Tobradex drops. But you still need to go to the doctor and have it checked.
Because it looks all same, but the medication is still depends on ho w bad the infection is. If it's not that bad, doctor will prescribe you an eye drops or an ointment (tobradex) or whatever brand it is. And then the doctor will give you at least a week if the ointment/drops worked or didn't work. In some cases, doctor will prescibe you an antibiotic. Once you get a sty, it will keeps coming back. Unless you will have it scraped, so you can get rid of all the abscess.. Drops,ointments & antibiotics,, those might work to get rid of the sty but it cannot really get rid of all the bacterias (abscess) that's why it keeps coming back. So i suggests, 1st is your gonna need to take a vitaminC not only when you have a sty, you need it everyday. And the 2nd thing, make sure before you're gonna scratch your eyes, make sure that you wash your hands first so your eyes won't infect. 3rd make sure you always wash your face before you go to bed, when you wake up in the morning, and you have your make-up on. Those make-ups like, (mascara, foundation,face powder, eyeshadow, contact lenses even the brushes) can also cause of an infections. And the last thing is, go to the doctor and have it scraped.