Sat 6 Feb, 2016 07:51 am
Not taking the "P" folks - It's just that he is seemingly attracted to me (Not physically), but he seems to think that by nitpicking my posts - I will react/respond in such fashion, that will facilitate his needs/requirements. I'd like to say 'whatever those needs may be'. But, those, with 'understanding' kinda (of) already know, I know.
I have no need to compete with others, yet understand (Was highly egocentric in my youth) why others need to compete.
Things/people, etc that 'obstruct' my train-of-thought, I dismiss, easily.
I enjoy 'bouncing' opinions off others.
Right - Long story short - he doesn't upset, bother, irritate me on any level - Yet I think, that by ignoring him, provoking him, etc - I am being purposely gittish/obnoxious/horrid, etc.
Everyone deserves attention - But I'm not the worlds' babysitter!
Not many others here, appear to give a poo about him, but Shouldn't we?
I get banned (A month, year) regularly from a2k, not surprised, can be 'overly' descriptive, on occasion. POINT BEING: Do I continue to raise Setanta's blood-pressure - Infiltrate his thought-patterns, hence obliging his semi-schizoidal-requirements? Or NEVER react with him, forthwith?
Is 'abandonment' better than 'perserverance'?
Speaking as an outside observer, I, like Setanta, find a lot of your posts quite annoying. You tend to post any kind of old guff that happens to be at the top of your head, not always on-topic, and you can get quite aggressive when called on this. You remind me a bit of a Tourettes patient of Oliver Sacks. You seem to think that anyone who finds you irritating must do so because of a fault within themselves. Take it from me, chum, that isn't so. I should unblock Setanta, because by reading his posts you might be steered towards some kind of insight into your condition, whatever it is, although given the degree of your self-centredness, I think that may be a forlorn hope.
@mark noble,
Ironic. In British casual usage we often ironically call people 'pal', 'chum', 'me old mucker' etc when we are emphasising a point.
@mark noble,
Please, oh please, unblock Setanta.
Time after time here on a2k, members have expressed their unhappiness regarding the matter, and how they are
so upset that it is giving them sleepless nights.
I am sure that your unblocking, should you decide to do so, will bring untold joy to countless members.
@Tes yeux noirs,
I understand that, but it is irregular in your posts.
Nice to see someone participating, in a productive fashion though.
Thanks for your interaction.
@mark noble,
There is no yes or no answer to that one.
Be selectively 'ignoring'.
I stop ignoring him when he occasionally says something relevant or I feel like poking annoying hamsters for fun.
@mark noble,
Quote:it is irregular in your posts.
Not sure what you mean by this, me old china.
I blocked you (yesterday) sawsay, but couldn't resist your (today) post.
'I may regret this'. But - To give up on someone, just because they hate the flying fk into you, and 'tes jour' aside. IS NOT applicable to me. I can be a knob, I agree - You can 'p' me off by being 'the court jester' ... BUT! Are we not capable of finding a common-ground and maybe, just maybe - Bettering ourselves - Even though we are so vastly different?
Fk this - I'm unblocking everyone......... wish me luck!
@mark noble,
A lady in Singapore once called me that when she thought I'd goosed her.
Is that you, Yasmina?
You don't have the ability to just, once, consider ......others?
I 'unblocked' you. And You fell into character...... instantly?
Hey, Tes, this fair?
Tell me, chum.?
Mark, you are either being mischievous, or you are a considerable nut-case, I can't decide which.
@Tes yeux noirs,
Thanks tes, I now am pleased to meet you.
I don't quite know what to think of Setanta really...big mouthed but sometimes has something of good value to post...most times he likes to bark at someone that annoys him maybe to release some steam..I can empathise to an extent. He got on my nerves a couple of times, I have him on ignore at the moment because statistically he spends more time contending then using his knowledge to actually teach people on whatever his expertise are. Overall I don't have a terrible impression of him...he seems sensitive n loud that's all.
@mark noble,
Aww. Poor dear. There there.
You start this ridiculous thread as some sort of snide way of insulting a fellow member of this site, and get your knickers in a twist when I refuse to go along with your bullshite.
Yesterday you came on here and started another ridiculous thread, seemingly sneering at American history. The only reason I can think that you did this was to ridicule and rile.
I think you are a troll, pure and simple, and will treat you as such.
Clearly, I'm likely to (Religiously (Get it Cicerone imposter)) respond to a thread I started, jcboy, But posting a giant image (forgive my (condition)

) of an edible grandmother is beyond (Super) my understanding - Unless, just being involved, is your thing - Then I 'get it'.
I have crossed swords with Setanta a couple of times, but my current opinion of him is that he is knowledgeable and helpful, and that he is a pretty decent fellow. Generally if he attacks someone they deserve it.
Did you ever consider that I deemed it necessary to act in such fashion to achieve such results?
Or do you believe that this post is my glorification-process?
Maybe (No response) would be more mature and productive?
Maybe, knowing that not responding would generate positive support from the ecclective would illuminate me and denegrate you might have prevailed?
Lordy - I can be who I am for better or for worse - I choose the latter.
You not up for being pleasant? Is ok.
@mark noble,
Quote:I deemed it necessary
'Deeming' is what pompous prats do.
Quote:do you believe that this post is my glorification-process?
See above.