A high percentage of burglaries, robberies, and auto thefts in our area are committed by addicts looking for cash and stuff they can sell for cash to buy drugs. (The next single largest group of thieves and robbers are illegals. At the bottom are the relatively few who prefer to steal rather than work for a living.) Then there are a relatively high number of crimes committed by people on drugs and drug related gang activity.
It would seem that a good deal of crime could be eliminated and the streets could be made safer if we legalized all drugs, not just medical marijuana, made them affordable, and had doctors dispense them to the addicts.
Those countries who have tried this, however, have found that it didn't work out too well. Almost without exception where drugs have been legalized and regulated, more kids experimented with drugs and the number of addicts increased.
I am in a business that sees lots and lots of people hooked on legal narcotic prescription drugs.
Would that be the case with medical marijuana? Would those receiving it for medical purposes sell it on the street? These are all issues that need to be addressed before policies are implemented I think.
I am more libertarian than anything else, too, Dys. But I do think there is no simple or easy answer for the issue of narcotic drugs.