Quote:Quehon said to me: it's a bit vague now. is the pope/vatican catholic or not?
And still no answer, so I try again, is the bible in your view still an 'instruction manual"????
Who do you think I am, God?
Haha, only HE can say whether anybody really is a true Christian or not..

As for "instruction manual", it depends which part of it you're talking about.
For example in the New T God said through Jesus-
"Love one another, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the destitute, tend the sick, visit the prisoners, look after the poor" (Mark 12:30, John 13:34, Matt 25: 37-40)
which sound like good instructions to me..
But in the Old T it says kill witches and stuff. You can do that if you like but I don't think Jesus would be too pleased!
PS- i've been penpalling with a witch for 15 years and we get on alright, i haven't burnt her at the stake yet..