Horrific claims of torture emerge as soldiers reveal gory Kenyan mall massacre details

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 05:18 am


Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.

Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.

Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies, it was claimed.

Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged

Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged

Most of the defeated terrorists, meanwhile, were reportedly discovered ‘burnt to ashes’, set alight by the last extremist standing to try to protect their identities.

The horrifying details came yesterday as the first pictures emerged from within the wreckage of the building, showing piles of bodies left strewn across the floor.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2434278/Kenya-mall-attack-torture-claims-emerge-soldiers-Eyes-gouged-bodies-hooks-fingers-removed.html#ixzz2gBXLu0x3
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The criteria for all of these bad deaths was not being muslim. Muslims were made to leave the premises before the slaughter began.
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Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 07:14 am
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Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 08:26 pm
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.

I see you or the author really got off on this particular aspect, Gunga.

Do you see this as any different than the US's proxy terrorist's actions in Nicaragua?

I don't mean to abuse you with verbal violence, but you have to understand what your government and its agents are doing. They go into villages, they haul out families. With the children forced to watch they castrate the father, they peel the skin off his face, they put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children.


Or US troops actions in Korea;

Though the North Koreans had a reputation for viciousness, according to Cumings, U.S. soldiers actually engaged in more civilian massacres. This included dropping over half a million tons of bombs and thousands of tons of napalm, more than was loosed on the entire Pacific theater in World War II, almost indiscriminately. The review goes on to say, “Cumings deftly reveals how Korea was a clear precursor to Vietnam: a divided country, fighting a long anti-colonial war with a committed and underestimated enemy; enter the U.S., efforts go poorly, disillusionment spreads among soldiers, and lies are told at top levels in an attempt to ignore or obfuscate a relentless stream of bad news. For those who like their truth unvarnished, Cumings’s history will be a fresh, welcome take on events that seemed to have long been settled.”


Or US troops actions in any of the 200 times the US has illegally invaded sovereign countries. You know you folks really should not be fingerpointing, Gunga. The US probably trained the guys in Kenya.
Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 11:22 pm
Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 11:28 pm
This is what we deprived the South Koreans of:





.....North Korean reveals cannibalism is common after escaping starving state


"One of his strongest thoughts is … if he didn't take steps to leave North Korea, he would've become a North Korean who ate human flesh," an interpreter for Mr Jeong told news.com.au.

The thought that he would have to one day eat a fellow human being is what drove Mr Jeong to leave his homeland behind and to escape to Sydney in March 2011.

He would've become a North Korean who ate human flesh
It is not the first time reports of cannibalism have emerged from the secretive state.

Fears that famine-stricken North Koreans are being forced to eat human flesh heightened earlier this year following claims a man was executed for murdering his two children for food.

"While his wife was away on business he killed his eldest daughter and, because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well. When the wife came home, he offered her food, saying: 'We have meat,'" a source told The Independent.

"But his wife, suspicious, notified the Ministry of Public Security, which led to the discovery of part of their children's bodies under the eaves."

Renewed reports of cannibalism came after a human rights group accused North Korea of operating a system of secret gulag-style prison camps, according to reports.

Fears of cannibalism in the country surfaced in 2003 too, amid testimony from refugees who claimed poor harvests and food aid sanctions had resulted in children being killed and corpses cut up for food.....

The sanctions came about because food aid which outh Korea and the West had provided wa being old off on the international markets for money to buy arms.
Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 11:30 pm
I have no doubt that Dick Cheney was sitting in his den thinking "I told you so!" and is sure that he will live long enough to hear the majority of americans thanking him for trying to end muslim terrorism.
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 02:49 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
I have no doubt that Dick Cheney was sitting in his den thinking "I told you so!" and is sure that he will live long enough to hear the majority of americans thanking him for trying to end muslim terrorism.

Cheney is a solid man. I'm glad that he was our VP for eight years.

And thermobaric warheads make dronestrikes extra awesome. Gets the terrorists nice and crispy.
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 03:35 pm
This is from 60 years of US terrorism against the people of Korea.
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 04:03 pm
Bullshit. It's from sixty years of oppression of a Stalinist regime.
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 05:09 pm

How do you define terrorism? I must admit that I had never given much thought about this word or idea, until this morning. According to Dictionary.com, terrorism is defined as “the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purpose.” Think about that for a moment. Using violence to gain a political goal is terrorism.

On May 22, 2012, North Korea announced that it would "bolster its nuclear deterrent as long as the United States was continuing with its hostile policies.” What hostilities are they referring to? North Korea is being denied the ability to trade most anything including and especially food, because they continue to explore nuclear energy and weapons.

On May 22, 2012, the U.S. Senate approved tightening restrictions against Iran due to it’s exploration of nuclear energy and presumably weapons. Today, 80% of Iran’s economy is dead and its people are starving.

On March 19, 2003, the United States led military strikes against Iraq due to it’s exploration of WMD (weapons of mass destruction) and nuclear energy. We “won” the Iraq War by starving its people.

In Afghanistan, millions are starving as we try to “liberate” them from “terrorists.”

What do all of these countries have in common? They are all undeveloped nations due to U.S. led sanctions for decades. They have millions of citizens that are starving or malnourished because of the sanctions.

Recently, Russia threatened the United States with sanctions, should the U.S. fail to ease up on its foreign policy. I don’t know about you, reader, but if the world powers started sanctioning the U.S. , and food became hard to obtain, and the economy crashed as a result, I’d be pretty ticked off. I’d demand that our government do something to make it stop before I stood by and watched my children starve to death for politics. Wouldn’t you?
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 05:31 pm
If starvation ever comes to America it will be the work of greens, libtards, low-information voters and Malthusians of other stripes within our own shores, and not the work of anything external to us.

I would expect the red states to break off and go their own way before that happened.
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 05:44 pm
Gunga: Oh look, there's a squirrel!
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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 11:37 am
Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 11:48 am
oralloy wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:
I have no doubt that Dick Cheney was sitting in his den thinking "I told you so!" and is sure that he will live long enough to hear the majority of americans thanking him for trying to end muslim terrorism.

Cheney is a solid man. I'm glad that he was our VP for eight years.

And thermobaric warheads make dronestrikes extra awesome.
Gets the terrorists nice and crispy.
I wish that HE had been the President.

Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 11:49 am
Gunga: Oh look, another squirrel!
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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 11:51 am
You thrill to the idea of the most evil of men as your leaders, Om. Says everything that needs to be said about you as a "human".
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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 11:55 am
You Americans have never given the slightest concern for the suffering of people around the planet unless you can use it for propaganda purposes, Gunga. You know that to be the truth and yet you still pump out the lies, you still make lame attempts to hide the awful truth - that the US is no better, no different than the Nazis of WWII Germany.
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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 12:10 pm
This is what we deprived the South Koreans of:

Sorry to have to disabuse you of your propaganda, Gunga. This is what the US actually does. And it's never pretty.

South Korea, 1945-53:

After World War II, the United States suppressed the popular progressive forces in favor of the conservatives who had collaborated with the Japanese. This led to a long era of corrupt, reactionary, and brutal governments.


The Chinese civil war pitted Mao Tse-Tung's Communists against Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalists. The US-backed Chiang, but when he couldn't do the job they also supported Japanese troops fighting the Communists, even before WWll had ended. Hated for his wanton cruelty, corruption, and decadence, Chiang did not enjoy the support of the Chinese people; entire divisions of the Nationalist army defected and fled to the island of Formosa (Taiwan). A presidential commission appointed by Harry Truman reported after Chiang's arrival there that his forces "ruthlessly, corruptly, and avariciously imposed their regime on the population. Under Nationalist rule, 85% of the population was disenfranchised, but the onset of the Korean War and the anti-communist hysteria of the McCarthy era led the US to declare that the tiny island represented the real government of China. The US was crucial in keeping mainland China out of the UN until 1971. Chiang gave the World Anti-Communist League (an international organization with links to Nazis, drug smugglers, and the CIA) its first home, permitting WACL members to use a military academy there to train troops for Latin American military coups. President Carter tried to cut US ties to WACL, but Ronald Reagan received campaign funds from the group, and WACL became involved with training and supplying contras in Argentina and Taiwan. Chiang Kai-Shek died in 1975, but many of his policies continue in Taiwan.



President of South Korea

Free and open expression has not come easily to South Koreans. Beatings, torture, and execution of the regimes' political opponents have been a way of life since the Korean War. The tenure of former President Park Chung Hee, who came to power in a 1961 military coup, exemplifies the kind of leader South Koreans have been forced to endure. Park's virulent anti-communism won him U.S. support. The water torture, which leaves no physical marks on the victim, was a favored technique of Park's security forces. Cold water was forced up the nostrils through a tube, while a cloth was placed in the victim's mouth to prevent breathing. Many anti-communist interrogations were run by the KCIA, a US creation modeled after the American CIA. One victim told Amnesty International, " I was taken to KCIA headquarters, my hands tied together, and I was tied to a chair. I was not allowed to have any sleep. At night, they would drag me to the basement where they would beat me with a long, heavy stick, and jump on me. They were trying to make me confess that I was a spy. Despite such brutal behavior, the US has maintained a first-rate strategic relationship with South Korea, providing successive repressive regimes with extensive US aid. Park Chung Hee was assassinated by the KCIA in 1979, but South Korea is still a nation troubled by lack of human rights.


2. At one time North Korea's economy seemed to be growing faster than South Korea's. What happened ?

When the CIA studied the two economies in the late 1960s, it found North Korea out-performing South Korea in almost every particular. From 1979 to 1990, the UN's FAO was reporting North Korea as an agricultural miracle, the world's number one in terms of rice yield per hectare. Both reports were dubious and the accomplishments, such as they were, soon dissolved. Now the GDP gap is between 20 and 30 to 1 in the South's favor and North Korea's agriculture has collapsed.

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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 12:12 pm
6. Are North Koreans "paranoid ?"And, if so, why?

If paranoia means unreasonable, groundless, or grossly exaggerated fear, then the word is inappropriate to describe North Korea, whose fears can hardly be described as unreasonable.

While in Washington the North Korean "nuclear threat" has been an issue for the past decade, Pyongyang has faced the U.S. nuclear threat for the past half century. North Korea has lived under it for longer than any other nation. During the Korean War it escaped nuclear annihilation by the barest of margins. General MacArthur, his successor as Commander-in-Chief, General Ridgway, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, and the Joint Chiefs, all at one or other stage favored or recommended using nuclear weapons against North Korea. Britain and other allies opposed its use, but in the end it was only fear of Soviet retaliation and, following the death of Stalin, the rapid progress in negotiations, that prevented it. Then, just four years after the Armistice and in obvious breach of it, the U.S. introduced nuclear artillery shells, mines, and missiles into Korea, keeping them there, adjacent to the Demilitarized Zone, designed to intimidate the non-nuclear North for 35 years till they were finally withdrawn at the insistence of the South Korean government. Even withdrawal did little to diminish the threat as perceived by Pyongyang as the rehearsals for a long-range nuclear strike on North Korea continued. Under the Agreed Framework, however, Clinton finally lifted the threat, pledging no - first-use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear state. That reprieve was in turn revoked under Bush and North Korea was specifically included on the Nuclear Target List.

Watching its fellow "axis of evil" country Iraq being pulverized in 2003 although it had no weapons of mass destruction or any immediate prospect of developing them, Pyongyang could be forgiven for concluding that its turn was likely to come next and that its only hope of survival was actually to possess what Saddam Hussein had not. Without nuclear weapons, North Korea was a poor and insignificant country; perhaps only with them, it might not only deter a U.S. attack, but actually induce it to enter negotiations on long-standing grievances.

North Korea's perception of its role in the 20th century (and the 21st to date) is that of victim, suffering from a series of colossal and uncompensated injustices at the hands of colonial Japan and the U.S. Its demands for lifting of the threat against it and for recognition and normalization may be voiced in strident tones, but that is best seen as a measure of its anxiety. What the world has never recognized is the core of legitimacy in Pyongyang's cry for settlement: of the bitter legacy of colonialism (from Japan) and of nuclear intimidation, economic embargo, and diplomatic isolation (by the U. S . ) .

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