So Saying That Folks Should Follow Christian Morals is NOW A Firing Offense

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 05:56 pm
Bill is not the dumb one here, BFN. He stuck it out as he knew he should have. Izzy has exposed himself and Firefly for what they truly are.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:14 pm

so in the interest of consistency you also feel powerless to object to McD's paying poverty wages in any other way than refusing to eat there....correct?

I can advocate for an increase in the federal minimum wage, through my political activities and activism, and I can refuse to eat at McDonalds as my personal statement, that's about the extent of it.
The labor movement never would have gotten off the ground, been able to improve working conditions, with a nation of "it is not my concern" Fireflies.

I fully support labor unions, but, while they have been very successful in improving working conditions, and protecting their members against unfair or inferior treatment, I don't think they were ever intended to force the employer to retain an employee whose behavior didn't comply with the company's standards, or whose behavior, in any way, was a liability for the company.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:20 pm
if it wasn't a link to a child pornography site you certainly indicated that it was a step in the right direction

A step in the right directions???????

One can only wonder what the hell that could means. The links to the government supported tor network project perhaps or link to some p2p software or.......

Maybe you were bullshitting, but you certainly thought that knowing your way around the Darknet gave you a certain cachet.

The darknet is no more illegal then the normal net. It have all types of websites in the same manner as the open net does, some being legal, some not legal and some out and out evil.

As far as I know it is not illegal to look at either the drug selling sites or the weapons selling sites as long as you do not purchase any illegal goods.

As I already stated child porn sites are no more openly listed on the dark net then they are on the open net.

Hell I can not in fact do any buying as I have no bitcoins the currency of the illegal sites and other sites that are completely legal also are accepting them such as the EFF.com.

Sadly I been kicking myself for not buying a thousand bitcoins when they was one dollars each as they been up to a thousand dollars to a bitcoin.

That alone would have double my family networth

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:24 pm
I don't think they were ever intended to force the employer to retain an employee whose behavior didn't comply with the company's standards, or whose behavior, in any way, was a liability for the company.

to the best of my knowledge union contracts have traditionally only allowed for discharge of an employee for poor work performance, or lack of work. many many times employers find themselves with employees that they dont want, but which they cant get rid of because of the union. Personal views only matter to the extent that they are displayed on the job, and are disruptive to the job site. A bad twitter joke on a personal twitter account would not be an employer matter.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:33 pm
BillRM wrote:
As I already stated child porn sites are no more openly listed on the dark net then they are on the open net.

That's not what you said at the time.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:44 pm
As I already stated child porn sites are no more openly listed on the dark net then they are on the open net.

But on the darknet users have less fear their activities will be tracked, which, as you've helpfully pointed out, in child pornography threads, makes it much easier for child pornography collectors and traders to conceal their activities.

So, on child pornography threads, in particular, you've helpfully provided lots of info about Tor and the darknet, which would be quite useful for pedophiles seeking child pornography.

That's beginning to change, BillRM. Some people, including the FBI, don't want the darknet to continue to be a haven for pedophiles.
Dark Net Busted Open After Child Porn Arrest

The Tor Network is a vibrant shadow web used by people who want to hide their tracks online. But even this so-called "dark net" has vulnerabilities. This weekend, the dark net was rocked when its biggest hosting company was shut down, the alleged founder arrested on child porn charges, and the identities of many users who believed they were anonymous apparently harvested by authorities.

The drama started on Saturday, when the Irish Independent reported that Eric Eoin Marques, a 28-year-old dual Irish-American citizen was arrested after a year-long manhunt by the FBI. The FBI is seeking his extradition, calling him "the largest facilitator of child porn on the planet." Marques is widely speculated to be the operator of Freedom Hosting, the largest web hosting company on the dark net....

Though many questions remain, it appears that law enforcement has carried out a brazen, two-pronged sting on child porn trafficking on the dark net: The arrest of Marques followed by the mass-harvesting of dark net kiddie porn viewers' identities. The Tor Network is a haven for privacy-obsessed geeks, activists, journalists, and not a small number of criminals. The infamous Silk Road drug market is one of the dark net's better-known locales, and huge communities of pedophiles have long used Tor to trade images and videos....

You can read the rest of the article here
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:49 pm
Post: # 5,539,020izzythepush

Re: BillRM (Post 5539004)
BillRM wrote:
As I already stated child porn sites are no more openly listed on the dark net then they are on the open net.

Izzytheliar: That's not what you said at the time.

You don't really expect anyone to trust anything you say after your brilliant display of izzy torturing the truth until it expired.

You should PM your daughter so she can see her dad in action.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 06:51 pm
SlimeLady strikes again.

Have you no shame at all, Firefly?
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:04 pm

to the best of my knowledge union contracts have traditionally only allowed for discharge of an employee for poor work performance, or lack of work. many many times employers find themselves with employees that they dont want, but which they cant get rid of because of the union. Personal views only matter to the extent that they are displayed on the job, and are disruptive to the job site. A bad twitter joke on a personal twitter account would not be an employer matter.

Teachers, who are union members, have been fired for Facebook postings.
‘Like’ It or Not, Facebook Can Get Teachers Fired
Janet R. Decker //Feb. 6, 2012

It may come as no surprise that a teacher’s Facebook post stating he was “super horny” and an “A++ in bed” was controversial. However, it may be shocking that a school asked a teacher to resign after discovering her Facebook page had vacation pictures showing her holding a glass of wine and a mug of beer.

Educators’ online behavior is under tremendous scrutiny. Facebook posts have resulted in the dismissal of numerous school employees. A Florida teacher who posted that he “almost threw up” after watching a news story about same-sex unions was asked to resign. After posting that she hated her students’ guts, a New York teacher was suspended. Similarly, a Massachusetts teacher was asked to resign after describing her students as “germ bags” and parents as “snobby.”

According to the U.S. Constitution, citizens have speech and association rights under the First Amendment and privacy rights under the Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments. However, the U.S. Supreme Court as well as lower courts have determined school employees’ constitutional rights are not without limitations. Additionally, certain federal and state laws outline unique responsibilities of school employees based on their special role in educating and protecting children. Thus, courts have upheld teacher dismissals when a nexus exists between teachers’ private behavior and their teaching effectiveness.

Litigation has ensued as a result of teachers’ controversial posts. A New Jersey teacher who posted she was a “warden for future criminals” challenged her dismissal, but an administrative court upheld the school’s decision. An Illinois mother sued the school district because her daughter’s teacher posted a picture of her daughter on Facebook and encouraged her friends to mock the seven-year-old’s hairstyle....

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:04 pm
That's not what you said at the time.

The child porn sites on the dark net was at one time slightly more open but after being attacked over and over with DOS attacks and hacking attacks that is no longer true and had not been true for a fairly long time.

At no time was they all that open and I question if I ever said otherwise but please feel free to show any of my old posts that support your claims.
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:27 pm
Teachers, who are union members, have been fired for Facebook postings.

true, teacher contracts even under unions continue the historical expectation of t teachers to be vessels of chaste virtue, and support the long practice of principals to run schools as petty dictatorships. Here we have everybody in agreement that being a porn star is a bad thing if one wants to be a teacher, is something to be ashamed of:

A middle-school science teacher fired after students learned she had appeared in pornographic movies had hoped not just to get her job back, but to set a precedent for people looking to escape an embarrassing personal history.

A three-judge commission put a decisive stop to both, saying firmly and unanimously that Stacie Halas should not be in the classroom.

"We were hoping we could show you could overcome your past," Halas lawyer Richard Schwab said Tuesday. "I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody."

Judge Julie Cabos-Owen said such a past matters in an age when technology makes porn easy to access and hard to bury.

"Although her pornography career has concluded, the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede her from being an effective teacher and respected colleague," Cabos-Owen said in the 46-page decision issued Friday by the Commission on Professional Competence.

Halas, 32, was continually deceitful about her nine-month career in porn before she went to work at the school, the judges said.

Schwab said Halas "was being honest and forthright, but was embarrassed and humiliated by her past experience in the adult industry."


i note that in she swinger world teachers rank right up there with corporate executives as people who are most concerned about the possible negative impact of the lifestyle on their employment. I dont think this keeps them from getting their kink on, but they do try to do it as safely as possible.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:29 pm
The child porn sites on the dark net was at one time slightly more open but after being attacked over and over with DOS attacks and hacking attacks that is no longer true and had not been true for a fairly long time.

The hacking attacks were designed to result in the arrests of those that used the darknet child porn sites. That wouldn't necessarily make the darknet child porn sites less open, but it would tend to scare off people visiting those sites if hackers could get their identities.

And this hacking hasn't been true "for a fairly long time"--about 2 years. And the FBI's big darknet sting on child pornography was only this past August.


Unlike you, most people want child pornography harder to obtain, not easier to find, with "helpful" tips about using Tor and the darknet in threads about child pornography, along with your "helpful" tips about how to secure your computer, so the government can't access it's contents, in those same threads.

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 07:35 pm
SlimeLady doesn't miss a beat.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 09:38 pm
Unlike you, most people want child pornography harder to obtain, not easier to find, with "helpful" tips about using Tor and the darknet in threads about child pornography, along with your "helpful" tips about how to secure your computer, so the government can't access it's contents, in those same threads.

About a week ago a Harvard student send in a bomb threat using tor in such a manner as to have the FBI knocking on his door the next day and on one of the security websites there was a detail thread discussing the errors he made in order to get the FBI on his doorstep.

Somehow I do not think that one of those posters, most far more of an expert then I am, was wishing to give tips to the next Harvard student that would decide to send in a bomb threat.

My comments on the Porn trader thread concerning security was given in the same manner as the comments on how to avoid having the FBI track down a bomb threat.

Now I had no reason to assume that there was pedophiles members of able2know that was eager to used my "tips" to avoid the police in sharing child porn.

Google does a **** poor job of indexing able2know so the chance of anyone doing a google search outside of able2know to find information on doing CP trading in a safe manner would be near nil.

In fact after I pointed that out to you, you dear Firefly created a number of posts full of likely key words for someone looking for such tips to prove me wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

You Firefly have no problem at all with increasing the likelihood of some evil doer finding that thread in order to prove your point.

Your picture should be right next to the word hypocrite.

Wed 1 Jan, 2014 09:51 pm
As regards Firefly, hypocrite is a compliment.
0 Replies
Wed 1 Jan, 2014 11:30 pm
Tennessee Man Suing A&E, GLAAD, and Obama over Duck Dynasty Suspension
by Josh Feldman
January 1st, 2014

In a post-mortem of sorts to the gigantic mess that was the Duck Dynasty controversy, a Tennessee man is filing suit against A&E, GLAAD, and President Obama for religious persecution over the suspension of Phil Robertson, and uses some rather interesting visuals to make his point.

In the lawsuit, posted in full on Techdirt, Chris Sevier completely rails against the idea that expressing a negative opinion on homosexuality makes a person a bigot, and declares proudly, “WE LIVE IN A CHRISTIAN NATION ‘JACK.’” He accuses A&E and GLAAD of engaging in tactics similar to Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler.

Now, you may wonder why the President of the United States would be named in this lawsuit. Sevier explains one reason why.

A&E knowingly took a course of conduct, in bad faith, to send a message to Christians to not oppose the same-sex agenda in hopes of advancing a counter-productive-social initiative championed by the Obama administration.

He also asserts that Obama weighed in on the Duck Dynasty controversy directly, but the quote he attributes to the president is from a work of satire. Sevier’s previous claim to fame was when he sued Apple, trying to force them to make it harder to access porn on their devices.

This is the lawsuit he previously filed against Apple. Laughing
Chris Sevier, Tennessee Man, Suing Apple For Letting Him Access Porn
The Huffington Post
By Ryan Grenoble

A Tennessee man is suing Apple, claiming the tech giant is at fault for selling devices that grant him unrestricted access to porn on the internet.

In a 50 page complaint, filed mid-June, former attorney Chris Sevier holds that since Apple is "concerned with the welfare of our Nation's children, while furthering pro-American values" it should "sell all its devices in 'safe mode,' with software preset to filter out pornographic content."

Per the complaint, Sevier's problem began after he tried to visit "Facebook.com," but -- accidentally, he says -- typed "F**kbook.com," an adult site that "appealed to his biological sensibilities as a male and led to an unwanted addiction with adverse consequences."

From there, judging by the suit, things spiraled way out of control.

The complaint alleges "Apple is hijacking great sex" by allowing customers to view pornography online, as well as being complicit in "the development of sex trafficking ... child prostitution," and many other societal ills.

Later, in a section highlighted by Above the Law, Sevier accuses Apple of enabling "unfair competition" between porn actresses and his wife:

UNFAIR COMPETITION AND INTERFERENCE OF THE MARITAL CONTRACT: The Plaintiff became totally out of synch in his romantic relationship with his wife, which was a consequence of his use of his Apple product. The Plaintiff began desiring, younger more beautiful girls featured in porn videos than his wife, who was no longer 21 ... The Plaintiff could no longer tell the difference between internet pornography and tangible intercourse due to the content he accessed through the Apple products.

Sevier also argues that Apple has hurt "brick and mortar or 'mom and pop' porn shops" that have suffered as a result of the ubiquity of free online pornography. According to Circa, Apple has yet to respond to the filing.

Sevier's license to practice law was placed on "disability inactive status" in December of 2011.


0 Replies
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 03:41 am
BillRM wrote:
Now I had no reason to assume that there was pedophiles members of able2know that was eager to used my "tips" to avoid the police in sharing child porn.

Why would you post those tips anyway? This is an open forum. If you're serious about child welfare you don't post any tips anywhere. It's that simple.
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 04:35 am
Why would you post those tips anyway? This is an open forum. If you're serious about child welfare you don't post any tips anywhere. It's that simple.

Sorry but those "tips" could be found by anyone who wish to do the research themselves it was not secret knowledge of any kind and like the Harvard example the information apply to far more then making bomb threats or child porn but how to keep your computers and networks secure from any attack for any reason from anyone and how to protect you access to information from being block for any reason.

As Snowdon had revealed you can not trust governments and others not to be spying on you for reasons that have nothing at all to do with bomb threats or child porn, or terrorism or for any other illegal activities. You can also not trust governments not to wish also to control the flow of information to it citizens.

Do you reality think Izzy that your nation filtering software program, using the same hardware/software that the Chinese government is using on it citizens have anything to do with child porn or keeping children safe from normal porn instead of a means to justify the UK government getting the means to control the information flow to it citizens in place for future use and to protected stakeholders such as the record labels?

Now the child porn thread is hardly the only thread over the years that I had pointed out security measures as on the Snowdon thread for example. An my interest in computer security date back to the late 1980s before the era of the internet with self written encryption program to protect love letters and such on my ti99a. The US govermment interest in blocking it citizens from having the means to protect it information date back long before child porn on the net became as issue to at least the early 1990s when it wish to stop the email program pgp from being released to the public.

An once more the likelihood of there being a group of pedophiles taking notes on my "knowledge" on able2know seems at the time and still seems now as very tiny indeed.
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:12 am
BillRM wrote:

Why would you post those tips anyway? This is an open forum. If you're serious about child welfare you don't post any tips anywhere. It's that simple.

Sorry but those "tips" could be found by anyone who wish to do the research themselves

Why make it easier for them?
BillRM wrote:

Do you reality think Izzy that your nation filtering software program, using the same hardware/software that the Chinese government is using on it citizens have anything to do with child porn or keeping children safe from normal porn instead of a means to justify the UK government getting the means to control the information flow to it citizens in place for future use and to protected stakeholders such as the record labels?

Save it for the Snowden thread.
BillRM wrote:

An once more the likelihood of there being a group of pedophiles taking notes on my "knowledge" on able2know seems at the time and still seems now as very tiny indeed.

You admit that there's a likelihood, however tiny, a likelihood remains.
Thu 2 Jan, 2014 05:40 am
Why make it easier for them?

An why block the information as to how to ,maintain privacy from everyone?

Save it for the Snowden thread.

Sorry government using terrorism and child porn threats as an excused to take away privacy and control information flow does not belong to just one thread.

In 1990s long before the terrorism threat or the child porn issue had come about the US government was threatening to jail the creator of pgp a software email encryption program ‎Phil Zimmermann for releasing his program worldwide.

you admit that there's a likelihood, however tiny, a likelihood remains.

An that very tiny risk is not worth keeping the knowledge on how to maintain privacy a secret from the rest of us at least in my opinion.

CP traders are not hard to find and I had just read that if the UK would press charges against all the known traders in this material it would tied up your court system for fifty years or so.

When law enforcement wish to made another arrest all they need to to is boot up a p2p monitoring software to do so.

The matter should be address more even in the UK who is doing far better then the US with a mental health approach then with the criminal system approach.


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