Quote: Oh yes, I am sure that will do any good as they can not be unaware of both Izzy and Firefly willingness over the years to turn to libel as a tool in their toolbox.
Stop pretending to be the injured party. Your victim act is nothing more than a phony display of indignation, given your penchant for
constantly making false statements about me--none of which are ever supported by a link or direct quote from anything I've actually said.
This is the latest example, a statement you made in this thread a few pages back.
Quote:Firefly have even gone to the point of putting keys words into her own postings so she could then claim that a google search would find my comments on computer security and therefore aid pedophiles.
That's a blatant untruth, and a completely unsupportable accusation, BillRM, of the sort you'd call "libel". So why do you do that sort of thing?
It's also a paranoid and crazy statement. Now you think you're being entrapped by alleged "key words" I put into my postings so that a Google search would come up with posts where you gave security tips for those who want to download child pornography?
Whatever Google links exist between you and child pornography collectors would come directly from your own posts, on several child pornography threads, where you've expounded, at length, on the issue of computer security to protect your hard drive from government access. And curiously, it's mainly on child pornography threads where you've handed out this "helpful" advice, along with information about the darknet. And yes, the advice you handed out would be helpful to pedophiles who would want to conceal their illegal activities from the government. If you didn't want it seen that way, why would you explicitly dispense this info in more than one thread on child pornography?
I repeat what I said before...
The more you try to explain why people draw the wrong conclusions about you, whether it's other posters at A2K, or those people in the park, the worse you sound because you're so clearly rationalizing and denying the behaviors, and opinions, and information, all supplied by you, that other people are basing their conclusions on.
You always see yourself as the innocent persecuted party, you have no idea how you impress other people, and consequently, you take no responsibility for the provocations you instigate or the image of yourself you project. You're the one responsible for your own reputation at A2K, try as you might to blame it on other people, because all the information it's based on came directly from you. You have no idea how much your comments reveal about you, apart from what you intend. And you never know when to shut up, so you always dig yourself in deeper.
You're alleged case for "libel" is laughable.