Quote:Where any Jewish symbols are vandalized or people that display them are harassed and intimidated
Right and it was the Muslim Ottoman Empire that not only welcome the Jews with open arms but even send ships to save them when the "good" Christians of Spain was busy killing them.
In relationship to the Spanish driving out so many useful people the Ottoman Empire, Bayezid II, declared: “They tell me that Ferdinand of Spain is a wise man but he is a fool.
And that was not repeat not the last time that Muslims save large numbers of Jews from the good Christians of Europe. Including during the Holocaust.
To sum up for the last 600 years or so it was good Christians that tended to murder Jews in large large numbers and Muslims who tend to offer them safe harbors.
Bigots seldom know history but not knowing that Christians not Muslims had been the murderers of large Jewish population right up to the 1930 to the 1940s where millions of Jews was placed in gas chambers by "good" Christians living in a Christian nation is a little must.