Oh, I knew whom you meant.

I was just taking advantage of the situation for a little lame humor on my part.

You know, to relieve all the tension caused by all the name-calling

that goes on in these hallowed forums.

I wasn't implying any disrespect for your topic.
Relax, my friend. No need to get uptight. I'm not a participant in these online political altercations. I gave up on politics a long time ago. I have absolutely no influence in Washington, D.C. (or in my home town, for that matter). I can do nothing about the future of our country, as my state is a one-party state. (It's Texas; so, that might make you happy.

) I'm just a lurker here at A2K, destined to be an online outsider.

But that's okay.

I'm just a tired 63-year-old guy who works out at a local health club (having already spent a small fortune on physical trainers) and suffers from a chronic sleep disorder.
So, carry on, my friend, and have fun.

I may not be a political conservative (or a "progressive," by today's standards); but neither am I to be counted amongst your many ideological enemies in this august forum, since this is not one of my battles. I'm just an outsider.
Enough of my babbling for now.
By the way, my knowledge of borking is nill; so, I don't know if I've ever been borked or not. It sounds nasty!