Where ever Bush "goes," could he possibly take PM Tony "Poodle" Blair with him? He will not be missed over here.
That's wonderful! Are you a Simpsons fan?
Not really - and besides, I'm trying to become adult.
Actually, it is (or has been, in its better years) social satire with few peers in American arts/letters.
Let me know how the growing up project works for you. I had a brother who tried it, but the results have been mixed.
blatham wrote:
Let me know how the growing up project works for you. I had a brother who tried it, but the results have been mixed.
I started some dozen years ago - Rome wasn't built in a day.
Rome...paradigm example of successful growing up. You are on the right track, no question.
I know, I know
<away now again, sucking wolves milk>
Growing up???
What's to be gained!
I didn't know the Simpsons was social satire - I thought it was real life - that's what some Americans told me!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
My post was misconstrued. I really meant that Mr. Blatham, Mr. Hobitbob and Mr. Hinteler would do well since they are not emotionally tied up with events as most Americans are and they would be able to govern even handedly.
However, I would ask that none of them be allowed to tinker with the US economy. Given the horrible unemployment in Germany; the status of the Canadian dollar and the massive ignorance of the average Lybian concerning economics, there would have to be an overseer with unlimited power. I would ask that Alan Greenspan be the czar if such a ticket(Blatham/Hinteler/Hobitbob) were to be elected.
Would does Lybia (and do Lybian) have to do with this?
(Looking at the status of the US dollar:

mporter wrote:My post was misconstrued. I really meant that Mr. Blatham, Mr. Hobitbob and Mr. Hinteler would do well since they are not emotionally tied up with events as most Americans are and they would be able to govern even handedly.
However, I would ask that none of them be allowed to tinker with the US economy. Given the horrible unemployment in Germany; the status of the Canadian dollar and the massive ignorance of the average Lybian concerning economics, there would have to be an overseer with unlimited power. I would ask that Alan Greenspan be the czar if such a ticket(Blatham/Hinteler/Hobitbob) were to be elected.
Apologies for misunderstanding your post.
Just a note though, over the last two or so years, the Canadian dollar has been steadily advancing on the US dollar.
I chose to go tender with the fellow. You merciless bitch.
Mr. Blatham, as usual, is long on generalizations and short on facts and hard data. As of this date, the Candian Dollar is worth .72 cents American.
I hope that the Canadian Economy is not managed by people who don't know what they are doing.
Canada seems to be filled with that type. Otherwise, why would they have such a low valued currency?
Sometimes I would like to respond to Mr. Hinteler but I can't understand what he writes.
Mr. Hinteler said:
"You don't think, btw, Hobitbob, loosed(sic), his US-American citizenship/nationality, do you"?
I am sorry, I cannot decipher that sentence.
mporter, I've always found Walter Hinteler to be an interesting and articulate poster. Could it be that he's having a little fun with you to demonstrate how anal some people can be?
Mr. Hinteler is indeed a scholar and a gentleman. He is apparently quite learned and gives a great many insights into etymology and European History.
I applaud him for that. I would respectfully suggest that his commentary on the US and its policies and politics should be couched a bit more tenatively unless those politics and policies can be shown to be inextricably tied to Europe and, more precisely, Germany. It is my opinion that commentators who do not live in the USA do not have knowledge of the nuances which are necessary in order to make fairly definitive comments on American politics and policies.
I am sure that Mr. Hinteler is an omnivorous reader with a wide knowledge of History. I do not know whether he has read any books about the Midwest of the USA. I can say without fear of contradiction, that even if he has exhausted the library's store on that topic, he would not have the real knowledge that a US scholar, who has lived and worked in the Midwest of the US,would have.
However, as I said, Mr. Hinteler's erudition, slightly purged of what appears to be a mild Anti-Americanism, is important and beneficial to these posts.