Sat 30 Nov, 2013 05:13 pm
ColdJoint, Gunga and Orally are writing blatantly racist, hate-filled posts. But, the people only people challenging them are on the liberal side.
What's up with that?
Conservatives often complain that they are seen as racist. A couple of posters here complained that "One confederate flag" at a recent anti-Obama care rally painted the whole thing a s racist.
They seem to miss the fact that it isn't "one Confederate flag"... it is a confederate flag combined with character attacks on Trayvon Martin and continued attacks on Obama's birth certificate and comments about blacks and crime and comments about Mexican cantaloupe thighs and... you get the picture. It all adds up.
Here is a clear place that Conservatives could speak up against racism. Cold Joint is well beyond the line of taste and acceptable behavior with character attacks on all Muslims and calls to kick them out of Europe. I have never seen it.
My question is this?
If you are a Conservative with a sense of decency, where are you to speak up against hate speech from your own side? Even if you don't have a sense of decency, can't you see that your tacit approval of, or even defense of, this clearly bigoted behavior fro people on your own side are the reason you have the reputation you do?
The three fools you mentioned I don’t consider conservative, they are nothing but right wing garbage. They hate the president for one reason and that’s because he’s black,. No, not every Republican is a racist, clearly not. But the virulent strain of Republicanism that buys into the birther bullshit? They are. The three you mentioned shouldn’t be part of any political party, they are simply morons plain and simple.
If there were extremist left wingers writing bigoted hate-filled posts about a religious/ethnic group, wouldn't you be sure to stand up to them?
I sure would. And I sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.
Nope, I simply ignore them and hope they will go away

if they don't that's fine too because I no longer see what they post
you haven't read many of my posts, have you?
I have come down on all 3 of them at one time or another, because of what they have posted.
Maybe most conservatives keep them on ignore?
And as far as your hate speech, that is just another excuse to hide the truth.
The truth is the new "hate speech."
Unfortunately I thought this might turn into a diatribe by Coldjoint and I was right. Edgar's right, ignoring them is the best option. When you argue with them you run the risk of legitimising their position.
Kudos to MM for 'coming down on them,' although I have to admit I'd not noticed him doing it, but I've got no reason to disbelieve him.
izzy , over the years I have seen MM speak out against the diatribes of the far right. To me he's a Conservative with a conscience and I look forward to his posts.
We disagree about a lot of things, but to his credit, he has consistently spoken out against racism.
You dident see my request for a source?
Isn't that a cop out though? Coldjoint speaks for a certain spectrum of conservative thought, as do you. If you don't challenge him people could be forgiven for thinking you share his beliefs.
As Max stated those of us on the left would jump on someone espousing similar views if they were left wing.
McGentrix wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
Maybe most conservatives keep them on ignore?
This cracker is no different then the other three
maxdancona wrote:ColdJoint, Gunga and Orally are writing blatantly racist, hate-filled posts.
Max Dancona is writing posts in support of pedophilia.