Right you are, Raggedyaggie.
I've just discovered Vic and Sade on satellite radio. --afraid I'm a TV generation kid. A good website for them:
Great site!. Thanks Greyfan.
Here's a really old one that was radio, TV and a series of movies:
about "a typical American family" residing on Elm Street, Centervile.
Right on the button, Brandon. The Aldrich Family is correct.
This popular TV sitcom featured a family with two sons and no daughters. The town was named, but the state it was in was kept very ambiguous, and the father's profession was never unambiguously identified. The show is nominally about the younger son, and one of the elder son's friends has become almost an icon of dishonesty in modern pop culture.
Gotta be "leave It To Beaver"
(love that Eddie Haskell!)
With George I agree except for the part where I had a real crush on Tony Dow.
George wrote:Gotta be "leave It To Beaver"
(love that Eddie Haskell!)
You are correct.
(Eddie Haskell: "How are you today, Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver, and how is little Theodore?")
Oh, yeah. My turn.
Sailing on the "Leakin' Lena".
Wild guess. Mc Hales Navy?
JoanneDorel wrote:With George I agree except for the part where I had a real crush on Tony Dow.
You and every girl in my grade school class.
Cecil and Beanie/ Cecil the Seasick Seaserpent.
I loved that show. I had a Cecil handpuppet that talked when you pulled the string "I'm comin' Beanie Boy!"
What was Clyde Crashcup's profession?
Clyde Crashcup...
Sounds like I should know this...
I was under the impression also that he was an inventer.
Clyde Crashcup was a cartoon character who was a wacky inventor. He had a segment on the Alvin & the Chipmunks show in the early '60's. He would draw stuff on the wall and it would become real. Then he and his assistant, whose name I don't recall, would have an adventure.
So, phoenix got it right off the bat.
Which radio hero used to shout, "Ka - ne - wa Fury!"?