Lash wrote;
Quote:I think if people will stop being so stupid about the two party system...
Yes, it's quite ridiculous when another presidential candidate can be arrested for trying to participate in a presidential "debate". I found the
Third Party Prez debate to be completely on target, while the other two guys skirted around the major issues facing the nation. Their hypocrisy is often laughable, and yet most people either don't care, or believe the hype.
Lash wrote;
Quote:...force through term limits, force PACs and lobbyists out, vote these criminals out of office...
Hear, hear. Totally agree. It's like they're not even bothered that everyone knows the depth of corruption endemic to the current system. It's not improving in the least, despite the evidence that these criminals basically bankrupted the nation (and others) in the charade that they sold as the GFC. They orchestrated the
whole deal. I think Bernie Sanders is lucky he hasn't met with an unfortunate accident. His push to reveal the
scams of the federal reserve were enough to have himself offed, but fortunately the corporate stranglehold on the mainstream media glossed over, or avoided any exposure of the ruse of the century. Must be nice having endless cash to play with.
Lash wrote;
Quote:...such as bring criminal prosecution against "lawmakers" who sign shady laws protecting corporations from responsibility for what they do ...
The banksters themselves are writing their own "laws" these days. The Prez brought some of them onto his team. Promoted others to various roles. It goes deep, this rabbit hole.
Lash wrote;
Quote: There should be no white collar prisons - we should throw corrupt politicians and CEOs in with the general population.
What was called the "greatest scandal in the history of finance", the
LIBOR scandal, involving banksters from several nations, and affecting literally hundreds of millions of people globally, resulted in the incarceration of just one fall guy.
He's probably kicking back somewhere in the Bahamas, sipping coconut cocktails. Even when the evidence is glaringly obvious, and a scandal unavoidable, all we see is
window-dressing by the Prez.
And yes, it's sad that the web itself is becoming so sanitised, that we have to look to Al Jazeera and Russia Today for any actual news stories.
The Uk's Guardian is another reliable source. Likewise with the
Wolf PAC
Lash wrote;
Quote:The American populace is allowing a lot of crap to happen.
I'm sure there's a lot of Americans who are aware, and angry, but there's a sense of helplessness seeping into the picture, even here in Australia. The language itself has been hijacked, and the media is all about sound bytes, and misinformation. Purveyors of the next Big Thing. Gossip mongers, mostly.
Lash wrote;
I personally think the Occupy Movement might be a place where those of us who are sick of the status quo to begin protesting the state of our union.
The movement itself has been excellent in bringing several important truths into the open, and yet, the online forum (I've been on there since the start, recently booted off) has been co-opted by a small band of one-eyed shills, unfortunately. Heavily edited, and mostly down to bickering and personal abuse.
It was a great source of information though, and offshoots like 99Rise, and OccupySandy are excellent examples of how a small group of people can make a huge difference. Certain posters on the OWS forum are still holding to the original anarchist concept, and regularly donate their efforts to getting the real news out to the people. My hat's off to them, but I ran out patience with the moderation team there.
Familiarity breeds contempt, and I'm the first to admit that. It's happening on this board, like it does on any forum I've joined. I tend to leave or get pushed out the door.