picking on him about barbra ever since...
I have a question... do gay men get erections over women??? beacuse he has no lack of those... so I have noticed.