McEGntrix, do you mean the "alleged" actions that are included in the Taguba report, as well as the AI, HRW,and ICRC reports?
Brian, accept that you made a stupid comment and were called on it. Macho posturing doesn't impress me, and it simply makes you look silly.
I won't accept anything. You made a very assanine comment about a member of my family and I expect and will take no less than an apology for it. I never stated that all of the things that were done to the prisoners were like fraternity hazing I stated that many of the actions. You outright made a statement about a member of my family. You don't know if what you stated may have happened or not yet you refuse to take accountability for it. And I thought liberals were supposed to be the touchy feely you hurt my feelings so now apologize party. I guess that was a lie too.
saintsfanbrian wrote:I won't accept anything. You made a very assanine comment about a member of my family and I expect and will take no less than an apology for it.
What comment did I make about your family? I asked you if your fraternity hazing experiences included being sodomized with broom handles, being chewed upon by attack dogs, raping each other, havving your twelve year old sister raped in fromt of you, and being forced to join in? These are exaples of what occurred at AG. Pretty disgusting, aren't they?
Leave any family member out of it. I am still awaiting an apology. And you know for a fact that one of their 12 year old sisters was raped in front of them and that they were forced to join in?
I'm not going to apologize for your stupid comment. I really don't understand why you conservatives insist on playing the victim. You should learn to stand on your own two feet like we liberals!
No I mean "alleged" as in not proven, but anecdotal.
Many of the incidents that you decry are only told by the victims. None of the US service people have admitted such.
Now, do I doubt it happened? No. That seems right in line with what those idiots did.
Does it justfy the beheading of anyone? Not in a million years.
saintsfanbrian wrote: And you know for a fact that one of their 12 year old sisters was raped in front of them and that they were forced to join in?
This is in the Taguba report, as well as in the ICRC rerport, and the HRW report.
McGentrix wrote:No I mean "alleged" as in not proven, but anecdotal.
Many of the incidents that you decry are only told by the victims. None of the US service people have admitted such.
Apparently these were captured in living digital colour by the guards.
Quote:Now, do I doubt it happened? No. That seems right in line with what those idiots did.
Does it justfy the beheading of anyone? Not in a million years.
Good Godess you just made sense..did it hurt?
Bob - you sir are an a$$ and I refuse to "do business" with you or anyone else on this board.
McGentrix wrote:
Does it justfy the beheading of anyone? Not in a million years.
Does beheading anyone justifies things that happened in prison? Not in a million years.
So what's the point here?
That Americans should take more care about what Iraqis do then what they are doing themselves??
saintsfanbrian wrote:Bob - you sir are an a$$ and I refuse to "do business" with you or anyone else on this board.
and my father is stronger then yours
I'm surprised you guys even have the will to have an argument after such an horrific crime.
But its clear this war is going to plumb new depths of depravity. Iraq is lost. All the major objectives have failed.
We can expect many years of killing...for no other reason that coalition forces remain in Iraq.
hobitbob wrote:McGentrix wrote:No I mean "alleged" as in not proven, but anecdotal.
Many of the incidents that you decry are only told by the victims. None of the US service people have admitted such.
Apparently these were captured in living digital colour by the guards.
Taguba report in full
Quote:8. (U) In addition, several detainees also described the following acts of abuse, which
under the circumstances, I find credible based on the clarity of their statements and
supporting evidence provided by other witnesses (ANNEX 26):
a. (U) Breaking chemical lights and pouring the phosphoric liquid on detainees;
b. (U) Threatening detainees with a charged 9mm pistol;
c. (U) Pouring cold water on naked detainees;
d. (U) Beating detainees with a broom handle and a chair;
e. (U) Threatening male detainees with rape;
f. (U) Allowing a military police guard to stitch the wound of a detainee who was
injured after being slammed against the wall in his cell;
g. (U) Sodomizing a detainee with a chemical light and perhaps a broom stick.
I draw your attention to this because of the source of the information.
hobitbob wrote:Quote:Now, do I doubt it happened? No. That seems right in line with what those idiots did.
Does it justfy the beheading of anyone? Not in a million years.
Good Godess you just made sense..did it hurt?

I always make sense, you just fail to realize it.
Oh my God! I just got home and logged on to read this. How much more must we take of Bush's war in Iraq over nothing more than oil?
I think these events (the Abu Ghraib prison torture and the American beheading) will be viewed as the turning point, when the American people turned against George W. Bush and sent him packing.
McGentrix wrote:hobitbob wrote:McGEntrix, you have no one to blame for this but your president, and yourself, for supporting him. Everything that Bush has done since 11th September has played right into OBL's hands. I'm actually surprised you didn't castigate him for screaming before being killed. I would have thought that you sould have scolded him for his cowardice!

I guess as a terrorist sympathizer it is difficult for you to feel remorseful when one of your "peace loving" muslim buddies murders a fellow human like this, huh HB?
But, have one of them be seen naked in front of *gasp* a woman, and all the vile hate comes spewing out your keyboard.
I have long known where your loyalties lie, but thanks for helping open other peoples eyes...
I am sure there is some sort of name for the erroneous assumption that expressing horror for the wrongs done on one side of a conflict precludes feeling a similar horror for those done on the other.
I do not think most of us have such simple, tragically limited, binary minds, McGentrix. Do you?
you and the rhetorical questions ms. buns...God knows I love ya......