OmSigDAVID wrote:How 'd YOU like to be a commie slave????
izzythepush wrote:Is that what you say to all the girls?
No. I 'm open to accusations of
in that 2 ladies whom I was seeing around the time
of the death of communism told me over dinner in fine NY restaurants,
that thay were
disappointed about it.
Everyone has a right to his or her opinion.
I 've known some victims of commie oppression
who lived thru lurid, horrible, shocking circumstances
and who 'd have had negative emotions about those ladies.
( Don 't put them together. )
I can afford to be
MAGNANIMOUS in victory and freedom.
I was conversing yesterday with a friend and nabor, Larry,
as we sat by the swimming pool, to whom I remarked
that we r well off to live in delightfully good weather,
in good,
un-demanding times with the nazis & the commies both defeated.
He agreed. He 's a former sniper. He is a good historian.
Perhaps more knowledgeable on guns than me.
He has a nice collection.