One Thing I've Noticed

Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 10:51 am
as much as things don't change, they stay the same

right hates left and vice versa

blacks are still killing whitey

sex and relationships still mystify

free movies/TV shows abound

the animals are still beautiful

gee, it's good to be back home again

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Type: Discussion • Score: 13 • Views: 12,292 • Replies: 216

Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 01:07 pm
....and we're happy to see you, deej!
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Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 01:48 pm
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Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 02:04 pm
Welcome back
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Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 02:17 pm
Glad you're back, kid.
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Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 03:58 pm
"blacks are still killing whitey"

White people on this forum.....are....special.
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 07:05 pm
i was merely noting that Pamela Rosa's dreck was still front and centre

if you get to know me you'll know i mean little if any harm

Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 07:14 pm
Pamela Rosa is certainly disgustingly special.

I don't understand why she's allowed to continue to post here.
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 07:28 pm
on the plus side, her topic does give me a chance to post the Blazing Saddles, "where all the white women" clip from time to time
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Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 07:55 pm
cause shutting down bothersome people creates a unrealistic, scarier world
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 07:59 pm
she's not "bothersome"

I feel that A2K is tacitly endorsing racism by allowing her continued presence on the site.
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 08:05 pm
This sentiment is horrifying to me. It is a control by groupthink driven by political correctness.

You and some others may be legitimately offended by her drivel. Others like me are really bothered by it, but don't want to erase untoward, bothersome or even heinous remarks from existence. It's more frightening to be controlled by a faction than to hear her bullshit.

Ignore works. Speaking your opinion about hers works. Erasing her from a position of control over her due to a group opinion is far worse. It can bleed to books, websites, past A2K and across the net - like in China and Iran.

Let's don't be like them. Please protect speech.
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 08:09 pm
Lash wrote:
It is a control by groupthink driven by political correctness.

that is just ******* idiocy
Reply Mon 12 May, 2014 08:10 pm
You've seen it happen throughout history.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 08:52 pm
ehBeth wrote:

she's not "bothersome"

I feel that A2K is tacitly endorsing racism by allowing her continued presence on the site.


Setting aside the question of whether or not what she writes is sickening, offensive, or simply boring, I really can't see how "allowing" her to post her comments is endorsing them, let alone endorsing racism.

Clearly, Kraven (or whomever is running this joint) is a big proponent of free speech, and he has provided members with an effective means for not being exposed to speech which they find offensive: The ignore and thumbs down features. That he doesn't swoop in and ban speech which others find offensive is hardly endorsing that speech.

Neither you nor I are endorsing anyone's comments if we do not offer an opinion on them. The argument that we (and everyone else) do has been made by a few members, but it is a specious one.

It's been said before, but our right to free speech is most important when it protects speech that offends.

I think that sometimes we forget that we are but guests in this forum. For some it has become something of a community for which they have become possessive and protective, but no one pays to post and no one is required to perform tasks in order to have the privilege.

I'm sure there are discussion sites wherein monitors determine whether or not something someone has posted can be considered offensive and censor speech accordingly. Such determinations are biased. The strength and nature of the bias will vary, but its highly unlikely that in a discussion forum not intended to operate as a members-only club for very like-minded people, everyone will agree on what can and cannot be posted.

Better to do as Kraven has done. Allow all speech but provide participants with a means to shield themselves from the speech they find offensive. This is an approach that is entirely without bias (unless the bias is the value of free speech). If he bans one opinion or one topic, why wouldn't he ban others?

There is plenty of crap that I find offensive on and in TV, radio, newspapers and the movies. If I don't like it, the best way for me to deal with it is to not watch, listen to, or read it.

Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 09:10 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

ehBeth wrote:

she's not "bothersome"

I feel that A2K is tacitly endorsing racism by allowing her continued presence on the site.



Free speech is not protected here.

Kitchen spam disappears.

Eastern European/Russian posters seem to regularly have their posts vaporized.

Racists are allowed to blithely post.

There are things I quite enjoy about this site, but tolerance (and I believe endorsement) of racism is one of the things that bothers me about the site.

I used to recommend the site to others. A couple of friends and my father used to post here. They've pretty much all left for various reasons to do with the site. I'm not as active here as I once was. I stopped recommending the site a number of years ago. I still have fun here on occasion, I don't really want people knowing I visit a site where Pamela Rosa has posted for so long.

Why do I stay? some days I wonder.
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 09:18 pm
ehBeth wrote:

she's not "bothersome"

I feel that A2K is tacitly endorsing racism by allowing her continued presence on the site.
so what you are saying is that free speech can not be supported unless you agree with what is being said...now that is scary.
Reply Thu 15 May, 2014 09:44 pm
I don't really want people knowing I visit a site where Pamela Rosa has posted for so long.

so you all believe in guilt by association, you and your posse are what, 12 years old?
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 03:36 am
It is tedious to have to repeat this so often. No one here has any free speech rights. That's because we are not posting in public, we are on private property when we post here. The owners can, and frequently do, censor what is posted here. It is legal, and what's more, it is the moral right of the owners to control what is posted here.

As Beth has pointed out, spam is not tolerated. I would add that blatant pornographic content is not tolerated, either. I find it truly bizarre, and revealing about people's values, that they would want to champion a disgusting racist's right to post here, while none that i've seen are marching with the banner of freedom of expression for the lowly pornographer. I really have to wonder what motivates someone who will crusade for the rights of expression of such a vile racist while remaining mute about those same rights for a pornographer or a spammer. Spammers, after all, have an agenda which would benefit from that "freedom of expression," that it is to personally benefit commercially is not only no more odious to me than the expression of blatant racist hatred, it is rather less offensive to me than Pamela Rosa.

I am disgusted by Lash and Finn wrapping themselves in the banner of "free speech" in support of a piece of human trash like Pamela Rosa, when they apparently don't care about the "free speech rights" of spammers or pornographers. Why do you guys love that racist free speech so much?
Reply Fri 16 May, 2014 04:10 am
@Setanta and Ebeth now you guys understand my frustration!

People who keep pushing the "free speech" argument continue to fail to realize that this isn't about censorship, in a realm where supposed adults are discussing key issues it is about pointing out issues where people are truly wrong about their views. Setanta you're right about Lash's idle behavior. I've noticed that. I've even addressed that personally to her and I don't think she understands that. I personally believe this site isn't the best for racial tolerance and opne does not need to call Pamela a racist when she/he obviously revels in making threads with racist views yet others continue to say "FREE SPEECH, FREE SPEECH!" as if people are censoring them. People forget there are right and wrong views people have about the world.

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