Quote:How are you going to get these inner city kids to commit to a positive reinforcement program, when most of them can't read, can barely speak what I would classify as english. Personally I would like to see first time (caught) drug users be required to go to a treatment facility, but there just aren't enough of them to house all of the offenders.
Inner-city or a farm in you think that a kid caught with a joint should be sent to prison? Is a treatment facility particularly necessary for a kid caught with a joint? If you caught a kid with a beer would he need to go to treatment?
How about dumping a whack of cash into the school system, particularly in poorer areas. That's probably your best bet. Pull kids out of society and put them in jail at a young age for minor drug offences and I can assure you those kids will get their education in jail. An education in how to lie, cheat, and steal effectively. Throwing people in jail for drug use creates a cycle of violence, poverty, and crime.
Quote:Legalizing drugs is not the answer. Education would be the answer except that we have placed way to many restrictions on the teachers and on our history books etc. and not enough discipline for the children.
Education would be the answer if the education were honest.
With the american war on drugs you've got a party line of "drugs are bad" and no distinction between the effects of addictive drugs and non-addictive drugs. There's a line drawn between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" and there's no grey in between. A kid who knows and likes Johnny (who's a pot smoker) then must make a decision about him. The adults are telling him that people like Johnny are bad, but he knows Johnny's a good guy. So the adults must be lying.
Quote:Political correctness, don't hurt my feelings etc. and the downfall of the "Nuclear Family" has lead to the moral bankruptcy in America where it's cool to be a mom at 13 and peircing your tongue to your eyebrow is all the rage. And let us not forget about the kids who are "gay" these days. When I was in high school that was not a "stigma" that you wanted to be labeled as. Now we have girls dressing up to look like drag queens and Britney Spears, Christina Aguillera and Madonna french kissing on an awards show. Why? Because of its "shock" value.
What is the moral wrong of piercing one's body? What is morally wrong about homosexuality? What is morally wrong about drag queens? Please explain.
I do agree that the kissing was for the press it would receive - but I wasn't offended by it.
Quote:Get the kids straightened out and we will all be in much better shape.
I'm all for getting kids straightened out. Give them good food, a solid education, and an opportunity to participate in as many sports as possible while growing up. What they wear and how they speak around their friends isn't particularly relevant. And in their late teens if they want to have a beer or smoke a joint - it'll probably do them some good. As long as they've been instilled with the basic values of responsibility, care for other humans, and care for themselves.
Quote:Can scientists not derive the same chemicals out of the marijuana plant in pill for, rather than selling MJ to grandma? If they can - go for it. Then if you are caught with that pill and don't have a prescription from your doctor then we put you under the jail. How does that sound centroles?
Scientists have made synthetic THC - the brand name for this is Marinol. If you search through the earlier portions of this thread you'll find links to it. Word is that it isn't as effective as the real stuff.
Why do you care if grandma is popping a pill or smoking the drug? Why does the delivery method matter to YOU?
Looking forward to your response.
Have a good day.