Death penalty for "aspostasy" in Sudan

Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 11:08 am
Yet, those of us who expose some of the ugly truths of Islam hear charges of “racism.” The funny thing is that those people using that term are reflecting a bad image only on themselves. When we hear or see the word “racism” from someone who doesn’t like our counterjihad efforts, we see the person as an idiot for one or more of the following reasons:

The individual has no idea what the word “racism” means and is too stupid and/or lazy to use a dictionary;
The individual has been deluded by government propagandists and is incapable of thinking for himself;
The individual lacks the brain power to distinguish between beliefs and genetics;
The individual may actually understand the difference between the words “race” and “religion” but is so stupid he thinks he can confuse people through intentional misuse of the terms.
The individual is a pathological liar who will say anything to promote Islam and the Muslim expansionist agenda.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 11:19 am
Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 02:28 pm
The Mike Obunga story.....

0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 02:38 pm
Listen to the truth about Europe.

ACT! for America meeting in Orlando, Florida on May 15, 2014

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff:
The Ongoing Islamization of Europe

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you greetings from Austria.

I congratulate Brigitte Gabriel, and you, Mike, and all the various chapters of ACT! For America for their tireless efforts to expose the ongoing stealth Islamization of the United States and Canada. As a native European, I can testify personally that the Islamization of my country and my continent is hardly a matter of stealth — it is occurring quite openly. Radical Islamic preachers declare the supremacy of Islam during Friday prayers in mosques in major cities all across Western Europe. Muslim demonstrators frequently take to the streets carrying signs that read “Islam Will Dominate” and “Sharia is the Answer”.

Under the direction of the EU bureaucrats in Brussels — whom we did not elect and cannot remove — we Europeans are required to admit more and more third-world immigrants, most of them Muslims. Our public institutions must change to accommodate them. Our schools become centers of Islamic propaganda and serve halal food to all their students, Muslim or otherwise. More and more mega-mosques are being built in our cities. Multicultural “tolerance” requires that we permit fully-veiled women as employees in all occupations, public or private. And, most ominously, any criticism of Islam — or even factual accounts of Islamic history and practices — are punished by lawsuits or state prosecution.

Most of you have already heard about my own legal case, so I won’t spend a lot of time going over the gory details. The short version is that I was prosecuted by the Austrian government for what I said in one of my seminars about Islam. My description of Islamic law and its basis in the Koran and the hadith was considered “denigration of religious beliefs of a legally recognized religion.” I was tried, convicted, and fined. I appealed all the way to the highest court in Austria, but my conviction was upheld at all levels. I am in the process of appealing the decision to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

Because of my conviction, I can no longer use a certain word in my descriptions of Islam and Mohammed, because the use of that word was judged a denigration of Islamic beliefs. If I were to use it in reference to Islam, I could be prosecuted again, and the sentence might be harsher the second time. They would probably throw the book at me.

However, I am not in Austria at the moment. I am here, in the United States of America, where my right to use that word in any context I please is protected by nothing less than the First Amendment to the Constitution.

So it gives me a special pleasure, ladies and gentlemen, to tell you what got me in such hot water with the judicial authorities in Austria: it was the word pedophilia.

In my seminar I explained that, according to the authentic hadith, Mohammed married his wife Aisha when she was six years old, and consummated the marriage when she was nine. In reference to those facts, I described a conversation with a friend about an Austrian politician named Susanne Winter, who had previously been convicted and fined for referring to Mohammed as a pedophile. It was my friend’s opinion that one is simply not allowed to say such a thing. I responded by saying, “What do we call that, if it isn’t pedophilia?”

Now that I’m here in Florida, and it’s safe for me to say it, I can repeat my point: Mohammed is considered the perfect man, an example to be emulated by all Muslims. He had sex with a nine-year-old girl. What do we call that, if it isn’t pedophilia?

Does this perhaps explain the epidemic of child sex slavery by gangs of young Muslim men, which is currently underway in Britain, the Netherlands, and other Western European countries?

Britain is actually the worst offender when it comes to the repression of free speech and open debate about Islam. Almost every day, cases at least as outrageous as mine are brought before magistrates or judges. People who criticize Islam or speak negatively about Muslims are routinely charged with “racially aggravated public order offenses”. Many of them are given a stiff fine when convicted, or even sent to prison.

The most egregious example in recent memory was the arrest of my good friend Paul Weston in Winchester. Paul is a candidate for the European Parliament for the LibertyGB party, and on April 26 he was making a campaign speech over a bullhorn from the steps of the Winchester guildhall. His listeners didn’t realize it, but what he was saying was actually a quote from a book called The River War, which was written in 1899 by a man named Winston Churchill:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property — either as a child, a wife, or a concubine — must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.”

A woman who heard him say these words called the police and complained that he was engaging in “hate speech” that was offensive to her. When the police arrived, they told him to stop. When he refused, he was arrested, searched, and taken away in a police van.

Paul was initially charged with “breach of the Section 27 Dispersal Notice”, that is, for refusing to obey a police order to move on. At the police station that charge was dropped, however, and he was given a more serious charge: a “racially aggravated crime under Section 4 of the Public Order Act.” If he is convicted of it, he may be sentenced to up to two years in prison. He will return to the police station next week, on May 24 — two days after the election. At that point he will learn whether the judicial authorities will proceed with a prosecution.

As far as Paul could tell, neither his audience nor the police had any idea that he was quoting Churchill, so they may well have been unaware how bad they would look when the news got out about what happened. And the news certainly did get out — within a few days the story moved out of the blogs and into the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic, and even in Australia. Normally, such Section 4 cases never make it into the media. They are routine and humdrum. Someone complains about the Religion of Peace, and gets charged with racism. It’s no big deal; it happens all the time.

Paul’s case was different, however. Despite the reign of political correctness that smothers all public discourse in Britain, Winston Churchill is still revered by the British public as a great national hero. To arrest and charge someone for quoting Sir Winston’s writings in public is a bridge too far. The police had no idea that they were biting down on a scorpion when they arrested Paul Weston.

Sir Winston Churchill was not only a Prime Minister of Great Britain, he was also an accomplished writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his historical writings. What in the world has happened to the UK when an English citizen cannot quote a respected historian and the greatest war leader in British history without fear of being arrested?

In 1899 Winston Churchill was free to observe what Islam did to its adherents. He could evaluate what he saw, draw conclusions, and publish them in a book, all the while receiving accolades for his work. Today, in the second decade of the 21st century, the same topic cannot even be publicly discussed, and the conclusions drawn by Sir Winston are absolutely forbidden. How the country has changed in just over a century! If nothing else, this incident plainly illustrates the extent to which Britain has been Islamized.

The process by which the nations of Europe became Islamized varies from country to country. My own country, Austria, left a “back door” open for Islam due to the infamous Law on Islam of 1912. This law gave Islam the status of a recognized state religion, and was considered politically necessary after Bosnia-Herzegovina was incorporated into the Austro-Hungarian Empire. More and more Bosnians were joining the Austrian army, and the law was passed to ensure “cohesion” in the ranks.

Sound familiar? In Britain, the greatest excesses of Politically Correct Multiculturalism are justified in the name of “community cohesion” — that is, to prevent Muslims from rioting in the streets.

The mass importation of Muslim immigrants into Britain began more than thirty years ago, but it has accelerated in the last fifteen years as the Labour Party deliberately increased the annual rate of entry in order to import more Labour voters and damage the Conservative Party.

Other countries have implemented similar policies. Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, and Austria have all increased the numbers of immigrants they allow to enter. Some of these policies are simply the mandate of the European Union, which insists that individual member states have no right to control their borders. But in other cases, the Social Democrats, the Greens, and other left-wing parties find it expedient to import third-world immigrants and grant them the vote as quickly as possible, because they will reliably vote as a bloc for the left-socialist parties.

France is a special case. Algeria was an integral part of France for more than a hundred years, from the 1830s until the 1960s. After Algeria won its war for independence in 1962, Algerians who had remained loyal to France emigrated en masse to the former mother country. They were largely secular, but Islamic radicalism remains dormant indefinitely in any expatriate Islamic population. Three generations later, the descendants of those Algerians — who are native French citizens — are turning increasingly to jihad, and are among the “foreign fighters” who have traveled to Syria to fight in the civil war against the Assad regime.

To compound the problem, numerous other Muslim immigrants from various former French colonies in Africa have settled in France over the past two or three decades. As a result, major cities, especially Paris, are surrounded by a ring of suburbs euphemistically known as “Sensitive Urban Zones”. These are no-go zones for ordinary French citizens. Firefighters and ambulance drivers will not enter them without a police escort. The police themselves enter them only when absolutely necessary, and always in large numbers.

Whenever you see footage of “carbecues” and rock-throwing “youths” in media news reports about France, it is almost always shot in these Sensitive Urban Zones. They are, in effect, areas of the country that are no longer governed by France. The laws of the Fifth Republic have been superseded by Islamic law and tribal law, replicating the failed political structures of the Middle East and Africa.

Similar situations may be found to varying degrees in all the countries of Western Europe. From Gothenburg to Barcelona, from Glasgow to Vienna, large concentrations of Muslims with the same characteristics may be found. Women on the street are veiled. The shop signs are in Arabic, Urdu, and Turkish. All the supermarkets sell halal food only. Pork and alcohol are unavailable.

Non-Muslims who venture into these neighborhoods risk being surrounded, harassed, and beaten up by large groups of Muslim men. If they are unveiled females, they also risk sexual harassment and rape. All may expect to be told: “This is a Muslim area. You are not welcome here.”

Any incident that threatens the honor of a Muslim or hurts Islamic feelings may lead to violent demonstrations, rioting, looting, and arson. This is when you see cars burning in the suburbs of Malmö in Sweden, Oslo in Norway, Berlin in Germany, Brussels in Belgium, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Paris in France, and Birmingham in England. This is when angry Muslims take to the streets with signs that read “Behead Those Who Insult the Prophet” or “Islam Will Dominate”.

This is also when presidents, prime ministers, and ministers of the interior appear on state television to reassure their non-Muslim citizens that Islam is a religion of peace, and that these rioters and arsonists do not represent the “real Islam”. They reassure their Muslim citizens — on whose votes they increasingly depend — that the government has pledged to spend more money on mosques, community outreach efforts, integration programs, and other forms of groveling appeasement towards the Islamic community.

“Official” Muslims — those who represent Muslim communities in government bodies, or appear as talking heads on state television — repeatedly “deplore” the intemperate words and violent actions of their “extremist” co-religionists. They tell their audience that such behavior actually goes against Islam. Even so, despite their bland reassurances, thousands upon thousands of Muslims keep taking to the street doing the same things, over and over. And politicians keep promising better integration and better education as preventive measures, over and over.

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. How insane are our political leaders?

As I mentioned earlier, I can say all these things because I am in the United States, and enjoy the protections of the First Amendment. If I were to say them in many Western European countries, I would risk prosecution. No matter how true they are. No matter the factual research. No matter the historical accuracy of anything I say.

The truth is no defense is most European courtrooms, when it comes to “hate speech” show trials. It certainly wasn’t in my case. If anything I say “denigrates” Islam, no matter how factual it is, then I have committed a crime.

Ladies and gentlemen, laws such as these are de-facto Islamic blasphemy laws. They constitute sharia. The governments of European countries are enforcing sharia on behalf of their Muslim minorities.

The reasons behind this near-complete capitulation to Islam are complex, but they all ultimately come down to one thing: the oil supply. As Bat Ye’or documented in her ground-breaking book Eurabia, forty years ago the non-communist governments of Europe made an agreement with the Arab world: in return for supporting the Palestinians against Israel and allowing Muslim immigration into Europe, they would be guaranteed a continuous supply of oil at a relatively stable price. Four decades later, the bargain still holds. Both the oil and the immigrants still flow into Europe. And, if current trends continue, after four more decades have gone by, several European countries will have a majority Islamic population.

The future outlook for Europe is grim. We will become part of the global Ummah, or we will descend into civil war and chaos. The only possible way to avoid one of these fates is to awaken the public to what is in store so that the current crop of dishonest and treasonous political leaders may be voted out of power.

But time is short. In another ten or fifteen years, it will be too late. In fact, it may already be too late. But we have to try.

You may think that what happens in Europe doesn’t matter to you here in America. But our present is your future. What is happening in Europe now will happen here in just a few short years.

Previous US presidents allowed the infiltration of Muslim Brotherhood agents into all levels of the federal government. The situation became even worse under the current president. Barack Obama has also made it his policy to admit ever-larger numbers of Muslim “refugees” into the United States. Every time the US involves itself in another war in the Middle East, new waves of displaced Muslim refugees are resettled in this country. The Syrians are only the latest example; before them came Afghans, Iraqis, and Somalis. Each of these groups, acting together or separately, is busily using the same tactics as European Muslims to force the Islamization of American society.

It is time for activists in the United States, Canada, and Europe to stand together against the Islamization of our countries. We have all had enough of it. Now we must put our heads together and design strategies that will reverse the process.

A few minutes ago I described my own legal case in Austria and that of Paul Weston in the UK. But those are only two of hundreds of such cases in Europe. I can’t list all of these victims of sharia — if I were to cite one case every minute, it would be past my bedtime before I finished Britain and started on the rest of Europe.

But here is a partial call-out to the victims of sharia in Europe:

In Britain: Paul Weston, Tim Burton, Tommy Robinson, Kevin Carroll, Chris Knowles, and Ann Marchini.
In Belgium: Paul Belien and Frank Vanhecke.
In the Netherlands: Geert Wilders and Gregorius Nekschott.
In Denmark: Lars Hedegaard.
In Norway: Peder Jensen, better known as Fjordman.
In Sweden: Carl Herslow.
In Finland: Jussi Halla-aho.
In Germany: Michael Mannheimer, Michael Stürzenberger, and Conny Axel Meier.
In Switzerland: Avi Lipkin.
In France: Philippe Val
In Austria: Myself, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff.

All of these people were publicly vilified. Some were fired from their jobs. Some were prosecuted. Of those, some were fortunate enough to be acquitted, but others were convicted and fined. Some are even doing time in prison.

Most of them have to live with intimidation and death threats as a regular feature of their lives.

And there are many, many more of them, with new cases being brought almost every day.

I ask you stand with them against Islamization, and against the encroachment of sharia in all our countries.

The hour is late; it is already five minutes to midnight in Europe. In America you still have a few minutes extra. Please use them wisely.

Thank you.

Do not let this come to America.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 May, 2014 10:33 pm
Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 07:16 am
An there are Christians some from the US trying to get the below written into some nations laws right now and have come very near to doing so. Only international pressure had kept the punishment down to long long prison sentences.

And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

So all Christians are evil and the foundation of the religion is evil?

As an atheist in good standing I might even agree with that logic now how about you coldjoint as it is the same kind of logic that you are trying to used against Muslims.

Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 11:03 am
So all Christians are evil and the foundation of the religion is evil?

Is that what you think? You forget Christianity managed to let a free society blossom into this(the USA) and other free countries. Also that Christianity evolved with the times and rejects many OT values.

You won't see that in Islam. The Koran is as relevant today as it was in the 7th century. Not to mention the killing going on daily. They are waiting for 0 laws to be passed. Islam does not follow mans laws, Christians do.

Islam is on its own. The death and violence they bring has nothing to do with Christianity.


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.05.20 (Cairo, Egypt) - An al-Qaeda linked group is suspected in a drive-by shooting at a political rally that leaves three dead.
2014.05.19 (Mohmand, Pakistan) - Four members of a peace committee are brutally executed by Sunni hardliners.
2014.05.18 (Nad Ali, Afghanistan) - Three sleeping children are flattened when Talibanis send a rocket into their home.
2014.05.18 (Kano, Nigeria) - Two young girl are among four killed when a suicide bomber detonates in a Christian district.
2014.05.17 (Dalwa-Masuba, Nigeria) - At least forty residents of a quiet agrarian village are massacred by Boko Haram.
2014.05.17 (Ngurosoye, Nigeria) - Twenty-nine people at a market are slaughtered by Islamist rockets and bullets.

* Sources for individual incidents can be provided upon request.

Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 07:37 pm
Is that what you think? You forget Christianity managed to let a free society blossom into this(the USA) and other free countries. Also that Christianity evolved with the times and rejects many OT values.

Number one Muslims had created some outstanding societies while the Christians was going through the middle age/dark age. Keeping human knowledge far safer then it was in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.

One of the reasons we have the degree of connections we do with our past was that many books created during the peak of the Greek and Roman era after disappearing from the West ended up in the middle east and then copies was return to Europe after the darkness had past.

As far as Christians and the US government see the following treaty that was ratify by the US senate. Our free thinking founders was able to set up the foundation of our government despite Christianity not because of Christianity.
Being base to a large degree on the early Roman Republic.

Treaty of Tripoli 1797

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 07:53 pm
BillRM wrote:

Is that what you think? You forget Christianity managed to let a free society blossom into this(the USA) and other free countries. Also that Christianity evolved with the times and rejects many OT values.

Number one Muslims had created some outstanding societies while the Christians was going through the middle age/dark age. Keeping human knowledge far safer then it was in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.

One of the reasons we have the degree of connections we do with our past was that many books created during the peak of the Greek and Roman era after disappearing from the West ended up in the middle east and then copies was return to Europe after the darkness had past.

That 's all very nice,
but I still have not forgotten what the Moslems did on 9/11/1
and how thay danced in their streets in celebration of their success.
Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 08:39 pm
Number one Muslims had created some outstanding societies while the Christians

No, they conquered some outstanding societies like the Persians and the Egyptians. They just take the credit. Did you know that two thirds of the Christian world was conquered by Islam before the first crusade?

Also we are not talking about what Islam did in the past.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 09:25 pm
but I still have not forgotten what the Moslems did on 9/11/1
and how thay danced in their streets in celebration of their success.

All billion plus Muslim David including those who have family members killed in that attacked?????!!!!???

So you wish to take the blame for the mass killing at Johntown or the Oklahoma City bombing due to sharing a religion with nuts who justify those actions in the name of god?
Reply Wed 21 May, 2014 09:35 pm
religion with nuts who justify those actions in the name of god?

When are you going to realize Islam says this? And Islam is Gods word to Muslims. Killing is permissible and even pious. Anyway means to advance Islam is an obligation. And a large part of that over a billion believe it. And the ones that don't? It doesn't seem to be their problem.

You can't stop the problem by listing examples Christians acting in a non -Christian way. And then blaming a religion with a clear doctrine of anything but violence.
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 12:28 am
When are you going to realize Islam says this? And Islam is Gods word to Muslims. Killing is permissible and even pious

Fool have you ever read the Christian bible where god order whole peoples including infants in their mothers arms kill?

That the punishment for working on the lord day was death?

Sorry but for recieving orders to kill from god the Christian bible is still the winner by far,
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 07:57 am
BillRM wrote:
So all Christians are evil and the foundation of the religion is evil?

Yes, the foundation of the Jewish and Christian religion is evil. Granted, most people who call themselves Jews or Christians are not evil, but that's because almost all of them ignore most of what's written in their holy book. The corresponding fraction of people who call themselves Muslims is far smaller.
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 08:07 am
coldjoint wrote:
Is that what you think? You forget Christianity managed to let a free society blossom into this(the USA) and other free countries.

The phrase "managed to let" gives Christianity too much credit. What happened over the last 400--500 years was that science and humanism pushed back against Christianity, Christianity lost, and the formerly-Christian world became a better place for it.
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 09:51 am
humanism pushed back against Christianity, Christianity lost, and the formerly-Christian world became a better place for it.

Exactly, the church bent, not the humanists. Do you see Islam bending? Do you also see that Islams doctrine forbids change? And no one is arguing with that.
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 09:55 am
The corresponding fraction of people who call themselves Muslims is far smaller.

I guess you are ignorant of the fact that hundreds of millions of people know nothing but Islam? The number is not small. Supremacy and Sharia are extremely popular with highly educated Muslims too.
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 10:28 am

The Mike Obunga School Lunch Plan: Eliminating all of the bigger kids and athletes via starvation, one kid at a time....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 12:04 pm
Reply Thu 22 May, 2014 12:11 pm
True, and he won't say a thing. Nobody in any position of power dares insult Islam. If they do the DOJ will pounce.
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