Not yet. But I think history might prove that they were right about Iraq
To address the point below, conservatives (and by this, I mean social and economic conservatives like the ones that frequent free republic) only want a small noninterventionist government when it comes to their money.
They want to pay very little in taxes, if it means that we have to get rid of all social nets and simply let people starve on the streets, then so be it.
But when it comes to individual rights, they have no qualms about a large all controlling government.
When it comes to personal choices such as your sexuality or your decision to marry, they have no problem making the government tell you how to live your life. They even backed sodomy laws that dictate what two consenting adults can do in the privacy of their own bed room for godsake.
When it comes to medicinal marijuana for desperately ill patients in great amount of pain, they have no problem telling you how to live your life.
When it comes to pushing the notion of god down eveyron else's throats, they have no problem telling you how to live your life.
They, like all political groups, are self serving hypocrits.
I just happen to agree with them on a few of their economic policies though. Because sometimes they DO work.