I love it when I get a container of cashews or almonds and it says on the side "Processed in a facility that processes tree nuts".
saintsfanbrian wrote:It is now illegal for me to ride in my car with out my seat belt. Who am I hurting if I get in a wreck when I am not wearing my seatbelt - or if I don't get in a wreck and I am just riding around minding my business.
Who would it hurt for me not to wear a helmet while riding on a motorcycle? Only if I get in a wreck but it wouldn't hurt the person that hit me.
Can we get it in writing from you that neither you, nor your estate, nor your insurer, nor the government, will sue anybody for any of their costs or losses or expenses related to your death or injury?
Are you going to pay the driver who hits you for the trauma resulting from seeing your body parts laying about? Cuz Americans sure love to sue for that sort of thing. I see it every week.
Um, no I am not going to pay the drive that hits me. After all, he hit me. He should be thankful that my family doesn't sue him for the cost of the vehicle.
I am not a sue happy person. There have been several times in my life that I could have sued another person and won. I don't beleive in it. Personally I think the courts are too backed up with frivilous law suits as it is and some should be thrown out, but I don't forsee that happening.
As far as me not suing for my death. I don't think you need that in writing do you? I don't know how I would be able to bring that suit.
You really are reaching here aren't you? I was making a point about how freedom is being taken away a little at a time and you make it out to where I have to pay some one for dying in an auto accident.
I want me one of those cucking stools....and maybe a coquine too...
Cucking stool \Cuck"ing stool`\ (k?k"?ng st??l`). [Cf. AS. scealfingst[=o]l, a word of similar meaning, allied to scealfor a diver, mergus avis; or possibly from F. coquine a hussy, slut, jade, f. of coquin, OE. cokin, a rascal; or cf. Icel. k?ka to dung, k?kr dung, the name being given as to a disgracing or infamous punishment.] A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in front of their doors, to be pelted and hooted at by the mob, but sometimes to be taken to the water and ducked; -- called also a castigatory, a tumbrel, and a trebuchet; and often, but not so correctly, a ducking stool. --Sir. W. Scott.
Thanks, Boss, i had a "senior moment," and could not remember her name to save my alleged soul . . .
\Treb"u*chet\, Trebucket \Tre"buck*et\, n. [OF. trebuchet, trebukiet, an engine of war for hurling stones, F. tr['e]buchet a gin, trap, a kind of balance, fr. OF. trebuchier, trebuquier, to stumble, trip, F. tr['e]bucher.] 1. A cucking stool; a tumbrel. --Cowell.
2. A military engine used in the Middle Ages for throwing stones, etc. It acted by means of a great weight fastened to the short arm of a lever, which, being let fall, raised the end of the long arm with great velocity, hurling stones with much force.
There is usually more than one definition to a word.
And there is usually one in every crowd who....
Actually, a few years back, a couple of Brit historians found a drawing (if I recall correctly) of an early trebuchet, and set to building a full-size working model. When done, they cast their eyes about for an appropriate projectile.
I saw the film of it. They launched a Mini about 200 yards. Beautiful arc. Beautiful mushed Mini.
And cows. And - like - crap----and dead stuff....and boulders and all.
Mebbe the cows are an urban myth...
Apparently over in England they've got one or two places where they'll hook you to a trebuchet and fling you a few hundred yards into a waiting net. It's like medieval bungy jumping. Already had one death, and the guy who built the thing is now being sued.
But whatever are we put on this planet for if not to find ever more ridiculous ways of injuring or killing ourselves?
That sounds like fun..sign me up!