Wed 20 Aug, 2008 04:54 pm
We have just rolled out a new version of the 'My Posts' page which I hope you all like. It should be more useful now, as it shows topics that you have posted in, but not individual posts themselves.
You can now sort this data in all the ways you are hopefully becoming accustomed to (new posts, most votes, etc..). This change, along with today's earlier release of display the username of the last poster on grids, should help improve the user experience.
We may tweak this grid even further in the future, and perhaps bring back the functionality of the old grid in a new location. But for now, play around with it, and hopefully it's an improvement!
@Nick Ashley,
Cool. The last version was cool too, as it essentially replicated the 'search' function when applied to your own name, something I frequently did on the old site, even down to bringing back some of the characters of the post. Definitely keep that code hanging around somewhere!
Quote:keep that code hanging around somewhere
Those were my
exact words to Nick in our phone conversation a few minutes ago.
Funny that.
@Nick Ashley,
Yayyy I like these changes
@Nick Ashley,
Hmmm... Is there any way we can have both? (i.e. allow the user to switch between the post-level and thread-level?)
The reason I ask is because I've been using "My Posts" as a way to catch-up on a thread after I've been off-line for a while. With the post-level view I could go to "My Posts" and click on my last post in each thread and then read down the rest of the thread for any posts that came after mine.
Under this new setting it takes me to the opening post in each thread so I have to scroll down and find my last post and then pick up from there.
This is all a part of the learning curve I'm sure. There's probably an easier way to do what I've been doing...
We have plans to fix this use-case in the future.
It may come as bringing back the old 'My Posts' format in a new location, or provide functionality on the new grid to achieve the results you want.
Thank God! I was about to give up on this site! Thank you, Nick!
For anyone looking for what else is new today, I started a What's New topic you can check to catch up on the latest announcements of bug fixes, feature additions, etc. that are scattered around the site. You'll find it here:
Feel free to add any you find that aren't already there. It's like a treasure hunt!
Thanks Nick. this pretty much eliminates my need for tagging.
@Nick Ashley,
That would be perfect! Thanks!
@Nick Ashley,
Boy I hate to be a naysayer... but I really liked picking up the thread where I posted last instead of having to scroll back to that spot to catch up. Any chance we could have both codes available? Or some kind of an option for that?
Hey! I already said that!
Glad you find the new feature useful. Hopefully you will still tag things meaningfully, though. Tagging should help to further categorize and organize topics for both you and the community.

I just noticed that... after posting.
Glad you asked & got that question answered before I embarrassed myself, Bill!

Is e-mail when your post is answered coming back or did that get answered as well? BTW, I think you're doing a fab job, Nick. Thanks for all the hard work. I'm still getting used to the new site!