dlowan wrote:Never ask me for oral sex.
With teeth like those?

Yiiiikes! I think not, thank you.
biting bad... scraping worse... causes laserations. then your partner will be very unhappy.
I cringe at the mere thought of it!
Is that why some people prefer partners/ playmates with dentures?
Give me a girl with nothing but gums, and I'll be happy for the rest of my life.
I agree, but if teeth are used, it should be done gently enough not to abrade. It is nice to have them used in certain areas of the body though. :wink:
I went with a guy once that bit them too hard, thinking them to be gum drops or something. He almost lost all of his teeth.
I am going to put in a personals ad at my local nursing home for kickycan.
Male seeking woman with no teeth dentures preferable for felatio 10 times a day. please call 1-800-you-suck.
kickycan wrote:Give me a girl with nothing but gums, and I'll be happy for the rest of my life.
And three feet tall with a flat head to rest your beer on.
There once was a sweet fellatrix,
who pulled all her teeth just for kicks.
The men all flocked to her
and payed lots to woo her
While she had her pick of the p*****.
aimeemarie123 wrote:I am going to put in a personals ad at my local nursing home for kickycan.
Male seeking woman with no teeth dentures preferable for felatio 10 times a day. please call 1-800-you-suck.
I've already posted that ad. Not one response. Can you believe it?
well I knew you were perverse but that takes the cake.
isn't that considered elder abuse?? do you keep an old toothless woman in your closet? only let her out to pleasure you?
I know a great therapist...
I'm such a dirty, dirty boy . . .
maybe I will bring you to my house and keep you in my closet... only let you out too....
maybe not.
kickycan wrote:aimeemarie123 wrote:I am going to put in a personals ad at my local nursing home for kickycan.
Male seeking woman with no teeth dentures preferable for felatio 10 times a day. please call 1-800-you-suck.
I've already posted that ad. Not one response. Can you believe it?
It's not considered elder abuse if you agree to wear the dentures during the act. Then both of you can be humiliated in the most pleasurable way.
thank you for making me laugh very loudly and choke on my diet coke at work... now people are staring they will figure out I am slacking off.... eeekkk. oh wait they don't care.
I am working in a library though.. not goo to laught really loud and spit soda every where.
Why thank you kickycan. Yes aimeemarie, shhh, it's a library.
Speaking of which, anyone ever do it in a library among the stacks nobody visits, and you have to be oh so quiet, despite the desire to cry out in ecstasy...the holding back just makes the experience more hot....you whisper, "Aristotle be damned, I'm Plato in your hands baby," and she counters in the softest voice "less talk, more action." You whisper again "Oh yeah, the action stacks are filled baby, loaded and ready to fire."