So Saying That Folks Should Follow Christian Morals is NOW A Firing Offense

Fri 27 Dec, 2013 01:31 pm
And this is about nothing but MONEY for A & E.

they claimed it was about values, and their reputation has taken major damage and not only from the Right, so maybe what ever they thought they were doing was not a good idea.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:00 pm
they claimed it was about values, and their reputation has taken major damage

A & E never claimed it was about values--their values. The duck clan doesn't represent A & E's "values"--they are a commodity, and, like most of the reality show pop icons, part of their appeal is in being off-beat, and not mainstream, and in being somewhat iconoclastic. They are being promoted as redneck millionaires, doing their own thing, and living the rural simple life, despite their considerable fortunes. If they lived and behaved and thought like everyone else, there would be no voyeuristic interest in watching them. One reason people watch them is because they are different. They are folksy and family-oriented enough to be relatable, but they really aren't average Joes.

So, it's rather crazy for anyone to think these people would represent A & E's values, or that A & E endorses anything they say, anymore than A & E is recommending people go on a diet of fried squirrels or frogs, which these people like to eat. The duck clan are a commodity A & E offers up for consumption, some people will like the taste, some people won't..

It's important to note that the show itself is not controversial, it's mostly carefully scripted, allegedly "spontaneous" family fluff about totally non-controversial issues--teaching your child to drive, getting and losing a wedding ring, etc. There is no really serious discussion of social issues, or religious promotion, going on in these shows.

And A & E's main "value" as a business is MONEY. They've made that very clear. And there is too much money tied up with this show for them to toss it away just because papa duck voices controversial comments off the show. And there's too much at stake for the Robertsons to jeopardize a show that's an infomercial for their brand and helps their business empire to thrive.

A & E's "reputation" has taken no major damage. This is still the network that puts on shows like "Mad Men", their "reputation" doesn't depend on one show.

And now A & E has revoked the phony "suspension" of Phil Robertson, which was never a suspension at all, and has said the program will continue filming in the Spring, even after they run the new season starting next month. They and "Duck Dynasty" have gotten tons of free publicity--even I watched 3 or 4 episodes of DD during the marathon, out of sheer curiosity. (I much prefer watching old episodes of "Rosanne" which was a much funnier family show). A & E has lost nothing, nor have they caved to pressure from either side, because they never gave any indication they were going to do anything but continue this show, just the way they have been doing it. And now that A & E, and the duck dudes, have gotten everyone's attention, just in time for Christmas shopping of their merchandise, and the re-runs of their DD marathon, they want all the contentious voices to shut up in time for the new season--which they all hope will attract even more viewers.

And just to appease those who are still offended, A & E is going to run public service announcements about tolerance.

I find it very hard to consider this whole brouhaha as anything but a publicity stunt, and I think A & E handled it brilliantly.

0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:16 pm
Religion divides. It calls itself superior while failing at the most simplistic expressions of Love. As conservative Christianity goes, racism, homophobia, and sexism go hand in hand. Their sense of moral superiority is always based on at least one (often all) of these premises. Putting down a racial group, gay people or women form their platform.

The Christian Evangelical Movement's Ugly Racist Streak

The Evangelical Church has a racism problem. And it is incumbent on us in this Christmas season to tell the truth about that. Recently A&E suspended Phil Robertson, the patriarch of its hit show, “Duck Dynasty,” for making incredibly homophobic statements in a GQ magazine interview. In typical fashion, he affirmed his evangelical belief that homosexuality is a sin, but went even further, comparing gay people’s sexual behavior to bestiality, and declaring emphatically that they would not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Liberal-minded folk, some Christians included, have been outraged at his homophobia, while conservative Christians of all races jumped to defend his right to free speech. Many of these Christians feel particularly threatened by what they call “censorship” of Robertson, because the belief that homosexuality is a sin, and the right to declare that belief freely without recourse, has become for many of these people a defining marker of their identity as Christians.

A reluctant evangelical, I reject conservative theological teachings on homosexuality; the violence that the Church does to gay people in the name of God is indeed one of the primary reasons for my reluctance. But I am also ambivalent about the Church because of its continued subjugation of women and its failure to be forthright about its continuing racism problem.

I grew up in a black baptist church, in a small town in North Central Louisiana, about 30 miles west of where “Duck Dynasty” is filmed. I made my first “profession of faith” in Jesus Christ while at a white baptist church I had visited with my childhood best friend, Amanda, when I was about 7 years old. I was baptized at the age of 13.

Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:25 pm
Phil Robertson will film new episodes of A&E hit series

A&E has ducked away from a controversy surrounding the stars of its hugely popular reality series Duck Dynasty.

The network issued a statement late Friday backing off from its previously announced suspension of Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the clan behind the successful Louisiana-based Duck Commander duck-calling business. The suspension was triggered by Robertson's interview with GQ, published last week, in which he made anti-gay statements, which he said reflected his religious beliefs....

In a statement, the network cited its "core values" of "inclusion and mutual respect" to explain why "we reacted so quickly and strongly." "While Phil's comments made in the interview reflect his personal views based on his own beliefs, and his own personal journey, he and his family have publicly stated they regret the 'coarse language' he used and the misinterpretation of his core beliefs based only on the article. He also made it clear he would 'never incite or encourage hate.' We at A+E Networks expressed our disappointment with his statements in the article, and reiterate that they are not views we hold."

The statement then offered some wiggle room: "But Duck Dynasty is not a show about one man's views. It resonates with a large audience because it is a show about family… a family that America has come to love. As you might have seen in many episodes, they come together to reflect and pray for unity, tolerance and forgiveness," the statement said. "After discussions with the Robertson family, as well as consulting with numerous advocacy groups, A&E has decided to resume filming Duck Dynasty later this spring with the entire Robertson family."

And the spokesperson from the Human Rights Campaign I just heard comment on A & E's latest decision wasn't at all unhappy with it. He also implied that there would be ongoing discussions between human/civil rights groups, and the Robertsons, and A & E, and he saw that, along with the public service announces to promote tolerance, as a positive outcome.

Sounds like everyone's happy.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:29 pm
If you believe in Robertson's version of god, you should agree with him. If you don't, then you shouldn't. What's the big deal?

I don't and I don't agree with him. It not such a big deal. He and his beliefs are not surprising and he has every right to his hate speech. It does disturb me that so many folks are supporting him, although that doesn't surprise me either.

I just wish they'd quit waving the righteousness and freedom flag. I am ready for this to go away.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:41 pm
I just wish they'd quit waving the righteousness and freedom flag. I am ready for this to go away.

Talk to GAALD AND A&E as they are the ones that allow the right wingers religion nuts to get the freedom flag out and received support from a damn atheist such as myself.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 05:51 pm
Putting down a racial group, gay people or women form their platform.

This is coming from a member of a group that is claiming the right to removed the livelihood of anyone who would dare to state any disagreement with them?

I am sure the gentleman would state that I am going to hell to burn forever in a lake of fire but I do not feel any need to interfere with his livelihood if he would expressed that opinion when ask in an interview.

Sorry I would suggest that you look into a mirror.

footnote I have taken note how must hell the gay community raised over the ban on gay boys scouts but no comment that I can remember concerning the ban on non-believers coming from the same sources.

No gay atheists perhaps?
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:04 pm
BillRM wrote:

Putting down a racial group, gay people or women form their platform.

Sorry I would suggest that you look into a mirror.

I'd suggest you do the same thing but I have a feeling you have a hard time standing for longer then a minute or so. Drunk
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:18 pm
I'd suggest you do the same thing but I have a feeling you have a hard time standing for longer then a minute or so.

LOL I can not off hand even remember the last time I had a drink let see I stopped at the Indian casinos around three/four months ago and was offer a drink while playing the slots.

Sorry dear heart but other then when I am taking a vacation in Cancun under an all you can drink/eat plan I go months without having even one drink.

But what the hell if it make you feel better to think that anyone who would dare to question you is either an alcoholic or a drug abuser so be it.

Kind of the same thing as the right wingers claiming anyone who is not a believer must be in league with the devil.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:33 pm
Jackson then demanded a meeting be held within 72 hours of his statement and he urged A&E to uphold Robertson's suspension.

Both Jackson and GLAAD said they do not believe it's right for a personality of Robertson's stature to benefit from his comments.

Cracker Barrel pulled some Duck Dynasty products -- specifically, items featuring Robertson -- but reversed that decision and apologized after sparking outrage on social media.

Former Rep. Allen West excoriated Jackson for inserting himself into the controversy.

"Who the heck is Rev Jackson to demand a mtg with A&E Executives & CEO of Cracker Barrel? Oh right. King Race Baiter," he tweeted


Jesse Jackson was over before his kid played victim to try to get out of the consequences of a criminal investigation that had him nailed, but now he is openly mocked.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:34 pm
This is coming from a member of a group that is claiming the right to removed the livelihood of anyone who would dare to state any disagreement with them?

What do you do, just repeat any outrageous claim you read on conservative Web sites--you repeat their rhetoric almost verbatim?

None of the human/civil rights groups that reacted to this issue claimed "the right to removed the livelihood of anyone who would dare to state any disagreement with them"--nor did they really threaten to do anything.

All they did was react to the fact they found Robertson's comments offensive. All they asked for was an apology. And I think they did get that apology--from the Robertsons. And they wanted to sit down and talk with the Robertsons, and A & E, and apparently they did talk with the Robertsons and A & E. And A & E's announced campaign to promote tolerance is part of the outcome of those talks. And the person from the Human Rights Campaign I heard react to A & E's latest announcement sounded very pleased with the outcome.

And yes, jcboy is a member of a group that has been very discriminated against, and been the target of considerable hate, and that does need advocacy groups to promote their interests, and protect their civil rights. And blacks are in a similar position. And they are supported by many other people, outside of those groups, who also believe in inclusion, equality, and treating others with dignity and respect.

That's something you wouldn't understand. You only advocate for consumers of child pornography, rapists, and Southern cooks who like to use the N-word, have a nostalgia for plantation life, and who allow the darker-skinned employees in her restaurants to receive discriminatory treatment.

I'm sure that on his worst days, Phil Robertson is still a more decent, and less hate-filled man than you are.

And you can't hold a candle to jcboy in terms of humanity and compassion for others.

0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:39 pm
Sounds like everyone's happy.

I am not seeing where GLAAD has made a statement, in which case they are very slow no doubt because they are trying to figure out what to do. The natural thing to do would be to declare victory and move on, but they seems to have very little to hang their hat on, maybe they cant do it.
0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 06:43 pm
"We knew we had a great partnership with the family," said an A&E executive on condition of anonymity because the channel and the family had agreed not to say anything publicly aside from Friday's statements.


these A&E boys and girls aren't too bright, they should not be breaking their deal within a hour of announcing the end of the conflict.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 07:36 pm
these A&E boys and girls aren't too bright, they should not be breaking their deal within a hour of announcing the end of the conflict.

You're very naïve. A & E's very bright.

The Christmas shopping, for Duck Dynasty merchandise, was over, the Duck Dynasty marathon ran for a day and a half and now it's over. A & E just pulled off a brilliant publicity stunt, just in time for the new season of DD to attract more viewers.

There never was any conflict between A & E and the Robertsons. A & E just didn't want to be associated with his comments, and some of their own staffers were offended by them. So, they distanced themselves from his remarks, which no one should have thought reflected the opinions of the network in the first place. And, as a symbolic gesture, they "suspended" him, but, since the show isn't filming at the moment, it was a meaningless suspension, in terms of their relationship with Robertson, or his employment with A & E.

There is no "new deal" with Robertson, they are just continuing with the old deal they had with him. The "new deal" is actually with the advocacy groups for gay rights--it's A & E's commitment to run a campaign urging tolerance.

A & E didn't cave to anyone. They still have their top-rated show, and, unless someone has been living under a rock, they've now heard about Duck Dynasty, thanks to the free publicity media blitz about it--they even got me to watch a few episodes out of curiosity--because the whole country has been buzzing about this nonsense. When A & E released their latest statement a little while ago, CNN considered it "Breaking News". This whole situation, about a reality show, has been blown way out of proportion, mainly by the likes of Palin, Cruz, and Jindel, who took it as an opportunity to throw red meat to their religious political base, and get their juices salivating, over a non-issue about Christians allegedly being persecuted and deprived of their "freedom of speech" by the big bad media. Meanwhile, Phil Robertson was laughing all the way to the bank, as these politicos helped to sell merchandise, with his image on it, that put money in A & E's pocket.

This was one big publicity stunt. The right-wing can't claim victory, because Robertson's job was never in doubt. Had A & E wanted to fire him, they would have fired him, not given him a meaningless pretend suspension. When networks want to fire, they just fire--as was done with Paula Dean, Bashir, and Baldwin. And they've known what was in the GQ interview for sometime, an A & E rep was present at the interview, and A & E may have leaked the interview remarks to deliberately hype controversy and publicity, just as the new season of DD was about to go on the air.

The alleged controversy, or pseudo-conflict with the Robertson family, was good for generating some suspense about the outcome, and for drumming up viewership interest for A & E and Duck Dynasty--and it accomplished its purpose. Their top-rated show may now attract even more viewers. But, if new people tune in expecting controversial remarks from the duck crew, or preaching of religion, they'll be very disappointed, the DD show is really insignificant fluff, not controversial, or really serious, at all, and the only evidence of religion I saw, in the few episodes I watched, was the family saying grace before dinner at the end of each episode--less than 30 seconds--and, If I'm not mistaken, Jesus wasn't even mentioned during that, just God.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 08:57 pm
Oh Lord, now Sarah Palin has revealed she never even read Phil Robertson's offensive comments before she rushed to defend him. Rolling Eyes
But not everyone is backing the controversial duck-call aficionado. Sarah Palin distanced herself a bit from the matter when she admitted to Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren that she jumped to Phil's defense before actually having read his comments.

"I haven't read the article," she explained before quickly adding, "I don't know exactly how he said it, but what he was doing was in response to a question about a lifestyle that he disagrees with."

Martin Bashir was right. The woman is incredibly stupid.

She sensed an opportunity for publicity and attention, for herself, so she pounced, and defended Robertson, without even knowing exactly what the man said that people found offensive. Nothing like rabble rousing, even if you don't know exactly what you're supporting. And someone should let Ms Palin know, this wasn't a free speech issue, and no one has a right to a reality show, not even her. She may be in the dark about those things too. So, apparently, are the sheep who listened to her.

0 Replies
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 09:00 pm
So A&E play GLAAD and Jackson as fools as well as their gay and black employees?

An interesting theory however as the Coke Cola CEO stated concerning the theory that retiring coke and bringing out new coke as a replacement was a plot just to drum up renew interest in coke.......We was neither that bright or that dumb
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 09:01 pm
Thanks for playing everyone. It looks like he wasn't fired after all

"Duck Dynasty" family patriarch Phil Robertson will be back on the popular A&E reality show when new episodes begin filming in 2014, the network said in a statement on Friday.
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Fri 27 Dec, 2013 09:55 pm
so much for Firefly's Kumbaya theory:

GLAAD is not pleased with A&E's decision reversing the suspension of Phil Robertson from "Duck Dynasty."

"Phil Robertson should look African American and gay people in the eyes and hear about the hurtful impact of praising Jim Crow laws and comparing gay people to terrorists," the organization said in a statement. "If dialogue with Phil is not part of next steps then A+E has chosen profits over African American and gay people – especially its employees and viewers."


one social media watcher has it that the pro Phil/anti Phil traffic has been running 4/1....looks like the gay rights political pressure groups started a fight that they soundly lost.
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 10:08 pm
one social media watcher .... a fight they soundly lost

I love your ironic sense of humor Hawkey e(I don't think anyone else even recognizes that you are joking).
Fri 27 Dec, 2013 10:19 pm
maxdancona wrote:

one social media watcher .... a fight they soundly lost

I love your ironic sense of humor Hawkey e(I don't think anyone else even recognizes that you are joking).

this is the quote:

Robertson’s comments put a wide swath of Corporate America in a PR pinch. Whether or not companies stuck by the brand, they have faced a backlash—with civil rights groups on one side and conservative Christians and freedom-of-speech advocates on the other.

The latter crowd, however, has been much more “mobilized and amplified,” according to Eric Schiffer, founder of Reputation Management Consultants, an Irvine (Calif.) company that helps corporations, celebrities, and politicians burnish their brands. Schiffer says public sentiment on search and social networks is four to one in favor of the Duck Dynasty clan—rallying under the tagline “Don’t duck—stand with Phil.


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