The Absurdity of Atheism

Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2014 05:21 pm
lol...I often take the lords name in vain...so its a trade off!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2014 05:22 pm
neologist wrote:
Define perfect.
InfraBlue wrote:
Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind. Complete; thorough; utter; absolute.
How about without limitation? Would that fit?
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2014 05:25 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:


IQ problem?
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:02 am
might Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:07 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
If your parents and relations have wacko beliefs, surely you don't want to be like them?

yes, I do, I think I will be better of!

I hope you're not a mummy's boy doing what she tells you all the time, so maybe you're just not tough enough to be a Christian?

Wow! now you have to be tough to be a Christian! So a little boy just born, or someone very weak with birthdefects, or a very weak mother lying on her deadbed and what have you can not be a Christian???????????

Be a daredevil like Jesus's young cousin John who was a world-rejecter living rough in the wilderness and sometimes going in town to yell insults at the snooty priests and corrupt rulers.
Jesus's verdict on him?-
"John is the greatest man ever to be born" (Matt 11:11)

lol, so , from what I understand, you live now in the wilderness, and you reject the world? right?

what nonsense it all is. Even from a distance!

0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:20 am
Romeo said: Be a daredevil like Jesus's young cousin John who was a world-rejecter living rough in the wilderness and sometimes going in town to yell insults at the snooty priests and corrupt rulers.
Jesus's verdict on him?-
"John is the greatest man ever to be born" (Matt 11:11)

Quehon replied: lol, so , from what I understand, you live now in the wilderness, and you reject the world? right?
what nonsense it all is. Even from a distance!

You can live in a big city and still distance yourself in your mind from the stupidity of the world, you don't have to live in the wilderness if you don't want..Smile
Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune......God has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners...to release the oppressed" (Matt 11:16/17,Luke 4:18 )

But sadly most people are timid and imprisoned in the ways of the world instead of trying to bust out.
Like I said, Christianity wants daredevils, not wimps..Smile

Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:32 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
You can live in a big city and still distance yourself in your mind from the stupidity of the world, you don't have to live in the wilderness if you don't want..
Jesus said:- "The world wants you to dance to its tune......God has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners...to release the oppressed" (Matt 11:16/17,Luke 4:18 )

But sadly most people are timid and imprisoned in the ways of the world instead of trying to bust out.
Like I said, Christianity wants daredevils, not wimps.

You are getting very strange now!
First you write about th wilderness bla bla bla
If I criticise that it suddenly becomese internal bla bla bla
You are just moving the goalposts!

Like I said, Christianity wants daredevils, not wimps.

And again I ask you, so, a mother very sick and very very weak and scared being on her deadbed can't be a christian? A child with lots of anxiety , nor able to soically interact because of her anxienties, hence far from being a daredevil can't be a christian? A very dumb child with very low iq , can't be a christian? A baby , who has tio grow up, and is far from being a dardevil, can't be a christian? A child who is extremely sick and has a severe illness, can't be a christian? A child at school is very afraid and is being bullied and is very scared and really can't be a daredevil, can't be a Christian? A man who can hardly walk of age, and is far from being a daredevil, can't be a christian? A woman who was being raped by a CATHOLIC PRIEST (!) but is very afraid to go to the police, so she isn't a dareevil, can'tr be Christian?

Need I go on, mate?

mercisless! without love and compassion!!!!

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:44 am
giujohn wrote:

You don't either...but you are discussing it.

My dear boy I never said that I didnt know...on the contrary, I said I did know and that I based that knowledge on emperical eveidence.
By saying that YOU dont know can ONLY mean that you are NOT in a posititon to say I dont know or contridict my position unless you some how gain knowlegde and contrary evidence that shows my position to be incorrect.

Anyway...what I said there does not mean that I do not know anything about the subject. It only means I do not know if gods exist or not.

Now Frank you have accused me of not directly quoting you...

I wrote;

So can I safely say, that on the subject of god, you just dont know? Is that a fair statement?

You answered:


Have I missed something?

I apparently know more than you about the subject...insofar as I know I do not know if gods exist or not.

Frank, I believe this to be a non sequitur but it also seems to contradict your eariler admission that you dont know anything on the subject.

You on the other hand are kidding yourself into thinking you have "solved" a mystery that has baffled the brightest minds on the planet throughout recorded history.

Frank, I havent solved anything. It was solved when we finally were able to prove emperically that HUP and the 2 slit experiment demonstrates that an ominscient being can not exist. Wink

You may want to cut your losses on this one buddy.

I am not your buddy, JOhn...I am a guy with whom you are having a discussion on the Internet.

You can say that you are Napoleon Bonaparte if you want...that does not mean I have to accept it. I know you said that YOU KNOW there are no gods...just as many have said they KNOW there ARE gods.

I have acknowledged that I do not know...and you should do the same, but the decision to be honest or not is yours to make.

It is impossible to know there are no gods. It is at least possible to know there is a GOD (if there were one), but it is impossible to KNOW there are no gods. You can "believe" (or blindly guess) there are...but you cannot know it.

Your so-called proof so far has been farce.

If you truly plan to limit your discussions of this issue to people who KNOW whether there are gods or not...you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.

In any case, you have been here at A2K for less than a week and it is presumptuous of you to think you can dismiss me from a discussion.

If you want to keep on digging, John, I'll be here to help you keep track of how deep you have gotten.

By the way, I enjoy the fact that you think you have proved something because of the result of the "2 slit experiment."

Gotta go to work right now, but we can talk when I get back early this afternoon.

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 04:35 am
You've got the wrong end of the stick mate, being a wimp in the Christian sense means going along with the stupid ways of the world and dancing to its tune instead of having the guts to say "NO, I won't dance!".
I was a terrible gutless wimp as a kid, going along with all the stupid stuff my parents and teachers were telling me, until in my mid-teens I decided to say "NO", and from that point onwards I've been doing my own thing and have been kool ever since, and have become the toughest person I know..Smile

Romeo Fabulini on patrol in Plymouth UK: he dances to nobody's tune except his own-
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 06:35 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
You've got the wrong end of the stick mate, being a wimp in the Christian sense means going along with the stupid ways of the world and dancing to its tune instead of having the guts to say "NO, I won't dance!".
I was a terrible gutless wimp as a kid, going along with all the stupid stuff my parents and teachers were telling me, until in my mid-teens I decided to say "NO", and from that point onwards I've been doing my own thing and have been kool ever since, and have become the toughest person I know

Sure, but still not anwering my questions.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 07:05 am
@Frank Apisa,
You're not my buddy? Sad ...OK I guess I'll get over it.
You can say that you are Napoleon Bonaparte

Shhh... Josephine thinks I'm still thinks I'm in Elba!
It is impossible to know there are no gods.

So following this logic we must also consider santa claus, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and ghosts? Trust me, a negative can be proved.
Your so-called proof so far has been farce.

My proof is based on the absolute most sucessful theory in all of science.
In any case, you have been here at A2K for less than a week and it is presumptuous of you to think you can dismiss me from a discussion.

Well I never said that I was dismissing you and as for me only being in here for a week, while I was born at night, it just wasnt last night.
you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.

"A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception."

Have fun at work...I only post when I'm at work!
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 01:48 pm
giujohn wrote:

You're not my buddy? Sad ...OK I guess I'll get over it.
You can say that you are Napoleon Bonaparte

Shhh... Josephine thinks I'm still thinks I'm in Elba!
It is impossible to know there are no gods.

So following this logic we must also consider santa claus, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and ghosts? Trust me, a negative can be proved.

If you feel that is the the logic's natural progression...you are entitled to feel that way.

I am not talking about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or ghosts.

I am talking about gods...and up until you realized you had created a dead end for yourself...so were you.

It is impossible to know there are no gods.

Your so-called proof so far has been farce.

My proof is based on the absolute most sucessful theory in all of science.


In any case, you have been here at A2K for less than a week and it is presumptuous of you to think you can dismiss me from a discussion.

Well I never said that I was dismissing you and as for me only being in here for a week, while I was born at night, it just wasnt last night.

How long have you been here in A2K, John? Are you a liar about who you are...and how long you have been here?

you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.

"A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception."

I repeat: If you truly plan to limit your discussions of this issue to people who KNOW whether there are gods or not...you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.


Have fun at work...I only post when I'm at work!

Actually, I did have fun at work. Of course, I "work" at my favorite golf course...so it is almost a given.

You're not my buddy? Sad ...OK I guess I'll get over it.

Okay. But the New York contingent of A2K (a fairly sizable element) is given to frequent get-togethers for dinner or a few drinks...and you may want to join us some time and get to be buddies with several of us...me included, of course.
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 01:49 pm
Quehon said: Sure, but still not anwering my questions.

I told you that anybody who mindlessly follows the stupid ways of the world is a wimp and therefore not tough enough to be a christian..Smile

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of selfdiscipline" (2 Tim 1:7)
"..as a Christian, praise God that you bear that name" (1 Peter 4:16)
"..that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured" (Col 4:12)
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 01:57 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I told you that anybody who mindlessly follows the stupid ways of the world is a wimp and therefore not tough enough to be a christian

O man, this one is soo vague! You don't define'the stupid way of the world" so you can really fill in anything that suits your needs!

and again,and again, haven't you read my questions about 'being tough'????
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 01:58 pm
neologist wrote:

neologist wrote:
Define perfect.
InfraBlue wrote:
Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind. Complete; thorough; utter; absolute.
How about without limitation? Would that fit?

If you mean it paradoxically, then no.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 02:27 pm
@Frank Apisa,

Frank my man...how exactly is Quantum Mechanics nonsense?

How long have you been here in A2K, John? Are you a liar about who you are...and how long you have been here?

Frank, seriously...is english your first language?
I'm trying to say that I may have only been here for a week but that doesnt mean I havent brought all my knowlege and experience with me. By questioning "how long I've been in here" its tantamount to saying that those who have been here longer have some special status.

I repeat: If you truly plan to limit your discussions of this issue to people who KNOW whether there are gods or not...you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.

You do know the definition for insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome?

Okay. But the New York contingent of A2K (a fairly sizable element) is given to frequent get-togethers for dinner or a few drinks...and you may want to join us some time and get to be buddies with several of us...me included, of course.

Unfortunately, I'm upstate NY so I probably wont be able to meet ya'll.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 04:46 pm
In order for us to have free will, God declines to view our individual outcomes. If he knew in advance the misery caused through the Edenic Rebellion, he would then be responsible for 1000s of years of pain, hardly a perfect outcome.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 05:12 pm
God knows the hairs on your head, the falling of a sparrow, your heart and your mind, and knows what you will do before you do it. His plan for you has already been written. He knows all and see all.
Edenic Rebellion

But in this case he has taken the day off?

Neo...how do you reconcile this??? God cherry picks when he's omniscient and when he's not? So he'a just a little omniscient? Cause I gotta tell ya thats like being kinda pregnant.
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 05:33 pm
I can't claim to know or understand how God keeps a hair census. Perhaps it is like the cpu on your computer. If you need info on your processes, it's right there.
I am confident he has no plan mapped for me. Our entire legal system presupposes free will. I'll go with that.

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 8 Jun, 2014 05:51 pm
giujohn wrote:


Frank my man...how exactly is Quantum Mechanics nonsense?

It was nonsense when I wrote "nonsense"...and it still is nonsense, John.

How long have you been here in A2K, John? Are you a liar about who you are...and how long you have been here?

Frank, seriously...is english your first language?

Yes, John, there is no need for that crap.

I'm trying to say that I may have only been here for a week but that doesnt mean I havent brought all my knowlege and experience with me. By questioning "how long I've been in here" its tantamount to saying that those who have been here longer have some special status.

This comment had to do with you being dismissive of me because I acknowledge my not knowing if there are gods or not.

I repeat: If you truly plan to limit your discussions of this issue to people who KNOW whether there are gods or not...you will only discuss it with people like yourself...folk who are delusional about it.

You do know the definition for insanity, right? Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different outcome?

Gimme a break. You are diverting the conversation to nonsense...apparently because you see that you have driven up a blind alley.

Okay. But the New York contingent of A2K (a fairly sizable element) is given to frequent get-togethers for dinner or a few drinks...and you may want to join us some time and get to be buddies with several of us...me included, of course.

Unfortunately, I'm upstate NY so I probably wont be able to meet ya'll.

Yes and no. Maybe it is not so unfortunate. Wink

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