One Thing I've Noticed

Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 07:06 am
Because in a personal message she told me she is making attempts Lash knows what I'm talking about.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 07:23 am
Setanta wrote:
You're the one who is claiming some ideological homogeneity for those opposed to PR's racist spew. Now you want to define terms so that you can make your argument. I'm not going to play that game with you. I wonder if you could provide us links to your posts in PR's threads in which you take her to task for her racism.

Robert Gentel does not own the site. He is one owner, not the sole owner.

You have a very selective view of my opinions. I am objecting to the constant drum beat of PR's racism. Once again, can you link us to post in which you take her to task, in her own threads, for her attitudes? That's what you have claimed should be done. That we should tolerate her "untoward opinion," and then argue against it. I have pointed out that this is not just a case of an untoward opinion, but a constant assault of racist hatred.

When Whackeye first showed up her with his "pro-rape" arguments,
i constantly took him to task for his claims about the "sexual freedom"
of 14 year olds and his false claims about age on consent laws.
Yea, u did some kind of a job on me,
in effect, calling me a liar qua sexuality at a younger age.
U never justified that. U were satisfied just to sling mud.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 07:30 am
You may want to revisit this post and correct the record.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 08:16 am
Buttermilk wrote:
No. It wasn't. The level headed "white folks"
(which I included you in that category assuming you are white)
Check the first sentence of his profile, on that point.

Buttermilk wrote:
are those whose views transcend above skin pigmentation.
But look, if my post offended you and everyone else I apologize
but the main thing my friends, white, black, hispanic, martian,
immigrant, illegal immigrant, respect about me is my honesty.
I m beginning to have some doubts about that,
in that I have addressed several questions to u in multiple posts
which u have ignored. Does that have a bearing on your honesty??
( Its not too late. )

Buttermilk wrote:
Sometimes people reflect the ugliness they admonish.

Like I've told my friends at school, I've been stereotyped my whole life.
I've had white folks tell me only way I got into college was affirmative action.
That sounds rude; I think thay were insulting u.

Buttermilk wrote:
I actually pulled an Obama and purchased official transcripts to show them.
I had to explain why "Black people beat up Reginald Denny" on
Florence and Normandie during the L.A riots. Why we (blacks) get
offended when the word "nigga" is used in rap lyrics but whites can't
call us "niggers" (As if rap artists use nigger in rap lyrics lol)
In another century, I was in an elevator in NY (Harlem), when a group
of about 8 very dark male blacks entered, appearing to be in their late
teens or early 2Os. One of them was most vociferously enraged concerning
the misconduct (against HIM) of someone apparently known to that group.
For maybe 2 or 3 minutes of raucous complaint, he enumerated his dis-satisfactions
with that individual almost violently raising his voice in hollering:
"that NIGGER!!!" or "damn NIGGER" at least 7 times within about 2 or 3 minutes.
The other members of that group remained silent in their non-objection.

Buttermilk wrote:
So I had to answer for a lot of things that had to do nothing with me
so I again I apologize but I'm keeping it real. People like Advocate,
Lash, David, Pamela are the same types (categorized as typical white people)
that smile in my face all day
Politeness is better than brawling.
There is merit in being reserved.

Buttermilk wrote:
but use the internet to vent their ignorance and racist views.
How do u define "racist" ?
I have previously asked u whether u allege that something is rong
in anyone preferring his own race, or his own family or warm friends??

I remain ignorant of literally trillions of things.
Occasionally, I raise questions on the Internet
concerning those matters whereof I have no information. That's OK.

Buttermilk wrote:
Like I told someone here, I've never been to a discussion board where black people weren't stereotyped,
attacked or negatively chastised. So for my third apology, I apologize for mimicking the same ugliness I admonish.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 08:19 am
I've given mixed opinions in this thread because I change my mind - I want PR banned and then I see others points about better to confront filth or use the ignore button and then I come back to yes, ban, which is what I think this morning. But banning is a tool that could easily be overused, which would really bother me.

I don't see PR's posts since I've had her on ignore for years, so I didn't know there were so many until I read this thread. I have seen her name on the New Posts page once or twice lately and then looked at the post and thumbed it down, but otherwise she has not been visible to me (nor have others I have on ignore).
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 08:31 am
Adds, the problem with confronting is that instead of it changing some offender, it usually brings on the onslaught of more of the same, a futile waste of time to hear yourself scold a pig. So while I admire it as a solution, in practice it can bring more filth. Similar concept to "feeding a troll".
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 09:37 am
ossobuco wrote:
Adds, the problem with confronting is that instead of it changing some offender,
it usually brings on the onslaught of more of the same, a futile waste of time
to hear yourself scold a pig. So while I admire it as a solution,
in practice it can bring more filth. Similar concept to "feeding a troll".
How noble, the way that u assume
that u r right and those of whom u disapprove are rong.

Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 09:41 am
How noble of you to consider the rights of racists. Keep that in mind the next time you hear from posters in favour of gun control.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 10:54 am
How noble of you to consider the rights of racists.

I'll keep this in mind.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 11:07 am
-i just ridiculed you for them, and pointed out your profound ignorance of statutory rape laws
What you did is personally attack me because I argue for changing statutory rape laws. You take me arguing for teen sexual freedom to be a moral failing that makes me not worth listening too. The more grown up thing to do would have been to argue why these laws should not be change, if that is what you believe.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 11:30 am
I am precisely the one who does not want to define terms...or judge what is bannable and what is not.
I do not claim moral superiorty.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 11:30 am
ehBeth wrote:
How noble of you to consider the rights of racists.
Sure; Y not??
I even consider the rights of commies n of nazis & of liberals
(ALL of whom are authoritarian-collectivists)
tho I crave Individualism & libertarianism.

I 'd wager that u 'd have liked it BETTER, if I 'd championed
the rights of commies. Am I right about that, Beth??? Yes?

ehBeth wrote:
Keep that in mind the next time you hear from posters in favour of gun control.
Of course. I always do.
Gun control in America began with facially racial statutes
against slave rebellions. Thay continued, facially referring
to the black race, after the Civil War. In the 18OOs, it was
Union policy to arm the newly emancipated blacks, by day,
and the KKK (veterans of the Confederate Army) disarmed them by night.

I strongly favor reading the 2nd Amendment closely together
with the requirement of "equal protection of the laws",
such that there be NO discrimination in regard to WHO
is legally free to defend his own life and property.
Buying a gun in a hardware store shud be no different
than buying a newspaper in a candy store.

Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 11:31 am
OmSigDAVID wrote:
I 'd wager that u 'd have liked it BETTER, if I 'd championed the rights of commies. Am I right about that, Beth??? Yes?

You are incorrect.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 11:48 am

OmSigDAVID wrote:
I 'd wager that u 'd have liked it BETTER,
if I 'd championed the rights of commies.
Am I right about that, Beth??? Yes?
ehBeth wrote:
You are incorrect.
I 'm pleased to know that.

Thanks for answering.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 12:28 pm
RE PR, if one believes that all she has to offer is offensive racist bullshit then seeing her posts almost universally ignored should bring comfort. It would also prove the A2K is not facilitating this racism so Beth should have no concerns when her friends see PR posts here.

I on the other hand dont know that PR is not offering up to us something that is important to talk about. If we shift our thinking just a bit, at take the PR position to be that the underclass is a threat to the safety of the rest of society we might be on a roll. If we were to decide that was true then we cant any longer remain silent as the rich continue to get richer and the poor poorer, because eventually the poor will burn the place down. Then we could talk about the 1960's race riots and how much they scared and scarred us, and so on and so on. IT could turn into a real barn burner of a conversation!

The thing that gets in the way is the assumption that our prison population runs black because the justice system is racist. But this has never been proven, it is an assertion from the left that is allowed to stand as if it is fact, without hardly any conversation. But maybe there are so many blacks in jail because blacks tend to be a bigger threat to our safety than whites. Maybe this is because the black underclass more than the white underclass is hopeless and thus willing to turn to violence because they feel that we have nothing to loose. Maybe this is a fantasy, created completely by the blacks buying fully into the the black victim story that opportunistic liberal politicians keep trying to sell them.

When I see people arguing to ban PR because PR is allegedly so offensive I get to wondering if it is not PR who is offensive but rather the ideas that she is selling. Maybe the push to ban PR is because we cant stand to examine her claims and ideas, and we desperately need her to go away so that we can avoid dealing with her claims and ideas for a little longer.

Just to be clear, Robert and the Hamsters get props for not banning PR so far. They should continue to do the right thing, even if it pisses people off. In the last few years just about everybody of importance, from Obama on down, has commented on how we have for a very long time almost completely failed to converse in the topic of race, about how we cant do it. It is time to change this. Banning people from speaking views on race that we dont want to hear is no way to go about it, and claiming we need to do it because of deep offense is a weaselly way to go about doing this bad idea. Man up, listen, learn, decide what you believe, and then start talking with others. Stop telling others to shut up because you dont want to hear it. America will then be a better place.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 03:31 pm
The thing that gets in the way is the assumption that our prison population runs black because the justice system is racist.

That has been shown over and over and over. No, I'm not finding links for you.
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 04:13 pm
Liar--i quoted statutory rape laws to you because you had falsely claimed that an 18 year old man would be sent to prison for having sexual relations with an underage girl. I also pointed out to you, with your phony "sexual freedom" claptrap, that we don't allow underage people to sign legally binding contracts, yet you seem to think that 14 year old girls are lining up to have wild monkey sex with greasy, hairy, sweaty middle age men with beer guts. At no time did i call for you to be barred or your idiot threads to be removed. Knock off the melodrama, Rapist Boy.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 04:26 pm
But this has never been proven, it is an assertion from the left that is allowed to stand as if it is fact, without hardly any conversation.

Go ahead and start the conversation...we're all ears.

But maybe there are so many blacks in jail because blacks tend to be a bigger threat to our safety than whites.

OOGA BOOGA! There's one of them murderous blacks now!
When you say "our safety"are you speaking for the white nation or just you and me?

Maybe this is because the black underclass more than the white underclass is hopeless and thus willing to turn to violence because they feel that we have nothing to loose

Buttermilk? Do you wanna handle this one? Words fail me.

Maybe this is a fantasy,

Amen bro.
oops...there's more

Maybe this is a fantasy, created completely by the blacks buying fully into the the black victim story that opportunistic liberal politicians keep trying to sell them.

Any blacks here want to comment on how liberal politicians are selling them the victim card?
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 04:27 pm
Lash wrote:

This sentiment is horrifying to me. It is a control by groupthink driven by political correctness.

You and some others may be legitimately offended by her drivel. Others like me are really bothered by it, but don't want to erase untoward, bothersome or even heinous remarks from existence. It's more frightening to be controlled by a faction than to hear her bullshit.

Ignore works. Speaking your opinion about hers works. Erasing her from a position of control over her due to a group opinion is far worse. It can bleed to books, websites, past A2K and across the net - like in China and Iran.

Let's don't be like them. Please protect speech.

Right on, Lash. You are correct.

Anyone who suggests that a forum such as A2K is endorsing or condoning racism by allowing people to speak their minds, in my opinion is wreaking more harm on the site...and freedom of speech than the racist.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 May, 2014 04:30 pm
Once again, since there seem to be a lot of numbskulls here with whom this doesn't sink in: this is not about an "untoward opinion." This is not about PR showing up to express her opinion and getting slapped down for it. It's about the constant racial hatred, expressed day after day, for years on end. I don't see any of the noble souls here calling for her freedom of speech showing up in her threads to confront her on her racism. Talk is indeed cheap.

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