Quote:Every now and then, I get this feeling that I am living for nothing. Its not that I am having hard times, one may have dreamt to live like that. I mean I have a good job, loving parents and no tensions e.t.c But I don't see a point in waking up every morning, go to work, get back and sleep and so on...
I have already googled about it, and I have read different remedies like someone said that you should define a big professional aim, and another one said you should volunteer some time for good causes e.t.c But none of those seem to induce the passion in me that I had in my teenage when I was a student. I feel excited for 1 or 2 days then its again the same.
What makes you think there should be a point, or a purpose, to living?
It's simply an experience.
If your life seems a little too monotonous, try altering your routines, try new things, try to meet new people--anything that will add some novelty or a new source of stimulation.
It's easy to feel passion as a teenager--it's a time of life that's often hyper-emotional, and we do calm down somewhat as we get older. But we don't lose the capacity for intense feelings, so search out more things to enjoy, or "a cause" to support and one you can get involved in, if that's the sort of thing you're thinking of--and give it more than a day or two. It's the feeling that you're contributing to something that matters to you, the feeling that you're helping to make a difference, that will help to arrouse that sort of passion, but you first have to identify what really matters, not all "good causes" will excite you equally. Or try to learn something new, something you always thought about doing, but never got around to doing--like learning how to play a musical instrument, or learning a language, or how to cook, or play a particular sport, or how to fly a plane, or collect something--if you find the right thing for you, learning can become a passion.
It's easy to settle into monotonous and predictable routines, so diversify yours more, add more to your life, The point of waking up each morning is simply to have a new day to experience--it's up to you to decide what you want to do with that day, and what you want to put into it, beside just go to work and come back home. It's worth taking the time to find those things which will add more excitement and interest to your life.